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Fiona Beal

7 New Features Added To Google Classroom - 0 views

    "1. Post Questions Phan explains, "You can post questions to your class and allow students to have discussions by responding to each other's answers (or not, depending on the setting you choose). For example, you could post a video and ask students to answer a question about it, or post an article and ask them to write a paragraph in response." 2. Reuse Assignments If you reuse curricula year after year-or at least reuse documents, there is an update you might like. Phan explains, "Now you can reuse assignments, announcements or questions from any one of your classes - or any class you co-teach, whether it's from last year or last week. Once you choose what you'd like to copy, you'll also be able to make changes before you post or assign it." 3. Improved Calendar Integration We love changes that improve workflow. Phan: "In the next month, Classroom will automatically create a calendar for each of your classes in Google Calendar. All assignments with a due date will be automatically added to your class calendar and kept up to date. You'll be able to view your calendar from within Classroom or on Google Calendar, where you can manually add class events like field trips or guest speakers." 4. Bump a post Sticking posts on blogs, tweets, or facebook updates has long been a thing. Now you can do it on Google Classroom as well by moving any post to the top. 5. Due dates optional Project-based learning, Self-directed learning? Maker ed? If you use long-term projects or other due-date-less assignments, you can now create assignments without due dates in Google Classroom. 6. Attach a Google Form to a post If you're a fan of Google Forms (here's a post on using Google Forms to create a self-graded exam), this is a change you'll appreciate. Phan explains, "Many teachers have been using Google Forms as an easy way to assign a test, quiz or survey to the class. Coming in the next few weeks, teachers and students will soon be able to
Fiona Beal

Six brand new tips about Google forms - Edgalaxy: Cool Stuff for Nerdy teachers - 0 views

Fiona Beal

2 Useful Tools to Create Rubrics for Your Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Lea... - 0 views

    "sters ipad resources teacher guides youtube 4 teachers teacher tools free downloads disclaimer 206   119   6 inShare 1 Print! I have been posting a wide variety of rubrics  here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning particularly those related to technology integration in education, however, today I am sharing with you two practical tools that you can use to create your own rubrics. Of course the web is teeming with resourceful websites with pre-made rubrics that you can download and use in your classroom  but  there is nothing that beats your own creation. Check out the titles I have for you below and let us know if you have other suggestions to add to the list. 1- RubiStar RubiStar is probably the most popular tool for rubric making. It allows users to easily create rubrics based on pre-made templates. Registered users can edit and save their rubrics. RubiStar is also free . 2- iRubric This is another wonderful rubric making platform where users get to : Build a rubric in minutes using Rubric Studio. Rubric can be built from scratch or from exiting rubrics. Assess rubrics in seconds. Student grades are automatically saved in the gradebook and a copy of the scored rubric with your notes is securely displayed to individual learners. Share rubrics with others.  Find a rubric you like and re-purpose it for your use in a few clicks bookmark rubrics for future reference, or showcase your rubrics to the world on your free website. Collaboratively assess rubrics with your groups, classes and other individuals.  You might also like: Another Awesome Technology Integration Rubric for Teachers Awesome Problem-Solving Rubric for Teachers A Great Rubric for Using Technology in K-8 A Must Have Rubric for Infographic Use in The Classroom LinkWithin Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest RSS Email 8 Excellent Free Timeline Creation Tools for Teachers A list of All The Best iPad Apps Teachers Need 15 Learning Tools You Never Kn
Brenda Hallowes

70+ Google Forms for the Classroom | - 0 views

    Using google forms in education.
Brenda Hallowes

Marmite: Love it or Hate it? - Using Google Forms and Twitter | - 0 views

    Using google forms. lots of ideas.
Fiona Beal

Teaching like it's 2999: Google Chrome Tricks: Raising the [Omni] Bar - 0 views

    "Google Chrome Tricks: Raising the [Omni] Bar"
Fiona Beal

SchoolNet SA - IT's a Great Idea - 0 views

  • How to create a video about your project for the SA and Lesotho Global Forum.
  • Sunday, 8 February 2015 Enter your students in the Microsoft Office Championships 2015 by #MIEExpert15 teacher Linda Foulkes This is another guest post from Linda Foulkes one of South Africa’s Microsoft MiE Experts for 2015. Linda has contributed a number of blog posts on this blog in the past the most recent being about an Office Mix that she presented to a group of teachers  on a Skype call with Nigeria.  Linda’s blog can be found at: "NetLEARN is proud to once again announce the 2015 MOS Worldwide Championships which will be held in Dallas, Texas USA. We would like to put SA on the map again and appeal to You, to put forward “Your Shining Stars” aged 13 – 22 years) and join the Winners! PRIZES TO BE WON Schools, FET Colleges, and Corporate Training companies can register NOW as a Certiport Centre with NetLEARN – it’s FREE! Purchase your MOS Exams and Books from NetLEARN Students need to qualify in either Word or Excel or PowerPoint 2010 / 2013 We also offer Tips and additional resources to IT Teachers, helping you make your lesson planning easier. Competition preparation workshops and student support is provided for free! CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW [WHICH I CREATED USING THINGLINK] TO VIEW THE FEEDBACK FROM SHAUN NOTHARD [Participant 2 years in a row] AS WELL AS AN AUDIO CLIP FROM HIS DAD, DEON. JEMA GREEN HAS ALSO ADDED HER VIDEO OF HER EXPERIENCE OF THE COMPETITION! Round Up of 2014 Certiport GPS and promo for 2015 2015 Promo Video Experience the hype of a lifetime!" Posted by SchoolNet SA blog at 10:43 pm 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest
  • “In this webinar, I would like to focus how Technology and Pedagogy mix as one of the units of the Teaching with Technology course, but I want to do this rather differently in a way of making it more interactive. I would like to make sure that the participants share strategies/ideas amongst each other of how they are able to “marry” the methods that they are using in the classroom with the relevant technology tools.
    Schoolnetsa blog
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