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Family Law Courts Homepage - 3 views

    Information put together by the Family Law Courts of Australia (Family Court and Family Magistrates Court) for families - includes legal information on processes involved in family law

StatPlanet - Interactive Maps of World Stats - 4 views

    a fantastic tool for statistical research
    That is very cool!

What The World Eats - 2 views

    Really interesting and great for Yr 8 Geography

Global Conservation Maps - 3 views

    The Global Conservation Maps can be used to view data representations for marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. To view the datasets on a map, select a base layer then choose a dataset from the drop down menu for that base map. The Global Conservation Maps could be useful for students to use to examine conservation data by ecosystem and region.

Ancient Egyptian mythology - 1 views

    Website that includes a selection of myths from Ancient Egypt

Animoto - 1 views

shared by Simon Miles on 01 Jun 11 - Cached
    Turn your photos, video clips, and music into video masterpieces to share with everyone. Fast, free and shockingly easy.
1More - 1 views

    I'm sure this relates to Geography somehow. If not, It's pretty cool anyway.

Climate change in Australia - 1 views

    Climate change in Australia provides essential tools for government, industry and the community to understand the likely magnitude of climate change in Australia and the possible impacts

Revisit Havana, the "Paris of the Caribbean," in the 1930s | Open Culture - 1 views

    This short film showing Havana in the 1930s was shot by André de la Varre, the long-time cameraman and cinematographer for American traveler, photographer and filmmaker Burton Holmes. In those days, Havana was a flourishing and fashionable city dubbed the "Paris of the Caribbean," attracting an ever increasing number of tourists. André de la Varre's film portrays Havana as the "exotic capital of appeal," which pretty much sums up its essence during those days.
    thanks Simon a lovely little film.

Fakebook: Fakebook. Create educational games and quizzes at - 1 views

    A template for creating fictional facebook profiles. Possible uses for historical figures.

Population Pyramids of the Whole World - from 1950 to 2050 - - 2 views

    This is brilliant!
1More - 1 views

    Get a topographic map of anywhere in australia. Plus the ability to annotate the map.

Raindrops Over Rwanda | SnagLearning - 1 views

    Short films about the conflict in Rwanda.

Darfur Liberation Front / Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) / Sudan Liberation Army - 1 views

  • US-brokered agreement
  • A week later, the Security Council unanimously approved Secretary General Kofi Annan's proposal to send a UN advance team to Sudan with a three month mission of assessing peacekeeping needs in the south of the country. Amid rising international scrutiny and pressure from foreign governments, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir ordered the disarmament of all fighters in the Darfur region, including those allegedly backed by the Sudanese government, the Janjaweed. Skepticism as to whether his order would be followed remained.
  • US Secretary of State Colin Powell visited Sudan to urge Khartoum authorities to reign in Arab militiamen accused of human rights abuses in the Darfur region. He met with President Omar el-Bashir and visited displaced people in Darfur, threatening unspecified UN Security Council action unless the government brought an end to militia violence. The United Nations has described the 15-month Darfur conflict as the world's worst humanitarian crisis, and UN relief groups estimate that up to 2 million people are in need of food, while a million more have been forced to flee their homes.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • The Sudanese government and two rebel groups operating out of the Darfur region opened talks on July 15th in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa. Two days later, the rebel groups pulled out of the African Union-mediated peace efforts, saying they would not return until the Sudanese government fulfilled conditions set for the talks.
  • July 23rd the US Congress declared the mass killing of civilians in Darfur to be genocide. In a non-binding resolution, lawmakers urged President Bush to do the same. Thus far the Bush administration has declined to label the situation in Darfur a genocide. The 1948 United Nations Convention on Genocide would require that such a classification of genocide justify an intervention by all signatories. The Pentagon made it clear that there are no US plans to intervene in the conflict militarily.
  • The AU's peace and security council announced in a meeting in Addis Ababa on July 27th that it is actively considering expanding the military observer mission into a multinational peacekeeping force with particular emphasis on disarming the Janjaweed if the Sudanese government does not do so.
  • African Union military observers in Darfur reported that Sudanese militias have burned civilians alive.
  • This would be the AU's first military intervention in a member state.
  • The Arab League told the Security Council to "avoid precipitate action" and give Sudan more time to honor its pledges
  • "African solution" to Darfur at a special summit in Ghana on July 29th called by the AU Chairman, President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria. The AU requested British and Dutch assistance in airlifting 300 African troops to Sudan.
  • A Declaration of Principles for the Resolution of the Sudanese Conflict in Darfur was signed in July 2005.
  • The African Union played a pivotal role in successfully mediating the talks.
  • Taken together, the Declaration of Principles and the 9 July 2005 installation of the Presidency of the Government of National Unity constituted significant progress toward the goal of achieving peace throughout Sudan
  • As of September 23, 2005 the situation in Sudan remained dire. Since the eruption of violence in the Darfur region in February of 2003, the ongoing battle between the rebel forces and government backed Janjaweed has driven an estimated 2 million natives from their home with some 200,000 fleeing into neighboring chad. The fighting as well as the killing of civilians and the miserable conditions of refugees has been responsible for 180,000 deaths.
  • As of the beginning of February 2006, the UN Security Council asked Kofi Annan, to "initiate contingency planning" and to produce various options in consultation with the AU, for UN peacekeeping operations. Around the same time, which helped spur on the UN Security Council intitative, was the fact that 70,000 people fled the town of Mershing, after militiamen attacked. Talk of NATO reinforcements had also been expressed that time.
  • As of the end of July 2006, the Khartoum government has been slow to approve and grant permission to let UN officials and troops into Darfur, Sudan. The prospects of UN peacekeeping forces remains grim, unless the Sudanese government relinquishes their obstinate stance.
  • In August 2006, the Sudanese government rejected a UN resolution authorizing a peacekeeping force in Darfur on the grounds that it would be a violation of Sudanese sovereignty. The plan would enlarge the current force from 7,000 to 20,000. On September 3, Khartoum asked the African Union force to leave the country when at the end of its mandate.
  • On the 17th, Sudan said it would welcome a hybrid UN-AU force as long as the UN was not in command. Specifically, the Sudan said it would accept “all financial, material, logistic, or technical assistance from the UN in order to strengthen the AU mission in Darfur.” On the same day, Chad proposed an anti-Sudan alliance with the Central African Republic (CAR). The CAR and Chad have accused Sudan of backing rebels fighting against the CAR government.
  • The May 5th Darfur Peace Agreement, allows the UN to send peacekeepers to support the existing AU forces in Sudan. The first phase of the provision was initiated on Jan 11, 2007. This phase
  • In addition, the first phase includes military advisors, police officers, and civilian staff from the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). The second stage of the process calls for staff workers and more equipment
  • The third phase covers the deployment of some 17,000 troops and 3,000 police officers to support or replace the under-staffed AU missions, creating a hybrid, UN-AU peacekeeping force.
  • The violence in Sudan has continued to increase, and as even turned on Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), killing aid workers, and disrupting humanitarian aid. The International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the 13 NGOs in Sudan have reported that as of July 2006, 12 relief workers have been killed. This is more than those workers killed in the last two years, combined. In addition, armed bands have attacked numerous NGO sites, and United Nations compounds. The violence toward aid workers has greatly reduced the scope of aid operations all across the region, compromising food, water, and medical services all across Darfur.
  • Human rights groups describe the situation in Darfur as a genocide
  • The UN Security Council was also to discuss possible sanctions against Sudan
  • The Darfur crisis threatened to become a regional conflict on 7 November 2006 when Chad accused Sudan of “exporting the genocide.” In the week prior to this announcement, 200 people were killed attacks on villages just inside the Chadian border. Chad declared a state of emergency on the 13th and was backed by a UN warning against the incursion.
  • On January 11, 2007, talks between Jan Eliasson and President Omar el-Bashir, Sudan's President, have shown commitment to the resolution to put UN peacekeepers in Darfur, to aid in quelling the violence that has again erupted in Sudan. Jan Eliasson is the United Nations Secretary-General's special envoy to Darfur
  • called for equipment and supplies to be delivered to the African Mission in Sudan (AMIS
  • As of January 12, 2007, the fighting in Darfur has claimed the lives of over 200,000 people, and forced some 2.5 million people from their homes, many seeking refuge in neighboring Chad. As of January 12, 2007 the government of Sudan as continually rejected a UN presence in the country. They have allowed, as per the Darfur Peace Agreement, UN peacekeeping troops into the country. However, these troops were only admitted as long as they were under AU command, and in support positions. These troops are mainly placed in technical support positions. Independent UN peacekeeping missions have been expressly forbidden.

Q & A on Laws of War Issues in Libya - 1 views

    .Latest News.Sri Lanka: Massacre of Aid Workers Goes Unpunished Six Years On, Government Fails to Prosecute Responsible Military, Police Aug 2, 2012 Press release Belarus: One Year on, Still Waiting for Justice Comply With UN Resolution, Free Rights Activist Aug 2, 2012 Press release Chinese Addiction Study and Human Rights Study Conducted on Detainees in Compulsory Drug Centers Aug 2, 2012 Commentary Justice in Senegal Aug 2, 2012 Commentary Angola: Stop Stifling Free Speech Halt Abuses and Undertake Key Reforms Before Elections Aug 1, 2012 Press release UAE: US, UK Should Criticize Dissident Arrests 50 Detainees Include Prominent Defense Lawyers Aug 1, 2012 Press release Africa: Clinton Should Urge Leaders to Address Abuse For 6-Nation Visit, Government Secrecy, Excessive Use of Force Should Top Agenda Aug 1, 2012 Press release Jordan: Government Clamps Down on Civil Society Decision to Block a Group's Funding Sends Chilling Message Aug 1, 2012 Press release More news » . .Available in: Français日本語PrintShare Facebook LinkedIn Email Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Google +.Q & A on Laws of War Issues in Libya March 25, 2011 The following Questions and Answers (Q & A) address aspects of international humanitarian law (the laws of war) governing the armed conflict between the government of Libya and the international coalition, and between Libya and Libyan opposition armed groups. The purpose is to provide legal guidance on the fighting, including to the parties to the conflict and those with the capacity to influence them. This Q & A does not address the justifications or the legitimacy of resorting to war by any party

Ancient Egypt of Kids - 1 views

    Lesson plans and resources for Ancient Egypt. Relatively simple information

iRespect - Lesson plans on promoting tolerance - 0 views

    The iRespect website exists to promote positive tolerance and active citizenship. This includes a unit of work on how to take an oral history.

Making Sense of Oral History - from History Matters - 0 views

    "Making Sense of Oral History offers a place for students and teachers to begin working with oral history interviews as historical evidence. Written by Linda Shopes, this guide presents an overview of oral history and ways historians use it, tips on what questions to ask when reading or listening to oral history interviews, a sample interpretation of an interview, an annotated bibliography, and a guide to finding and using oral history online."

Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive - 0 views

    Since 1981, Dr. Sidney Bolkosky, Professor of History at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, has interviewed Holocaust survivors. The University's Mardigian Library has been the repository of these interviews. It has been our privilege to provide a forum for those voices, "listening ears," as one survivor notes, and the facilities to record the testimonies. As a University of distinction, the campus has demonstrated its dignity and character because of the respect it has accorded the tapes and the people who made them.

USHMM Education - 0 views

    The Museum has many resources for teachers striving to help students learn the history of the Holocaust and reflect upon the moral and ethical questions raised by that history.
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