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anna lidman

Benefits of Self Reiki Treatments after a Reiki Training Course with Angela Gorman - 0 views

    Self Reiki Treatments after Reiki training course with Angela Gorman helped Jeanette at a very challenging time of her life though she had lingering doubts about its effectiveness and people let go of their doubt and self limitations following Reiki 1 courses.
anna lidman

Men do Reiki Courses for Self Reiki Treatments - 0 views

    Men do attend Reiki courses for self Reiki treatment on themselves to satisfy there inquiring minds and enjoy the benefits of Reiki the universal energy
Day Spa Adelaide

Premiere Day Spa Service - 1 views

started by Day Spa Adelaide on 18 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Day Spa Adelaide

A Gratifying Day Spa Experience - 1 views

started by Day Spa Adelaide on 07 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Lose Weight Using Hypnosis: A 5-Step Guide - 0 views

    Interested in discovering how you can use hypnosis for weight loss? Yes? Well we've got good news for you as the Hypnosis Training Academy has created an in-depth guide that explains 5 key reasons for weight gain and how you can overcome them. With this guide, you'll get a very clear sense of how you can effectively use hypnosis for weight loss so you can help your subjects lead healthy and happy lives. No matter the fitness or health level, hypnosis allows for longer lasting results than any other diet or fad treatment because you're dealing with weight gain at a core and holistic level. Visit today to find out how you can use hypnosis for weight loss with this 5-step guide.
Day Spa Adelaide

Best Spa Services In Adelaide - 1 views

I really love to pamper myself after a week of hard work. That is why I always visit Shantai Wellness Spa to experience the best Day Spa in Adelaide. I really love their caring, relaxing services i...

started by Day Spa Adelaide on 22 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Day Spa Adelaide

Gorgeous Day Spa Treatment - 1 views

Being a working mom who is also pregnant is not really easy as there are really times when you want to rest but cannot do it because you are at work. It is for this reason that I always find time t...

started by Day Spa Adelaide on 19 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
mathersro dney

Journey of Hope With Rodney Mathers (70) - 0 views

    Nice interview on my show this week with Ilene Dillon. Ilene addresses the ways to confront anger in our lives
    Welcome to this week's edition of the show. Want a successful life? My guest this week, Ric Morgan claims to have the keys and his ideas are are very interesting. Ric inquired about being on the show and after looking at what he has to offer to ex-offenders, I had to book him. Ric's message is extremely powerful for ex-offenders looking for ideas that help them advance their lives and put incarceration behind them. I urge you to listen to what he has to say because I think what you are going to find will immediately impact your thinking. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?
AquaBlue Austin

Improve yourself with the Permanent Makeup - 1 views

Aqua Blue are the experts in Permanent Makeup. Your face will just look awesome with the appearance of a smudged or smokey eyeliner. You can choose best and suitable skincare products

Spa Facial Treatments Chemical Skin Peel Care

started by AquaBlue Austin on 25 Mar 15 no follow-up yet
Hypnosis Training Academy

Dalai Lama Discovers How Self-Hypnosis Relieves Pain In Cancer Patients - 0 views

    In this exciting video, Dr. David Spiegel - Associate Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences & Director of the Center on Stress and Health at Stanford University - shares with the Dalai Lama some invaluable insights on how self-hypnosis relieves pain and depression in cancer patients. In this video, you'll discover the power of group support, tricks to manage stress responses, the role our mind plays in our health and the power of self-hypnosis. Curious to discover more about how self-hypnosis relieves pain and depression in cancer patients? Watch this exclusive video on right now….
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