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Roland Gesthuizen

Mars Panorama - Curiosity rover: Martian solar day 2 - 1 views

    "With its rover named Curiosity, Mars Science Laboratory mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. Curiosity was designed to assess whether Mars ever had an environment able to support small life forms called microbes. In other words, its mission is to determine the planet's "habitability." "
Roland Gesthuizen

Mars rover's dirty secret - 0 views

    "I'm as happy as anyone that the Curiosity rover got to Mars; it's hard not to barrack for all those NASA geeks in their blue polo shirts. But before you get all apple pie about the achievement, there's something you should know: Curiosity runs on plutonium from a Soviet-era nuclear weapons plant."
Roland Gesthuizen

Roving rover: Curiosity takes first spin around Mars - 7 views

    "Curiosity took its first test drive around the gravel-strewn Martian terrain on Wednesday, preparation for the ultimate road trip to find out if life could have existed on the red planet. The six-wheel NASA rover did not stray far from the spot where it landed more than two weeks ago. It rolled forward about 15 feet, rotated to a right angle and reversed a short distance, leaving track marks on the ancient soil."
Roland Gesthuizen

Curiosity Rover Report (Oct. 19, 2012) Mars Soil Sample Delivered - YouTube - 1 views

    "NASA's Curiosity rover delivers its first soil sample to its chemistry and mineralogy instrument. "
Roland Gesthuizen

Amazing Movie of Mars Curiosity HD - YouTube - 5 views

    "Amazing Movie of Mars Curiosity HD"
Roland Gesthuizen

New HD Video Lets You Plummet to Mars With Curiosity | Wired Science | - 5 views

    "Watching this amazing high-definition video of Curiosity's hair-raising landing on Mars will make you clutch at your armrest. Compiled from the probe's MARDI descent camera, it is the best landing video yet and gives you a chance to experience what it's like to ride along with the rover down to the Martian surface. "
Roland Gesthuizen

Come in Mars - Canberra, Australia (mobile) - YouTube - 1 views

    "Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex. Each day the antennas are directed to receive or transmit data to any number of robotic spacecraft exploring our Solar System and beyond - yesterday it was the Mars Curiosity Landing. Thanks to DSS-45 (34-metre) DSS-34 (34-metre) DSS-43 (70-metre). 1080p coming :-)"
Amy Roediger

Science Snacks: Projects and Activities You Can Do! | Exploratorium - 1 views

    "Hungry for exciting activities based in mind-blowing scientific phenomena? Try our Science Snacks: bite-sized versions of Exploratorium exhibits and other investigations that you can build at home or in your classroom using cheap, readily available materials. Satisfy your curiosity without ever getting full. "
Adam Brickey

About - The Molecularium Project - 5 views

    "We want to excite children about the world of science and the Molecularium program is a tremendous tool to ignite their curiosity." Shirley Ann Jackson, President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute The Molecularium® Project's mission is to expand science literacy and awareness. We aim to excite audiences of all ages to explore and understand the molecular nature of the world around them.
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