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Introduction To Dna Fingerprinting - 1 views

We read and see a lot of news reports where the police seemed to have solved a murder case by the blood or hair strand left behind by the criminal. It is all possible thanks to DNA fingerprinting o...

DNA fingerprinting genetics research

started by anonymous on 06 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
Janos Haits

Living Science - 0 views

    Living Science is an open and editable database for publication metadata, structured as author profiles and for all research fields. There are currently 100345 author profiles.
thinkahol *

A Facebook profile can reveal the real you - tech - 26 May 2009 - New Scientist - 0 views

    People considered likeable by those that met them in real life have been found to make a similar impression on people who view their social networking
Erich Feldmeier

Ben Young Landis How Twitter Amplifies Your Reach: Example from the "School o... - 0 views

    "My link was shared by Bora Zivkovic, whose network is immense. And in turn, the link was shared by Twitter users in Greece, Germany, Belgium and throughout the United States. In the end, the blogpost wound up with 109 readers on January 22nd - with about 50 via Twitter, 26 via Facebook, and others via LinkedIn and elsewhere. When each person shared the link with her or his network, the momentum is carried forward, pushing out to new networks and new degrees of separation. Social sharing is a bit like the emails you would get forwarded by your relatives (you know, those emails). The deeper you scroll down the thread, the less sender names you recognize. But with Twitter, and using analytics like WordPress or Google, you can actually trace how a little link travels through different social networks, and eventually back to your website. Also, because many people embed a small bio or website link in their Twitter profile, I can quickly see who has retweeted and read my link. I can read their tweets to get an idea of their profession and passions,"
Erich Feldmeier

Company profile | In2Care, Bill&Melinda Foundation - 0 views

    "In2Care is a private limited company registered and based in the Netherlands. Founded and privately owned by three leading entomologists, a serial entrepreneur and a chief commercial officer, In2Care has more than 30 years of combined research experience in vector control. Our core expertise lies in the translation of scientific knowledge into novel insect control products. We offer low-cost, proven, primarily biological solutions to combat disease-carrying mosquitoes"
Erich Feldmeier

Faculty Profile - Norbert Schwarz : University of Michigan PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT - 0 views

    "Metacognitive experiences and the intricacies of setting people straight" decision making by few arguments better than more cognitive greed, info overload warum wir nur bis 3 zählen können
Janos Haits

CHB - 0 views

    Come work with us Interested in working with researchers from different disciplines within the Harvard, MIT and Broad community and an unique opportunity to participate in world-class research to make an impact on human health? Come work with us! We are looking for a computational biologists to handle data from a wide variety of experimental methods, focusing on next-gen sequencing technologies. Keep Reading...  SCDE is live The Stem Cell Discovery Engine (SCDE) is an integrated platform that allows users to consistently describe, share and compare cancer and tissue stem cell data. It is made up of an online database of curated experiments coupled to a customized instance of the Galaxy analysis engine with tools for gene list manipulation and molecular profile comparisons. The SCDE currently contains more than 50 stem cell-related experiments. Each has been manually curated and encoded using the ISA-Tab standard to ensure the quality of the data and its annotation. Keep Reading...  The Center for Health Bioinformatics at the Harvard School of Public Health provides consults to researchers for the management, integration and contextual analysis of biological high-throughput data. We are a member of the Center for Stem Cell Bioinformatics, the Environmental Statistics and Bioinformatics Core at the Harvard NIEHS Center for Environmental Health and the Genetics & Bioinformatics Consulting group for Harvard Catalyst and work closely with our colleagues in the Department of Biostatistics and the Program in Quantitative Genomics to act as a single point of contact for computational biology,
Erich Feldmeier

Holger Sondermann: biofilms - 0 views

    "Bacterial signaling controlling biofilm formation and pathogenicity Opportunistic bacterial pathogens cause a variety of infectious diseases. Their ability to sense and respond to different microenvironments, particularly during the transition from a free-living to an indwelling pathogenic lifestyle, is largely dependent on a variety of adaptational strategies (Hall-Stoodley et al., 2004). Examples include phenotypic variation, biofilm formation, resistance to antibiotic treatments and virulence gene expression, suggested to be interlinked phenotypes largely dependent on bacterial signaling and changes in their transcription profiles "
Janos Haits

:: Okkam Search :: - 0 views

    Okkam Entity Search Search Okkam and find the OKKAM ID and the Okkam Profiles among more then 7.5 milion entities.
Erich Feldmeier

Patricia Springfield: Technology and Informal Education: What Is Taught, What Is Learned - 0 views

    "Formal education must adapt to these changes, taking advantage of new strengths in visual-spatial intelligence and compensating for new weaknesses in higher-order cognitive processes: abstract vocabulary, mindfulness, reflection, inductive problem solving, critical thinking, and imagination. These develop through the use of an older technology, reading, which, along with audio media such as radio, also stimulates imagination. Informal education therefore requires a balanced media diet using each technology's specific strengths in order to develop a complete profile of cognitive skills. "
Janos Haits

SciVal Experts | SciVal - 0 views

    SciVal® Experts is an expertise profiling and research networking tool that helps users find researchers with specific areas of expertise for collaboration and enables researchers in your institution to demonstrate their activities to the global research community. Pre-populated with deep publication histories from Elsevier's Scopus® - the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature - SciVal Experts makes it easier to find experts and form teams within your institution and across organizations.
The Ravine / Joseph Dunphy

Mad Science: Another Stonehenge Discovered Under Lake Michigan? - 0 views

    A very strange fringe science piece that I'll talk about in a bit (see next link, one place up on my profile): somebody claims to have found an ancient stone circle under the Lake that, as one looks at it, doesn't seem very circular. Thinking that somebody might be a little desperate to find something to publish.
Charles Daney

Phenomenology, Fundamental Physics and Inconsistent Truths : Dynamics of Cats - 0 views

    The paper, Gentile et al, Nature, 461, 627, 2009, discusses the apparent constant surface mass density of disk galaxies in the centers, over several orders of magnitude in mass and luminosity of galaxies, and that the density, when fit with a cold dark matter inspired density profile for the galaxy halos, leads one to conclude the break radius is such that the inferred cold dark matter density decreases at a radius corresponding to an apparently near constant acceleration.

Klebsiella Pneumoniae Experiment - Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Trivedi Science - Solation of genomic DNA from Klebsiella pneumonia (ATCC 15380) samples, generating RAPD-Fingerprinting profiles showing Polymorphic bands with five RAPD primers

5A 12V SPST-NO Power Relays - ALDP112W - 0 views

    ALDP112 RELAY, PCB, 5A, 12VDC (1 Form A), PCB Power Relays, DC Power Relays, Solar Power Relays, High Capacity DC Cut off Relays, High Capacity Relays, PC Board Power Relays, AC Power Relays, PCB Mounting Relays, Low-Profile Safety Relays, Solar Relays,

5A 12V SPST-NO Power Relays - ALDP112W - 0 views

    ALDP112 RELAY, PCB, 5A, 12VDC (1 Form A), PCB Power Relays, DC Power Relays, Solar Power Relays, High Capacity DC Cut off Relays, High Capacity Relays, PC Board Power Relays, AC Power Relays, PCB Mounting Relays, Low-Profile Safety Relays, Solar Relays,

5A 5V SPST Power Relays - ALDP105W - 0 views

    5A 5V SPST Power Relays - ALDP105W , PCB Power Relays, DC Power Relays, Solar Power Relays, High Capacity DC Cut off Relays, High Capacity Relays, PC Board Power Relays, AC Power Relays, PCB Mounting Relays, Low-Profile Safety Relays, Solar Relays, Non-Po

5A 24V SPST Power Relays - ALDP124W - 0 views

    5A 24V SPST Power Relays - ALDP124W, PCB Power Relays, DC Power Relays, Solar Power Relays, High Capacity DC Cut off Relays, High Capacity Relays, PC Board Power Relays, AC Power Relays, PCB Mounting Relays, Low-Profile Safety Relays, Solar Relays, Non-Po
Janos Haits

Services Update - 0 views

    "Some IEEE services are being upgraded To better serve you, certain IEEE services are being upgraded and are temporarily unavailable. During this time, you will not be able to access: join and renew IEEE and IEEE societies, IEEE Xplore Digital Library article purchases, the memberships and subscriptions catalog, profile management and account services, Open Access payment portal, myIEEE and memberNet, SAMIEEE and vTools applications. "
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