Evidence-Based Practice - 44 views
Each student will share a link to an evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal article that discusses evidence in support of or against an intervention that could be used by OT practitioners in the tre...
Neurological Theory and Treatment
Each student will share a link to an evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal article that discusses evidence in support of or against an intervention that could be used by OT practitioners in the tre...
Same comment - study meets assignment criteria, but has limited application to OT practice
Looks like a good research study, but has greater application to PT than OT
How about this? http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1020541906063
Error message "404 Page Not Found" - from the title, it sounds like this is a qualitative study where the authors simply asked persons with TBI to describe their experience. If so, that does not me...
Meets criteria, but would prefer that article was not related specifically to mental health (that is Sue's class...)
http://dx.doi.org/10.1310/tsr1903-193 Any better?
Good one too - need direct link
Need direct link to article
Topic is good, but this is not from a peer-reviewed source - it is a Master's thesis/capstone project written by students
Borderline - although psychiatric illness is certainly related to neurology, I'd prefer you not choose an article that discusses the effectiveness of an intervention on psychiatric patients (Sue's ...
This is not an article from a peer-reviewed journal. It is a paper published by AOTA. Contact Laura Vaughn, our embedded librarian if you are not sure what constitutes a peer reviewed journal.
Does not meet criteria for assignment. Must identify an article in a peer-reviewed journal that evaluates the effectiveness of a specific intervention (or that compares effectiveness of different i...
Sounds good.
Getting closer - this is a summary of evidence, but is not a singular study that evaluates the effectiveness of a particular intervention. You may be able to locate a suitable article by going thro...
This article describes an assessment measure; does not evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention that could be used by OT practitioners. Assessments measure effectiveness of interventions but a...
Negative. This is a summary of interventions (i.e. like a meta-analysis). You might be able to find an appropriate article in the reference list of this one. You are looking for evidence about the ...
The authors are evaluating the effectiveness of a training package for therapists; the assignment asks you to identify an article that explores the effectiveness of an intervention that could be us...