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Mal Booth

Setting up a Google Scholar Profile & Citations Help - 1 views

    Link to help page at Google Scholar about Citations and Setting up a Google Scholar profile.
Mal Booth

Academics' online presence - assessing & shaping visibility 2012 - 0 views

    Great presentation with some simple advice for academics and researchers about raising their online profiles, using open access and some colaborative tools.
Elizabeth Litting

Australian Consortium of Humanities Research Centres (ACHRC) - 0 views

    The Australian Consortium of Humanities Research Centres (ACHRC) is a network for groups engaged in Humanities-based research. Our aim is to connect Humanities researchers and centres, both within the Australasian region and internationally, and to promote relationships with cultural institutions and sector representative bodies in the wider community. We provide a virtual and physical hub for information about research opportunities and events, and seek to strengthen the public profile of research in the Humanities.
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