TeachMeet-SouthAfrica - home - 2 views
Jane Hart's resources from SchoolNet SouthAfrica #schoolnetsa11 - 1 views
Jane Hart's resources from SchoolNet SouthAfrica #schoolnetsa11 Conference - 0 views
Maths exam leak scandal | News24 - 0 views
SchoolNet SA is Learning from Experience - 3 views
"SchoolNet SA is a not-for-profit NGO, operating in South Africa since 1997. In the early days we attempted to cover all aspects of ICT in schools by sourcing and providing hardware and software as well as training teachers. Our mission has always been to create communities of teachers using ICT to enhance teaching and learning. These days we concentrate on teacher development with a particular emphasis on ICT integration and on underserved schools. These two areas often appear to be incompatible, as I will try to explain. "
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