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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Benno Hansen

Benno Hansen

'The hockey stick is broken' | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist - 1 views

  • Study of the past can be informative for scientists, but it is not explanatory of the present nor is it predictive of the future.
  • The infamous "Hockey Stick" graph was featured prominently in the IPCC TAR Summary for Policymakers.
  • Two Canadians, an economist and a petroleum geologist, took it upon themselves to verify this proxy reconstruction by getting the data and examining the methodology for themselves. They found errors in the description published in Nature of the data used -- errors that prevented them from duplicating the study. Mann et al., the hockey stick's creators, published a correction in Nature, noting where the description did not match what had actually been done.
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  • The fact is, there are dozens of other temperature reconstructions. They tend to show more variability than the original hockey stick (their sticks are not as straight), but they all support the general conclusions the IPCC TAR presented in 2001: late 20th century warming is anomalous in the last one or two thousand years, and the 1990s were likely warmer than any other time in that period.
  • dozens of other proxy reconstructions, some by the same team or involving some of its members, some by completely different people, some using tree rings, some using corals, some using stalagmites, some using borehole measurements -- all supporting the same general conclusion. That general conclusion is what's important to me, not whether or not one Bristlecone pine was or was not included correctly in a single eight-year-old study.
Benno Hansen

RealClimate: The global cooling mole - 1 views

  • To veterans of the Climate Wars, the old 1970s global cooling canard - "How can we believe climate scientists about global warming today when back in the 1970s they told us an ice age was imminent?" - must seem like a never-ending game of Whack-a-mole.
  • during the 1970s, when some would have you believe scientists were predicting a coming ice age, they were doing no such thing. The dominant view, even then, was that increasing levels of greenhouse gases were likely to dominate any changes we might see in climate on human time scales.
    Contrary to claims of "skeptics" 70ies scientists didn't predict global cooling.
Benno Hansen

We're on the brink of disaster | Salon - 0 views

shared by Benno Hansen on 27 Feb 09 - Cached
  • Every outbreak of violence has its own distinctive origins and characteristics. All, however, are driven by a similar combination of anxiety about the future and lack of confidence in the ability of established institutions to deal with the problems at hand.
  • The riots that erupted in the spring of 2008 in response to rising food prices suggested the speed with which economically related violence can spread.
  • The cost of food is now closely tied to the price of oil and natural gas because petrochemicals are so widely and heavily used in the cultivation of grains
Benno Hansen

How to adapt to climate change : Nature News - 0 views

  • They're also growing vegetables — rather than crops like wheat — on floating gardens. They use a bamboo frame and load it with water hyacinth, which rots and makes a bed for vegetables to grow. Then when the flood water rises, they can still harvest food.
Benno Hansen

IRIN Middle East | Middle East | Lebanon | LEBANON: Climate change and politics threate... - 0 views

  • rising temperatures, spiralling population growth and inefficient irrigation are severely straining resources and threatening renewed economic and social breakdown.
  • Lebanon has the highest annual rainfall in the region, averaging 827mm compared to 630mm in Israel, 252mm in Syria and just 154mm in Iraq
  • Yet experts estimate that demand for water in Lebanon will have increased by more than 80 percent by 2025 as Lebanon’s population is expected to grow from four to 7.6 million. In the same period, as a result of climate change, average summer temperatures in the country are predicted to increase by 1.2 degrees centigrade.
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  • Across areas of the northern Bekaa with better irrigation, many farmers have turned land over to growing water-thirsty but economically lucrative hashish plants – totalling some 16,000 acres of land
  • The valley is an economically underdeveloped area where more than 40 percent of residents are dependent on agriculture as their main source of living
Benno Hansen

North American tree deaths accelerate : Nature News - 0 views

  • Mortality increase correlates with climate change.
  • The mortality rates, which are of the order of 1%, have in many cases doubled in just a couple of decades.
  • This subtle trend correlates with climate change in the region, which has warmed by between 0.3 and 0.4 degrees Celsius every decade since the 1970s.
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  • The team ruled out a number of competing explanations for the trend.
  • The actual mechanism, he speculates, could vary between different forests.
    • Benno Hansen
      Generalized mechanism: individual trees effectively "teleported" to foreign ecosystem.
  • "If you attempted to go out and mess around with the forests, you'd probably end up accelerating [mortality rates],"
Benno Hansen

Arctic warming spurs record melting : Nature News - 0 views

  • Record melting in northern Greenland and the widespread release of methane gas from formerly frozen deposits off the Siberian coast suggest that major changes are sweeping the Arctic
  • The study found methane bubbling up from the seafloor over hundreds of square kilometres in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas
  • Water measurements indicate that methane concentrations were up to 200 times higher than the background levels
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  • The submerged permafrost is on the threshold of melting, and air temperatures in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf have increased by as much as five degrees Celsius over the last decade
  • In most summers, temperatures rise enough to permit melting in that region on only 10–15 days on average. But in 2008, the melt period totalled 35 days.
  • Estimates based on satellite measurements of the entire ice cap suggest that the island is now losing hundreds of billions of tons of ice each year.
Benno Hansen

One man's 3-year experiment in eating organic food - all the time - International Heral... - 0 views

  • Dr. Alan Greene, a pediatrician
  • He chose three years as a goal because that was the amount of time it took to have a breeding animal certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • "Whenever you go up the food chain, the costs pile up,"
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  • "If you don't eat meat at every meal, if meat becomes more of a side dish than a centerpiece, you can fill the plate with healthy organic food for about the same price."
  • a dairy farmer who noted that livestock got sick less after a switch to organic practices
  • Three years later, he says he has more energy and wakes up earlier.
  • Now, he says, he is rarely ill. His urine is a brighter yellow, a sign that he is ingesting more vitamins and nutrients.
Benno Hansen

A Day to Prevent Exploitation of the Environment in War - 0 views

  • "The natural environment enjoys protection under Protocol 1 of the Geneva Conventions," Ban said. "But this protection is often violated during war and armed conflict. Water wells are polluted, crops torched, forests cut down, soils poisoned, and animals killed, all in order to gain military advantage."
  • Since the outbreak of fighting in August 1998, the conflicts have been rooted in struggles for control of natural resources such as water, timber, diamonds and other minerals as well as various political agendas.
  • "The United Nations attaches great importance to ensuring that action on the environment is part of our approach to peace," Ban stressed today. "Protecting the environment can help countries create employment opportunities, promote development and avoid a relapse into armed conflict.
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  • Ban said that the UN is studying the environmental impacts of conflicts around the world, from the Balkans to Afghanistan, from Lebanon to the Sudan.
  • Lasting peace in war-torn Darfur will depend in part on resolving the underlying competition for water and fertile land, Ban said, adding that there can be no durable peace in Afghanistan if the natural resources that sustain livelihoods and ecosystems are destroyed.
  • "We have seen how environmental damage and the collapse of institutions are threatening human health, livelihoods and security," he said. "These risks can also jeopardize fragile peace and development in post-conflict societies." "Let us renew our commitment to preventing the exploitation of the environment in times of conflict," said the secretary-general, "and to protecting the environment as a pillar of our work for peace."
Benno Hansen

Reuters AlertNet - CLIMATE CHANGE BLOG: Does poverty equal vulnerability? - 0 views

  • 'poor people are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change'
  • But is it the state of being poor that makes people vulnerable to climate change, or the processes that lead to their impoverishment?
  • if you have access to a clean and healthy environment that provides for your needs - meaning you don't need two dollars a day (or perhaps even one) - then you aren't living in poverty!
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  • most of those who are poor and face the biggest threat from climate change are descended from people who had indigenous adaptation strategies to climatic and other environmental hazards which would - if they hadn't been colonised - have made them far less vulnerable than the 'rich' to the impacts of climate change.
  • If some of the worst-case climate change scenarios do come to pass, then the rich are also going to be extremely vulnerable and, if push comes to shove, I'd prefer to have knowledge of my land and how to grow food in inhospitable environments
  • the very wisdom that could help make us all less vulnerable to climate change is being lost as more and more people are sucked into a global economy that values only certain types of knowledge and beliefs.
Benno Hansen

Climate Change Could Be Impetus For Wars, Other Conflicts, Expert Says - 0 views

  • discussion has ensued among international-security experts who believe climate-change-related damage to global ecosystems and the resulting competition for natural resources may increasingly serve as triggers for wars and other conflicts in the future.
  • most possibly destabilizing populations and governments: degradation of freshwater resources, food insecurity, natural disasters and environmental migration.
  • the number of world regions vulnerable to drought was expected to rise
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  • “Most critical for human survival are water and food, which are sensitive to changing climatic conditions,”
  • “The associated socio-economic and political stress can undermine the functioning of communities, the effectiveness of institutions, and the stability of societal structures. These degraded conditions could contribute to civil strife, and, worse, armed conflict.”
  • “Large areas of Africa are suffering from scarcity of food and fresh water resources, making them more vulnerable to conflict.
  • “Although climate change bears a significant conflict potential, it can also transform the international system toward more cooperation if it is seen as a common threat that requires joint action,”
  • the seeming conflict between environment and the economy will be best overcome with the recognition that protecting the climate in the best interest of the economy.”
  • “History has shown how dependent our culture is on a narrow window of climatic conditions for average temperature and precipitation,”
Benno Hansen

Americans must diet to save their economy - earth - 23 July 2008 - New Scientist Enviro... - 0 views

  • The average American consumes about 3747 kcal per day
  • accounts for about 19% of US total energy use
  • 6 kilograms of plant protein are needed to produce 1 kg of high quality animal protein
    • Benno Hansen
      den dårlige økonomi i kød
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  • the average American consumes one third of their calories in junk food
  • the equivalent of 2100 kcal go into producing a can of diet soda which contains a maximum of 1 kcal. About 1600 kcal go into producing the aluminium can alone
  • food travels 2400 km on average to its consumer in the US. This requires 1.4 times the energy actually contained in the food
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