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Janos Haits

Netspeak -- Common Language Search - 0 views

    Netspeak helps you to improve your writing. When searching for words, Netspeak can give you directions. Our dictionary contains billions of phrases and how commonly they are used.
Janos Haits

LinkedWords™ Contextually find and manage web information - 0 views

    LinkedWords (LW) is an innovative contextual platform built upon millions of English words and phrases organized into contextual categories, paths, pages and URLs using basic semantics whose mission is to maximize contextual linking among web sites across the Web. Since its launch in June 2006 LW's concept has essentially proven to be very effective vehicle in helping web sites get contextually linked in on a content area level so that Internet users and smart robots discover their information in context resulting in highly relevant visitors for them.
Janos Haits

Search PDF Files | PDF Search Engine - 0 views

  • is a search engine which is allocated to find pdf files. Because internet networking is a very good source of knowledge. With this search engine, you can find files yourself so easily. Your search results will depend on your keywords or phrases you put on search box.
Janos Haits - Find plums in twitter bios - 0 views

    Looking for cool people or brands on Twitter? Type in a word or phrase and find anyone who mentions it in their bio.
Janos Haits

OneLook Dictionary Search and Thesaurus - 0 views

    "Your guide to every English word and phrase. OneLook scans 18,955,870 entries in 1061 dictionaries."
Janos Haits

CompletePlanet - Discover over 70,000+ databases and specially search engines - 0 views

    Discover over 70,000+ searchable databases and specialty search engines.
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