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Siri Anderson

Expedition 0: Qik to Pang « Earthducation - 1 views

    If you want a good person to follow for cool online elementary and middle school environmentally based learning opportunities follow Aaron Doering. I'll add a few from him....
Siri Anderson

trailexpedition [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Leech Lake - Red Lake Trail Wiki - 1 views

    This is Maggie Carlson's work. Very cool for next year's expedition.
Siri Anderson

Weathering and Climate.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) - 0 views

    A wonderful description of weathering and climate with interactive visuals.
    The rock expedition might like this resource.
Siri Anderson

VoyagetoNewWorld - home - 1 views

    Problem Based Learning related to Puritan settlement for 2nd/3rd grade Mayflower expedition perhaps?
Carla Patch

Gr 4 Rocks_Minerals.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) - 0 views

    This would be great in our rocks and minerals,
Carla Patch

YouTube - The Rock Song - 0 views

    youtube songs about the rock cycle.
Siri Anderson

Google Earth: Ocean - 0 views

    For grades 6-8.
Siri Anderson

Lewis and Clark | PBS - 0 views

    For grades 4-5.
Siri Anderson

Project WET - Worldwide Water Education - 0 views

    Water materials.
Siri Anderson

Take a Dip: The Water in our Lives - A CIESE/iEARN collaborative project - 0 views

    A water project that might be of interest to the middle school team.
1 - 16 of 16
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