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marcell mars

A Neighborhood of Infinity: The Three Projections of Doctor Futamura - 0 views

  • The Three Projections of Futamura are a sequence of applications of a programming technique called 'partial evaluation' or 'specialisation', each one more mind-bending than the previous one. But it shouldn't be programmers who have all the fun. So I'm going to try to explain the three projections in a way that non-programmers can maybe understand too.
    "The Three Projections of Futamura are a sequence of applications of a programming technique called 'partial evaluation' or 'specialisation', each one more mind-bending than the previous one. But it shouldn't be programmers who have all the fun. So I'm going to try to explain the three projections in a way that non-programmers can maybe understand too."
Tomislav Medak

Features | Sprout Builder - Create living content. - 0 views

    yet another - widget - mashup
Erik Paladin

About Us | Readburner - 1 views

  • As Lifehacker describes it, ReadBurner, "turn[s] Google Reader sharing into an action similar to bookmarking a page on or voting for an article on Digg."
marcell mars

Official Google Reader Blog: Share anything. Anytime. Anywhere. - 0 views

  • Share anything with a bookmarklet - Just drag this link from the Notes page up to your browser's bookmark bar and click, click, click your way to easy, no-subscription sharing in Reader. You can share any content from any web page, even if the site doesn't have a feed.
    Share anything with a bookmarklet - Just drag this link from the Notes page up to your browser's bookmark bar and click, click, click your way to easy, no-subscription sharing in Reader. You can share any content from any web page, even if the site doesn't have a feed.
billyjane m

twistori - 0 views

shared by billyjane m on 04 May 08 - Cached
    twistory is future history=] najs link
Alen Kapidzic

Pokojnija - 0 views

    Moja protopage stranica
deborah hustic

Trailfire - 0 views

    A trail is a collection of web pages, assembled and annotated by any Trailfire member, on just about anything under the sun. Concept: "marks" with the author's comments are placed on any web page...
deborah hustic

Squidoo Homepage - 1 views

    For folkz interested in particular theme (something in art, culture for example) the easiest wy to make your own passionate bookmarking lens
deborah hustic

reCAPTCHA: Stop Spam, Read Books - 0 views

    Protect your site from abuse and help digitize books.
billyjane m

Rhizome | Home - 0 views

shared by billyjane m on 16 Mar 08 - Cached

Dilbert Comic Strip Archive - - The Official Dilbert Website by Scott Adams... - 0 views

    Testiranje diiga na radionici Semanticki web.

Tracking Consumer Savings on eBay - Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog - 0 views

  • The e-commerce leader, with its swooning stock price and recent management shakeup, said last week that it is shifting its focus away from its historic auction model to the sale of fixed price goods. But as the economy craters, consumers will certainly go looking for deep discounts and good values.
    • izumitelj
      je slažem se u potpunosti.
    • izumitelj
      neslazem se vise.

Internet Monitor - 0 views

shared by zekopeko222 on 05 Feb 08 - Cached
  • dikat je optužio Vladu da oteže prodaju 7% dionica T-HT-a radnicima jer želi (još jednom) izvući financijsku korist iz ove tvrtke. Sredinom travnja skupština T-HT-a trebala bi donijeti odluku o isplati dividende i pravo na nju imat će svi koji tog dana budu dioničari T-HT-a. Ako radnici do tog dana ne kupe svojih sedam posto dionica
    • zekopeko222
  • novom prijedlogu Zakona o trgovini, kod kojega je najbitnije pitanje rada trgovina nedjeljom, dogovorena je "načelno neradna nedjelja" uz nekoliko iznimaka. Dakle, prema prijedlogu, u
    • izumitelj
  • sati od 1. lipnja do 1. listopada plus cijeli prosinac, dok u ostatku godine u spomenutom terminu mogu raditi kiosci, štandovi i klupe izvan tržnica za maloprodaju cvijeća i svijeća, kiosci s tiskovinama te specijalizirane prodavaonice za
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Sindikat je optužio Vladu da oteže prodaju 7% dionica T-HT-a radnicima jer želi (još jednom) izvući financijsku korist iz ove tvrtke. Sredinom travnja skupština T-HT-a trebala bi donijeti odluku o isplati dividende i pravo na nju imat će svi koji tog dana budu dioničari T-HT-a. Ako radnici do tog dana ne kupe svojih sedam posto dionica T-HT-a, odnosno ako one ostanu vlasništvo države, onda će proračunu, odnosno Vladi pripasti i divide
  • Bogate statistike i grafički prikazi omogućavaju uvid u detaljno stanje portfelja, dnevne prinose za svaki dan tokom cijelog trajanja ulaganja, godišnje kretanje, mjesečne prinose, prinose za sve transakcije. Portfelj je moguće pratiti i putem Vista Gadgeta ili Yahoo Widgeta na
miki boj


  • vijeku bilo je normalno spaljivanje žena pod egzaktno zasnovanom optužbom da su vještice, te da je zemlja ravna ploca koju na svojim ledima nose tri ili pet, ne sjecam se više, slonova, a Galileo i Bruno su bili kriminalci, bezbožnici i osudenici na smrt, a od drkanja je se sušila kicma! nastavak...
  • Sad jedna tvrdnja: nenormalni su svi oni, koji su, iz svega ovoga, izašli normalni. Zašto? Pa zato! U staroj Grckoj, robovlasništvo je bilo nor
marcell mars

Swaptree - 0 views

    eo i ja doso
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