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mbarek Akaddar

Why Is Project-Based Learning Important? :: TESOL/TESL/TEFL/EFL/ESOL/ESL Resources :: A... - 6 views

    Why Is Project-Based Learning Important?
Stéphane Métral

Suvudu Free Book Library - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games - 0 views

    fantasy and science fiction series
Maggie Verster

BookGlutton: Cool Way To Read Books On The Web - 0 views

    BookGlutton is a free resource that lets you read books on the web, digitally annotate them and interact with other readers in real-time. You can chat with users on different chapters, leave and reply to comments within the text and bookmark your place in the book.
Nergiz Kern

Main Page - Gutenberg - 0 views

    Gutenberg project has been around for a while now but now I see they also offer audio books for download.
Maggie Verster

A visual reader of text- Amazing!!! - 9 views

    "A TextArc is a visual represention of a text-the entire text (twice!) on a single page. A funny combination of an index, concordance, and summary; it uses the viewer's eye to help uncover meaning."
Stéphane Métral

The Screencasting Handbook - the screencasting tutorial eBook - 11 views

    Become a better screencaster
Stéphane Métral

The Manuals - Free Manuals Online - 0 views

    regroupe des liens vers près de 6 millions de manuels en ligne: modes d'emploi, cours
Claude Almansi | I migliori ebook italiani indicizzati per argomento, titolo e autore - 1 views

    * Arte * Economia * Filosofia * Gialli * Internet * Narrativa * Psicologia * Ragazzi * Religione * Scienza * Società * Storia * Tutte le categorie * RSS (without guarantee: I haven't explored it yet9
Martin Burrett

Imagine Forest - 3 views

    "A superb platform for creating online books. Add pictures from the bank of images or from your computer. Browse the extensive library of books created by the community."
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