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Mark Kabbbash

Hydrogen Stocks HYDB Hydrogen Hybrid Fuel Cell - View Message - 0 views

    A Hydrogen assist car is a clean solution.
    Hydrogen Hybrid Fuel Cell Corp. has created the Diesel Hydrogen Hybrid Fuel Cell specializing in improving fuel economy for large diesel tractor trailers, SUV's, domestic and import vehicles through on demand hydrogen/oxygen injection, fuel vaporization, ionization, and fuel delivery control via onboard computer system. Its strength being specialized in cutting edge technology that is universal in application, installation, and efficiency of increased fuel mileage for most internal combustion engines, hybrids, and diesel engines.
Mark Kabbbash

Re: HYDB Stock: Hydrogen Hybrid, Corp. Achieves 50% Increase in Semi Truck Fuel Mileage... - 0 views

    The system converts water into a hydrogen fuel using an unordinary method of resonant electrolysis. The engine is treated with our patented, SEMA certified coating which reduces friction and thermo-heat loss, and eliminates hydrogen embrittlement. The system also utilizes patented fuel additives to increase engine lubrication, resulting in reduced engine pits and performance loss.
Benno Hansen

One man's 3-year experiment in eating organic food - all the time - International Heral... - 0 views

  • Dr. Alan Greene, a pediatrician
  • He chose three years as a goal because that was the amount of time it took to have a breeding animal certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • "Whenever you go up the food chain, the costs pile up,"
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  • "If you don't eat meat at every meal, if meat becomes more of a side dish than a centerpiece, you can fill the plate with healthy organic food for about the same price."
  • a dairy farmer who noted that livestock got sick less after a switch to organic practices
  • Three years later, he says he has more energy and wakes up earlier.
  • Now, he says, he is rarely ill. His urine is a brighter yellow, a sign that he is ingesting more vitamins and nutrients.
Mark Kabbbash

Industrial Nanotech to Present White Paper to Prominent Industry Leaders at Internation... - 0 views

    Nansulate EPX is a water based epoxy system which has an industry high thermal insulation capability combined with exceptional fire resistance and excellent chemical and corrosion resistance. Nansulate EPX also provides the ability to be applied from one eighth inch thick to several inches thick, a rapid cure time, durability in severe service environments, and is a strong, very light weight, easy-to-apply material.
Mark Kabbbash

EVTP stock : America's First Environmental Car Rental Company Announces First Expansion... - 0 views

    The company has prevented more than 100 tons of air pollution and passed on to its customers more than $1 million in fuel cost savings.
    Plamondon has served as CEO and CRO for both private and publically held companies over his distinguished 35-year career. As President and CEO of Budget Rent a Car, he grew the company from $50 million operating revenue to $2.5 billion operating revenue by acquiring and integrating licensees spanning 3,200 locations in 117 countries. Plamondon left Budget Rent a Car after it was sold in 1996. Plamondon also served as CEO for worldwide Alamo and National Car Rental, including the Car Temps brand, a $250 million insurance replacement business. There he led the total company restructuring resulting in a successful sale. His vision for EV is to position the brand as a fun and friendly car rental experience for customers while reducing carbon emissions.
Benno Hansen

A Day to Prevent Exploitation of the Environment in War - 0 views

  • "The natural environment enjoys protection under Protocol 1 of the Geneva Conventions," Ban said. "But this protection is often violated during war and armed conflict. Water wells are polluted, crops torched, forests cut down, soils poisoned, and animals killed, all in order to gain military advantage."
  • Since the outbreak of fighting in August 1998, the conflicts have been rooted in struggles for control of natural resources such as water, timber, diamonds and other minerals as well as various political agendas.
  • "The United Nations attaches great importance to ensuring that action on the environment is part of our approach to peace," Ban stressed today. "Protecting the environment can help countries create employment opportunities, promote development and avoid a relapse into armed conflict.
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  • Ban said that the UN is studying the environmental impacts of conflicts around the world, from the Balkans to Afghanistan, from Lebanon to the Sudan.
  • Lasting peace in war-torn Darfur will depend in part on resolving the underlying competition for water and fertile land, Ban said, adding that there can be no durable peace in Afghanistan if the natural resources that sustain livelihoods and ecosystems are destroyed.
  • "We have seen how environmental damage and the collapse of institutions are threatening human health, livelihoods and security," he said. "These risks can also jeopardize fragile peace and development in post-conflict societies." "Let us renew our commitment to preventing the exploitation of the environment in times of conflict," said the secretary-general, "and to protecting the environment as a pillar of our work for peace."
Benno Hansen

Reuters AlertNet - CLIMATE CHANGE BLOG: Does poverty equal vulnerability? - 0 views

  • 'poor people are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change'
  • But is it the state of being poor that makes people vulnerable to climate change, or the processes that lead to their impoverishment?
  • if you have access to a clean and healthy environment that provides for your needs - meaning you don't need two dollars a day (or perhaps even one) - then you aren't living in poverty!
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  • most of those who are poor and face the biggest threat from climate change are descended from people who had indigenous adaptation strategies to climatic and other environmental hazards which would - if they hadn't been colonised - have made them far less vulnerable than the 'rich' to the impacts of climate change.
  • If some of the worst-case climate change scenarios do come to pass, then the rich are also going to be extremely vulnerable and, if push comes to shove, I'd prefer to have knowledge of my land and how to grow food in inhospitable environments
  • the very wisdom that could help make us all less vulnerable to climate change is being lost as more and more people are sucked into a global economy that values only certain types of knowledge and beliefs.
Benno Hansen

Climate Change Could Be Impetus For Wars, Other Conflicts, Expert Says - 0 views

  • discussion has ensued among international-security experts who believe climate-change-related damage to global ecosystems and the resulting competition for natural resources may increasingly serve as triggers for wars and other conflicts in the future.
  • most possibly destabilizing populations and governments: degradation of freshwater resources, food insecurity, natural disasters and environmental migration.
  • the number of world regions vulnerable to drought was expected to rise
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  • “Most critical for human survival are water and food, which are sensitive to changing climatic conditions,”
  • “The associated socio-economic and political stress can undermine the functioning of communities, the effectiveness of institutions, and the stability of societal structures. These degraded conditions could contribute to civil strife, and, worse, armed conflict.”
  • “Large areas of Africa are suffering from scarcity of food and fresh water resources, making them more vulnerable to conflict.
  • “Although climate change bears a significant conflict potential, it can also transform the international system toward more cooperation if it is seen as a common threat that requires joint action,”
  • the seeming conflict between environment and the economy will be best overcome with the recognition that protecting the climate in the best interest of the economy.”
  • “History has shown how dependent our culture is on a narrow window of climatic conditions for average temperature and precipitation,”
Benno Hansen

Americans must diet to save their economy - earth - 23 July 2008 - New Scientist Enviro... - 0 views

  • The average American consumes about 3747 kcal per day
  • accounts for about 19% of US total energy use
  • 6 kilograms of plant protein are needed to produce 1 kg of high quality animal protein
    • Benno Hansen
      den dårlige økonomi i kød
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  • the average American consumes one third of their calories in junk food
  • the equivalent of 2100 kcal go into producing a can of diet soda which contains a maximum of 1 kcal. About 1600 kcal go into producing the aluminium can alone
  • food travels 2400 km on average to its consumer in the US. This requires 1.4 times the energy actually contained in the food
Juan Dela Cruz

We Buy & Sell Old Used Cell Phones! - 0 views

    A website that will pay you in exchange for your old used cellphones. A very good idea for raising funds for charity or student projects.
Arabica Robusta

Open the Future: The Earth Will Be Just Fine, Thank You - 0 views

    We sometimes make the conceptual mistake of thinking that the way the Earth's ecosystem is today is the way it will forever be, that we've somehow reached an ecological end-state. But even in an eco-conscious world, or one devoid of humans entirely, natural processes from evolution to geophysical and solar cycles would continue. The Earth's been at this for a long time, literally billions of years; from a planetary perspective, a quadrupling of atmospheric carbon lasting 10,000 years (for example) is little more than a passing blip. The fact of the matter is that, no matter how much greenhouse gas we pump into the atmosphere or how many toxins we dump into the soil and oceans, given enough time the Earth will recover. But human civilization is far more fragile.
Arabica Robusta

Fair Trade or food miles? « Brussels Development Briefings - 0 views

  • The food miles debate is increasing the demand for local foods, which could become a threat to air freighted Fair Trade products.
eyal matsliah

The No Impact sustainable eating plan - 0 views

  • A diet that is local, unfrozen and unprocessed, seasonal, organic or near-organic, has no packaging and is based on mostly grain and vegetables, including little or no beef or dairy
  • Production has its impact by water use, land use, energy use, and herbicide and pesticide use:
  • Eat organic or close to it—to cut down on the chemicals.
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  • Eating seasonally—avoids carbon emissions produced by oil-guzzling boilers used to heat greenhouses and by power plants used to keep things frozen.
  • If  you’re veggie, eat more eggs than cheese—one pound of cheese takes ten pounds of milk to make. It has about the same impact as a pound of beef.  I’ve read that far-away beans as a protein source may be better than local cheese. Eat fresh and seasonal—freezing and keeping food frozen is not so low impact.
  • Bring your own cloth shopping bags and buy loose produce.
  • Distribution means transportation and the average piece of American food has traveled 1500 Miles to get to your plate. I emphasize local because: A regional and local food system would release five to seventeen times less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than our current national and international model (according to this Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture study).
eyal matsliah

No Impact Man: When the lights go out…Gulp! - 0 views

  • As for lighting, strategically placed candles with mirrors behind them shine more brightly than people give them credit for.
  • A suggestion for those who find it financially difficult to be green. Search in your areas for Trade and Barter organizations. I'm sure most big cities have them. But you don't have to join a group, but people you know that you can barter with. I have done this before, traded my time with a friend who is a carpenter who builds energy efficient off-grid homes. It saved me a lot of money. Everyone has a skill they can trade. You can still be green even if you have a low-income. I've managed to do it, and having a low-income has taught me to be responsible with money. Grow your own food, or find someone who has a space you can start a garden. I live in a bachelor suite and grow culinary herbs, and baby lettuce, romaine, spinach. Also grow sprouts in jars. There is lots of info on the net about sprout growing. Posted by: dare | April 21, 2007 at 12:46 PM
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