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Nobel Laureates Speak Out - 1 views

  • The Stockholm Memorandum concludes that we have entered a new geological era: the Anthropocene
  • we are transgressing planetary boundaries that have kept civilization safe for the past 10,000 years.

EarthBox DIY Links - - 1 views

    Links to DIY HowTos for the EarthBox from Green-Trust

The Humanure Handbook - Center of the Humanure Universe - 1 views

    Humanure Headquarters: This is it! Download the complete handbook in pdf format for free. Toons of links to how to build an eco potty or loveable loo. Terrific site!`

Pambazuka - 'The real enemy is humanity itself' - 2 views

  • the first “Earth Summit,” was held in Rio, leading to the Agenda 21 “blueprint for a sustainable planet,” UN conventions on climate change and biodiversity, and the creation of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (UNSCD). Since then, an entire ecosystem of global, national, governmental and non-governmental organisations has emerged to advocate and implement the closer integration of human productive life with knowledge about the environment: to observe the “limits to growth.” The most notable of these is the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), under which a global agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions is being sought.
  • There is vast disparity between what the advocates of political environmentalism have claimed and reality. So why are world leaders set to meet next month in Rio at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development?
  • The 1972 Stockholm meeting discussed the “need for new concepts of sovereignty, based not on the surrender of national sovereignties but on better means of exercising them collectively, and with a greater sense of responsibility for the common good.” In other words, the world can be fed, clothed and housed at the cost of autonomy. This surrendering of autonomy is a price worth paying, according to its advocates, whose argument has been reduced to a neat little slogan: global problems need global solutions.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • For instance, while trying to understand why scepticism of climate-change policies seems to correspond to a conservative persuasion, the Guardian’s Damian Carrington recently opined: “The problem is that global environmental problems require global action, which means cooperation if there are to be no free-riders. That implies international treaties and regulations, which to some on the right equate with communism.”
  • James Lovelock, has distanced himself from the more extreme implications of his hypothesis. Where Lovelock once predicted “Gaia’s revenge,” he has reflected in a short interview for on his alarmist tome, and criticised others such as Al Gore for their over-emphasis on catastrophic narratives. This is a remarkable volte face in itself, but reflects a broader phenomenon: the coming to fruition of environmentalism’s incoherence.
  • The idea that there are too many people, or that the natural world is so fragile that these things are too difficult for normal, democratic politics to deliver, flies in the face of facts.
  • The truth of “sustainability,” and the meeting at Rio next month, is that it is not our relationship with the natural world that it wishes to control, but human desires, autonomy and sovereignty. That is why, in 1993, the Club of Rome published its report, The First Global Revolution, written by the club’s founder and president, Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider. The authors determined that, in order to overcome political failures, it was necessary to locate “a common enemy against whom we can unite.”
    On one level, the critique of the "managerial ethos" is commendable.  On another level, the author seems content with presenting arguments that range perilously close to the James Inhofe "climate change is a hoax" camp.  This is fine, but it is not enough to claim that sustainability is all about politics.  One should offer good arguments in support of this, and in response to strong arguments from opposing perspectives.
    If humanity don't act in time it could be the end of our lifetime soon natural gas report.

Big Think - 0 views

    Big Think is a global forum connecting people and ideas.

DSIRE: - Federal Incentives for Alternative Energy - 0 views

    DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Established in 1995 and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, DSIRE is an ongoing project of the N.C. Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council.

StoveTec Stove Store, Commercially Available Rocket Stoves - 0 views

    Rocket Wood Stoves - for cooking, or heating. Super fuel-efiicient, low-emission and affordable.

Rocket Stove Design Base - Home - 0 views

    Excellent reference with plans and instructional videos for building your own Rocket Stove

Companies Reconsider Social Responsibility - - 0 views

  • Company spending has been squeezed by the global recession and budgets for corporate social responsibility have suffered disproportionately.
  • "There has been a tendency to compartmentalize so-called corporate social responsibility activities as an adjunct to the mainstream business activities."
  • "innovation is fundamentally about how the world can become a better place."
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • "Corporate social responsibility asked the question: what is the impact of this business on the world? Sustainable business asks the question: what is the impact of the world on this business?"
  • "Companies are asking how they can be socially responsible in a way that also moves the business forward. It's no longer about having one corporate social responsibility guy who is supposed to be the moral compass for the company, like a chaplain in an Army regiment. It's about making sustainable business the standard operating procedure."
  • "Sustainable business has faced the ultimate double whammy of the credit crunch and the total damp squib that was Copenhagen. If climate change was the great driver for corporate social responsibility, then that driver seems to have stalled."
  • initiatives also increase employee loyalty
  • "If governments provide a strong legal framework that aligns incentives with business, then you have something you could call sustainability. If not, then corporate social responsibility will just be glacé cherries on an unsustainable cake."

Stop vilifying biofuels - 01 Feb 2010 - - 0 views

  • carbon dioxi
  • the carbon dioxide emission reductions possible from rolling out biodiesel alone are "in the order of 55 per cent"
  • source and process the feedstock within closer proximity to the end user
1More Africa: Finance Ministers Vs. Development Goals (Page 1 of 3) - 0 views

  • South Africa, Rwanda and Egypt succeeded in deleting any reference to budgetary targets for education, health, agriculture and water in the Common Position on MDGs and the conference report and resolutions

Bark Shingles: If it Works For Trees, Why Not Houses? : TreeHugger - 0 views

    Fantastic idea - much better than the labor-intensive, and tree-destroying shake shingling!

Reduction Arctic summer ice is source of great concern | | NWCN - News - 0 views

  • But Martin says the concern level in the South Pole is mild compared to the Arctic in the north, that several times in recent years has become a virtually open ocean. "The reduction in summer ice is a source of great concern. And Antarctic ice is essentially in balance or very slightly increasing, with the exception of one region," he said.
    • Benno Hansen
      The South Pole is melting too

Off the Shelf - 'Green Gone Wrong' - Can Capitalism Save the Planet? - Review - NYTimes... - 0 views

  • corporate America has led us into thinking that we can save the earth mainly by buying things
  • ‘lazy environmentalism,’ is geared toward the masses that aren’t willing to sacrifice,”
  • armchair activism actualizes itself most fully in the realm of consumer goods; through buying the right products we can usher our economic system into the environmental age.”
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • many of the small organic producers who are expected to lead the reinvention of the food system can barely make ends meet
  • If there was ever a time to ponder the long-term consequences of our spending habits, it’s in the wake of the worst economic crisis in decades, which was fueled by rampant consumer borrowing.

The Earth Institute, Columbia University - Mission: Solutions for Sustainable Development - 0 views

  • The Earth Institute’s overarching goal is to help achieve sustainable development primarily by expanding the world’s understanding of Earth as one integrated system. We work toward this goal through scientific research, education and the practical application of research for solving real-world challenges.

Emergent Culture - 0 views

    Fantastic Site, oriented toward the emergent technologies, understandings and cultural transformations. i.e., oreinted toward humanity's next stup

Aprovecho Research Center - Improved Stoves for the Developing World - 0 views

    Aprovecho Research Center has been the world's leader in open source development of all aspects of improved cooking stoves. ARC's goal is to empower people to help each other and the planet.
1More - 0 views

    Serving the Amish and others without electricity.

EU: rainforests can be converted to palm oil plantations for biofuel production - 0 views

  • policymakers are considering language that would specifically allow use of biofuels produced via conversion of rainforests to oil palm plantations
  • The leaked document suggests that lobbying efforts by the palm oil industry are paying off.
  • oil palm production has driven large-scale destruction of rainforests across southeast Asia over the past two decades, triggering the release of billions of tons of carbon dioxide emissions and imperiling rare species

Sleepwalking to extinction  |  Policies  |  Environment  |  Conservation | Eu... - 0 views

  • the pace of destruction shows no sign of abating
  • Some species, such as the Iberian lynx and the Mediterranean monk seal, face extinction.
  • The United Nations has declared 2010 to be the ‘International Year of Biodiversity'
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