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PubMed - 2 views

    BACKGROUND: Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are increasing in prevalence. Children with ASDs present with impairments in social interactions; communication; restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, or activities; as well as motor delays. Hydrotherapy is used as a treatment for children with disabilities and motor delays.
    Almost there! This is a meta-analysis (summary of multiple studies). I recommend that you look through the reference list of this article and choose one of the studies that these authors reviewed.

The effect of aquatic therapy on postural balance and muscle strength in st...: EBSCOhost - 8 views

    Good choice!

Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Using Wii Gaming Technology in Stroke Rehabilitation - 4 views

    Lets try this one!
    Good one!

The effect of a two-week sensory diet on fussy infants with regulatory sens...: EBSCOhost - 5 views

    Meets criteria although I prefer for you to identify a study that pertains to adults with neuro conditions.

An investigation comparing the effectiveness of a live music therapy sessio...: EBSCOhost - 6 views

    What about this one?
    Wonderful - looks really interesting too!
Teri Gergen

The post-stroke hemiplegic patient. 1. a method for evaluation of physical performance. - 8 views

This article describes an assessment measure; does not evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention that could be used by OT practitioners. Assessments measure effectiveness of interventions but a...

Fugl-Meyer AR


Effect of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy on Upper Extremity Function 3 to 9 Months... - 2 views

    Context Single-site studies suggest that a 2-week program of constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) for patients more than 1 year after stroke who maintain some hand and wrist movement can improve upper extremity function that persists for at least 1 year.Objective To compare the effects of a...
    Yes :o)

Effectiveness of Stretch for the Treatment and Prevention of Contractures i...: EBSCOhost - 2 views

    This is a meta-analysis. You might be able to find an appropriate article in the reference list of this article.
buxtonjd - 5 views

    If my previous article isn't appropriate, how about this one?
    Yes, this one can be used.
    I shall do this one then :) Ty!
buxtonjd - 3 views

    This meets criteria as well, but the yoga article relates more to Neuro. This article would be good if Sue had a similar assignment in Psych.

Restricted Access - Please provide RSCC username and password - 2 views

    The effect of aquatic therapy on postural balance and muscle strength in stroke survivors -- a randomized controlled pilot trial.

Effect of Sensorimotor Integration on Balance and Gait in Chronic Stroke Patients - 3 views

    This is a an article discussing how sensorimotor integration improves outcomesfor Chronic Stroke Patients. It is for my peer reviewed evidence based article summary.
    Unable to open link - please re-submit working link...librarian may be able to assist you
Teri Gergen

Occupational Therapy Interventions for Adults With Stroke - 5 views

Getting closer - this is a summary of evidence, but is not a singular study that evaluates the effectiveness of a particular intervention. You may be able to locate a suitable article by going thro...

Glen Gillen


Effect of Occupational Therapy Intervention on Bathing Independence of Disabled Persons - 17 views

    This is an acceptable EBP article because it looks specifically at "bathing training". Good!
    Thanks Teri!

Effectiveness of Interventions to Improve Occupational Performance of People With Motor... - 4 views

shared by shulerrw on 23 Mar 16 - No Cached
    This is a meta-analysis (summary of multiple studies) - see if you can locate a peer-reviewed article within the reference list of this article that evaluates the effectiveness of a singular intervention.

Animal-Assisted Interventions for Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - 3 views

    Not appropriate for this assignment. This article is descriptive and theoretical. It does not describe a research study that evaluates effectiveness of AA interventions. Continue search!

Efficacy of electrical stimulation to increase muscle strength in people wi...: EBSCOhost - 5 views

    Almost there! This is a meta-analysis (summary of multiple studies). I recommend that you look through the reference list of this article and choose one of the 18 studies that these authors reviewed.
Teri Gergen

Evidence-Based Practice - 44 views

Each student will share a link to an evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal article that discusses evidence in support of or against an intervention that could be used by OT practitioners in the tre...

assignment description

started by Teri Gergen on 16 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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