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Mike Ross

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cute ascii art

started by Mike Ross on 12 Oct 12
  • Mike Ross

    Collection of facebook symbols and ascii art for facebook status, messages and comments. Complete list of facebook emoticons.
    cute ascii art
    Cool Symbols ( just copy & pate to you status) ⊹.
    Cute ascii art for you to use on your nickname, or create phrases with them... just be creative! Some are cute japanese emoticons as ascii. You can use them wherever.
    Great collection of facebook symbols and cool shapes for facebook status, messages and comments. Complete list of emoticons and smileys for facebook chat.
    Feb 20, 2011 · Cute I love You ASCII Art ,facebook tricks and tips, funny facebook apps and reviews, make more fun with facebook, facebook expressions and chat hidden fun
    -=[ Love Story ]=- 3/97 boy meets girl... Love Story Aschii Art ascii art love, cute love ascii art ASCII Art map ascii art stories ASCII cute ascii art cute bouquet love story asci
    Home. ASCII Text Art / MSN Text Pictures . ASCII Text Art is a combination of some special characters. When these ASCII characters are arranged is such a way, that.
    Cute Birthday ASCII ART For Facebook, Website And Blog, you can find other Ascii Art On this Blog,
    Cool decorative Ipod music ascii art for facebook ╔══╗♫ *´") ║ ║ ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**¨) ♫ ♪ ║(O)║ (¸.*´ (¸.* ♫ ♪.
    Feb 27, 2011 · Best Answer:... ,-'...,,,---,,,......|,,--~''''''¯I.
    Thousand collection of ASCII Art, all category ASCII art collection
    MULTIPLE LINE MSN NICKNAMES Everybody knows you are limited to a single line nickname when listed in people's contacts, but this is not the case in a 1-on-1 chat …
    ASCII-Art by Sebastian Stöcker. \ __| __|_ _|_ _| \ _ \_ _| _ \ \__ \ ( | | ____| _ \ / | _/ _\____/\___|___|___| _/ _\_|_\ _|.net ASCII Art by SSt.
    Aug 18, 2010 · Thousand collection of ASCII Art, all category ASCII art collection
    Complete the conversion within just three clicks. Convert plain words into interesting Big ASCII Art Words. Create a cute ASCII Art dog on the 'Free.
    Aug 18, 2010 · Type your blog description. Cute ascii art love couple for your fb about me box =====
    From: on 12/19/2002 (S307b) A smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the head and the heating system of the heart.
    Great collection of facebook symbols and cool shapes for facebook status, messages and comments. Complete list of emoticons and smileys for facebook chat.
    Here are some really cool

    cute ascii art

    and cute little ascii art faces and smileys that you can use on your facebook profile page. You can copy and post these to your status.

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