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Erich Feldmeier

Emily Zu-Yin Chen Schlechte Zähne steigern Gesundheitsrisiken - Mit Zahnseide... - 0 views

    "Emily Zu-Yin Chen vom Veterans Hospital in Taipeh kürzlich auf einem Kongress der American Heart Association in Orlando berichtete. Mehr als 102.000 Krankenakten von Erwachsenen hat die Kardiologin untersucht, die bis zum Jahr 2000 keinen Schlaganfall oder Herzinfarkt gehabt hatten. Knapp die Hälfte der Teilnehmer ließ sich in den folgenden sieben Jahren mindestens einmal beim Zahnarzt den Zahnstein entfernen, die andere Hälfte nicht."
Erich Feldmeier

Andrea Zbinden: Newly identified oral bacterium linked to heart disease and meningitis - 0 views

    "Dr Zbinden said that while the discovery of the bacterium is no cause for alarm, it is important that it is recognised and the risk is quantified. "This bacterium seems to have a natural potential to cause severe disease and so it's important that clinicians and microbiologists are aware of it"
Erich Feldmeier

THX @KasThomas , @vbioev Oral Hygiene and Cancer | Devil in the Data | Big Think - 0 views

    "For me, the picture that emerges is one in which chronic inflammation caused by poor oral health sets the stage for more serious illness. (See my earlier post for more info about the connection between inflammation and cancer.) I think further research will probably turn up some surprising connections between oral bacteria and cancer, but we don't have to wait for additional research to begin taking oral hygiene seriously as a potential way to head off cancer and CVD."
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