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Contents contributed and discussions participated by ashley kate

ashley kate

Celebrities Secrets For A Better Marriage | Better Marriage - 6 views

    It is too difficult to find a long lasting marriage in celebrity's worlds. Over 80 % celebrity's marriage was ended by divorce. Here is 4 couples who had better marriages than the others. Christina & Jordan's Sexy Secret: Naked Sundays Sexy
ashley kate

Marriage Retreats For Better Marriage | Better Marriage - 8 views

    When a husband and wife are having trouble in their marriage and they can't seem to get over reoccurring problems, they often turn to counseling or marriage retreats for better marriage. For many couples though, counseling sounds demeaning and some
ashley kate

Understanding Commitment Phobia - 6 views

    Men or women can have commitment phobia although it seems more common in men. With women in successful careers they may have a fear of committing to someone who is not as successful as they are.
ashley kate

How to have a Better Marriage and make it everlasting! - 0 views

    Life is often lived predictably because when you get right down to it, you'd rather live life in your comfort zone than step out into the uncertainty of true life and relationship design. Change is scary. I get it. But change should not be debilitating. It pains me to say this, but many people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.When you reach marriage level, it's time to get to the next level. The routine like raising child, make all family breakfast, work to office from 9 to 5 make both of you bored and lost some interest each other.If some of you feel the emptiness, want to get the refresh air from other place, Guess what?? It comes the affair.I introduce you the Better Marriage...To help you find a better marriage on marriage life
ashley kate

6 Ways To A Better Marriage | Better Marriage - 1 views

    Do you want to have a better marriage? Want to keep that light on? Follow these suggestions and you would get the happiest marriage life. 1. Conflict is your friend There will always be conflicts in every relationship; it is part of the human nature.
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