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franco rossi

Companion Planting Chart, Map and Guide | Companion Gardening Map & Chart - 0 views

    Companion planting means putting plants together in the garden that like each other, or help each other out. Companion planting can have a real impact on the health and yield of your plants
franco rossi

How to Grow Lemon Trees from Seed | Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine - 0 views

    How would you like to have your very own lemon tree at home? This can be solved easily as you can grow your own lemon seeds and plant a tree wherever you want. We advice you to use organic lemon seeds for this project. Take one lemon, peel it and take out the seeds. Leave the seeds to dry. After that peel of the shell of each seed gently and make sure you leave the inside untouched. Buy a flower pot and soil and prepare it carefully, then plant the seeds. Add water to moisten the soil. Cover the soil entirely with pebbles and cover the flower pot with a plastic wrap. Find a warm place for the pot and leave it there. Once the lemon seeds begin to sprout remove the plastic wrap to leave enough space for your plant to grow. Don't forget to moisten to soil regularly. Be patient and take care of your plant as it will take a long time until the first lemon will appear. It usually takes around 8-10 years for the first
franco rossi

Choosing Perennial Garden Plants For Your Edible Landscape - 0 views

    Because once established, perennial garden plants (defined as those plants that normally live more than two years) give a consistent look to the landscape year after year, and are generally easy to care for. They will become the foundation of your edible landscape design.
franco rossi

Plant Symptoms and Their Causes - 0 views

    California's soil is generally rich in the minerals that plants need for healthy, vigorous growth. Unhealthy looking plants show similar signs to common diseases, no matter what soil they grow in.
franco rossi

The Ten Rules of Homestead Tree Planting - 0 views

    These basic ten rules of homestead tree planting will help you grow healthy flourishing trees that can create an orchard, land boundary markers and wind breaks. The simple act of planting a tree increases your property value, creates cooling shade, life giving oxygen, home for wildlife animals and natural beauty
franco rossi

Lettuce Leaf Hanging Baskets - A Spicy Perspective - 0 views

    If you are planting from seeds, leaf lettuce can be planted in neat little rows or can be spread in a circle around the growing plant holder or hanging basket. Make sure to read the back of the seed packets on spacing for each variety of lettuce, and for instructions on thinning out the lettuce. If left un-thinned, the crowded baskets will produce small leafs
franco rossi

August Gardening Tips: Harvest Onions, Store Fruit, Sow Fall Veggies - 2 views

    August is the time to sow veggie seeds for a late summer or fall harvest: Lettuce, broccoli, beets, carrots, radishes, and other short-season crops. Shade lettuce, if possible, during late afternoon to keep young plants cooler, or grow them next to larger plants, such as tomatoes, that provide some shade. Shading is easy using white row cover over a frame or wire hoops. Water seedlings often, and mulch between rows to preserve moisture and block weed growth. Bear in mind that the date to maturity of late summer planted vegetables may be extended by as much as two weeks, due to the shortening length of
franco rossi

Plants | Proven Winners - 0 views

    Proven Winners plants are preferred by both new and experienced gardeners because a better garden starts with a better plant. Proven Winners are top performers-healthy, disease-resistant, and easy to grow producing long-lasting color with wow power
franco rossi

Potted Plants That Thrive in a Shaded Entryway - Tales of a Ranting Ginger - 0 views

    Dark shaded entryways are always the hardest to add a little color to with beautiful potted plants. Everyone likes to adorn their patio stairs, but if you plant flowers that are in need of full sunlight, you risk them dying or struggling just to keep some straggly stems growing. This year, fill a pot with a selection of flowers that pack a punch and thrive in the shade
franco rossi

Flower Power Technology, A Green Thumb For Anyone - 0 views

    If it's a plant or a flower or tree, I'm likely to kill it. And quickly. I do not have a green thumb, but I love having plants and I find that my front porch has far more curb appeal if it's adorned with plants and flowers. Preferably ones that aren't dead and to replace ones I've killed quickly becomes an expensive habit. I needed help and I found it with a little technological Flower Power
franco rossi

Earth Day Craft: Egg Carton Planters Tutorial - 0 views

    There are so many projects that we can do with our kids that show them about how the world works. Planting seeds is a fun project to do in the spring and can also be a fantastic Earth Day craft in April. April is a great time to plant seeds since the weather is finally (hopefully) warm. With this craft for kids you will be able to plant seeds indoors so they germinate in the warmth of your house
franco rossi

Rainbow Garden Step 2 -- Planting Nasturtiums - 0 views

    Last week, we painted pots for our rainbow garden. I've enlisted help from dirtgirl for the next step in the process: the planting. dirtgirl: Love your work
franco rossi

Plant Scented Geraniums for Flavorful Meals - Vegetable Gardener - 0 views

    During one of the first forays into the garden center this spring, I spotted a long table covered with scented geraniums. These lovely Pelargoniums make for beautiful, easy-to-grow plants in the garden, and they're delicious, too. Just like other edible flowers, scented geraniums add more variety to the vegetable bed.
franco rossi

How to Grow an Avocado Tree from Seed | I Luv DIY - 0 views

    Ever thought of planting your own avocado tree from scratch and growing Avocados that provide nearly 20 essential nutrients? Planting your own avocado tree from
franco rossi

DIY How to Propagate and Root Tomato Plants | DIY Comfy Home - 0 views

    Everyone loves tomatoes. You can use them in salads or in cooking or even just by eating them raw as fruits. The top of my list every year in spring is planting
franco rossi

9 All Natural Ways to Keep Slugs Out Of Your Garden - 0 views

    So you've planted that organic garden and much to your dismay, your plants aren't thriving and you begin to notice holes in the leaves.
franco rossi

How to Plant a Fall Garden - 0 views

    If you are lucky enough to live in a warm climate zone then when Fall arrives you have a second growing season besides Spring. I have lived in the desert and gardened since I was a young girl. These tips are based on my knowledge of gardening here in the desert of Las Vegas. Here are some tips to remember when planting your Fall Garden
franco rossi

Fair Dinkum Seeds Has Every Plant You Need - 0 views

    Fair Dinkum Seeds is a company who sells home grown, organic seeds of every plant you could need. Our love of gardening is what sparked their interest in starting the company. We are a couple who resides in Queensland, Australia, and we are working on their own personal garden and harvesting seeds every day of the year
franco rossi

Edible Garden Hedges! How To Grow Edible Landscape Hedges - 0 views

    Garden hedges are simply a row of shrubs planted to form a screen, divider, or barrier. Hedges provide privacy, act in place of fencing, keep animals in or out, visually set off an area of the yard, or form a backdrop for other, more showy plants. Hedges can be formally trimmed, or left to grow in more natural shapes.
franco rossi

Edible Shade Gardens - 0 views

    Of course! While the plants in shade gardens might be different from those normally grown in full sun, there are many edible plants that love shade (and a few that require
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