We will be exploring this tool for sharing and discussing resources in SCIED 458 PDS: Teaching Science in the K-6 Professional Development School (Fall 2008).
From the DVD/Book Series, recently broadcast on PBS-TV/NJN The Adventures of Young Thomas Edison. This video reinforces one of the most important skills we ...
This website goes through the day of a plant. It reviews how it grows, its plants, how it makes food, the process of pollunation, seed dispersal, and life on earth. Very infromational
This a website that a teacher can use after a lesson to see if the students comprehend the information. It has interactive games and is well organized. I would recommend for primary grades.
This website is a wonderful resource for teaching all subjects! You can find out from your teacher what your schools code is and then you create you own username and password. There many countless resources that you can use!