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Noelle Kreider on 25 Jul 11"iPad Apps to meet IEP Goals Permanent link by Guest Blogger Vicki Windman Students who are classified as Special Education must have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Goals of the IEP include study skills, reading, math, writing, daily living, and career and transition goals. Throughout the school year teachers are mandated to follow the student's IEP and come up with different strategies to help the child meet his or her planned goals. The iPad has apps useful for children with autism, developmental disability, learning disability, emotional disability or other health impairments. The apps listed below will help teachers work with their students to attain their goals. The IEP checklist is great app specifically for teachers. It allows the teacher to have his or her students' IEP information at hand. If you do put this app on your iPad I would recommend you password lock your iPad as an IEP is confidential. The following apps would meet IEP goals for students classified autistic and developmentally disabled. One of the main goals for students on the Autism Spectrum is the ability to answer WH questions. Super Why is an interactive app that has four different apps built into one. The app has a listening component as well as guidance for following directions. It helps students stay on task and answer WH questions. A new app that really meets the WH goal is Conversation Builder. Pictures are provided and students record their conversations. Proloquo2go helps students who have difficulty communicating to do so effectively. The app provides pre-set pictures which students select to convey their messages. The display is set up as a communication board or book making it easy for students to respond to a peer or an adult. This app was also mentioned in my March blog Writing goals: Writing goals range from being able to write a simple sentence to a detailed paragraph, through the use of a keyboard and/or an assistive technology device. The iPad ha