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Francois Bergeron

Conference Detail for Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structures Techno... - 0 views

    "Three-axis distributed fiber optic strain measurement in 3D woven composite structures   Paper 8690-6 Time: 1:50 PM - 2:10 PM Author(s): Matt Castellucci, Evan M. Lally, Sandra Klute, Luna Innovations Inc. (United States); David Lowry, NASA Johnson Space Ctr. (United States) Hide Abstract Add to My Schedule  Recent advancements in composite materials technologies have broken further from traditional designs and require advanced instrumentation and analysis capabilities. Success or failure is highly dependent on design analysis and manufacturing processes. By monitoring smart structures throughout manufacturing and service life, residual and operational stresses can be assessed and structural damage identified. Composite smart structures can be manufactured by integrating fiber optic sensors into existing composite materials processes such as layup, filament winding and three-dimensional weaving. In this work optical fiber was integrated into 3D woven composite parts at a commercial woven products manufacturing facility. The fiber was then used to monitor the structures during a VARTM manufacturing process, and subsequent static and dynamic testing. Low cost telecommunications-grade optical fiber acts as the sensor using a high resolution commercial Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometer (OFDR) system providing distributed strain measurement at spatial resolutions as low as 2mm. Strain measurements using the optical fiber sensors are correlated to resistive strain gauge measurements during static structural loading."
Francois Bergeron

AUTOMOTIVE FIBER: Plastic optical fiber builds on MOST success - Laser Focus World - 0 views

  • Bending the fiber in one direction leads to a better transmission whereas bending in the other direction leads to a lower transmission, compared to the straight position.
  • Plastic optical fiber can also be used for seat-occupancy recognition
  • One approach for seat-occupancy recognition is the Kinotex cavity sensor from Canpolar East (St. John’s, NF, Canada).
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Many consumers are probably aware of the use of tactile sensors that can stop a car window if an object is in the way. While many of these sensors are nonoptical, the evanescent field of an optical fiber can also be exploited in this application.
Francois Bergeron

Polymicro Technologies > Products and Technologies - 0 views

  • Our core technologies include drawing and coating Silica and Quartz to produce Fibers and Capillaries. These products can be made from industry available preforms, customer provided preforms, or from preforms produced in our own Glass Laboratories. Our value added technologies include assembly, laser, and machining capabilities to provide the customer the final Assembly and Microcomponent products to meet their needs.
    they have y junctions, different pigtailed fibers, etc
Philippe Comtois

BioMedical Engineering OnLine | Abstract | Fiber optic micro sensor for the measurement... - 1 views

    nice way to convert transversal force in lateral. They use it for high forces (up to 500 N). Would it (Bragg fiber) work for milli N ?
Tiberius Brastaviceanu

FTO fiber Tech Optica - 1 views

    They do custom assemblies of optical fiber for different applications, mostly illumination. Never ordered from them, never spoke to them, perhaps we need to pay them a visit.
Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Fiber chuck for 125 um fiber polymer - Picasa Web Albums - 1 views

    Tibi, optical fiber chuck 
Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Fiber optic strain gage and carrier - Google Patents - 1 views

    patent suggested by Luis Renaud. He wants us to seriously explore this type of applications, he thinks that there is a big market for this.
Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Fiber Metalization | Intlvac - 0 views

  • Excellent adhesion strength resulting from a pre-clean step prior to coating.
  • Anti-Reflective and protected mirror coatings on polished ends
    • Tiberius Brastaviceanu
      They say that they enhance adhesion by a pre-cleaning step. Ask them what they use for this step. 
Francois Bergeron

Poly(methyl methacrylate) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Names PMMA has been sold under a variety of brand names and generic names. It is often generically called acrylic glass,[6] although it is chemically unrelated to glass. It is sometimes called simply acrylic, although acrylic can also refer to other polymers or copolymers containing polyacrylonitrile. Other notable trade names include: Plexiglas
  • Acrylic paint essentially consists of PMMA suspended in water; however since PMMA is hydrophobic, a substance with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups needs to be added to facilitate the suspension.
  • Plastic optical fiber used for short distance communication is made from PMMA, and perfluorinated PMMA, clad with fluorinated PMMA, in situations where its flexibility and cheaper installation costs outweigh its poor heat tolerance and higher attenuation over glass fiber.
Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Crowdfunding of Optical Fiber Coating project - 0 views

    This is the main doc for coordination for the optical fiber coating device. 
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