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Bernie Sanders Promises To Do Everything He Can To Stop TPP On The Senate Floor - 0 views

  • am disappointed but not surprised by the decision to move forward on the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement that will hurt consumers and cost American jobs. Wall Street and other big corporations have won again. It is time for the rest of us to stop letting multi-national corporations rig the system to pad their profits at our expense. This agreement follows failed trade deals with Mexico, China and other low-wage countries that have cost millions of jobs and shuttered tens of thousands of factories across the United States. In the Senate, I will do all that I can to defeat this agreement. We need trade policies that benefit American workers and consumers, not just the CEOs of large multi-national corporations.
  • resident Obama supports the agreement, and he said that every word will be available for public review before he signs it, “Once negotiators have finalized the text of this partnership, Congress and the American people will have months to read every word before I sign it.”
  • TPP could also become a major point of division between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on the campaign trail.

Bernie Sanders, the Populist Prophet - The New Yorker - 0 views

    "There's something admirable about Sanders's reluctance to attribute his political beliefs to autobiography: he doesn't want voters thinking that his commitment to redistributive economics stems from anything other than a deep-seated sense of fairness. He has neither the conventional politician's instinct for sharing relatable details nor the contemporary left's reverence for personal testimony. Still, he's running for President, and so he has reluctantly cracked open the door to his private life, even if his supporters are drawn to him, in part, because of that reluctance."

Senator Bernie Sanders's Impressively Modest Donors - The New York Times - 0 views

    "The small-donor activity may reflect growing public concern that democracy is under assault from politicians' increasing reliance on millionaire supporters. An opinion poll this month by Bloomberg Politics shows that a stunning 78 percent of the public stand with Bernie Sanders and favor overturning the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, which has unleashed unlimited amounts of cash on political races, much of it coming from undisclosed sources." ‪#‎BernieSanders‬ ‪#‎FeelTheBern‬ ‪#‎AllowDebate‬

Bernie Sanders's Campaign, Hitting Fund-Raising Milestone, Broadens Focus - The New Yor... - 0 views

    "With our latest fund-raising numbers, we now know we'll have the resources to compete everywhere, including all the Super Tuesday states and throughout the South, even Arkansas," said Jeff Weaver, Mr. Sanders's campaign manager. "We've heard for months, 'Bernie will flame out after Iowa and New Hampshire.' But the truth is that we have the resources, and can raise the resources, to go all the way to the convention."

RAP has strategy and plans to tell Democrats it's Bernie or else | - 0 views

    Controversial "Bernie or Bust" pledge... I am sympathetic to the freedom to not support other party candidates if this candidate doesn't succeed... pledge to write in Bernie, claim of leverage against delegates robbing Sanders the nomination... seems kind of childish and short-sighted, too focused on the presidential elections... Bernie's own pledge to support Hilary if she is the nominee does much to go against this strategy...
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