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Contents contributed and discussions participated by José Ángel Santos Núñez

José Ángel Santos Núñez

Rascacielos más alto del mundo en madera de 30 plantas proyectado para 2023 e... - 3 views

José Ángel Santos Núñez

Estructura portante en madera prefabricada a través de sistema de ensambles, ... - 2 views

    El Edificio para las Oficinas Tamedia, diseñado por Shigeru Ban Architects. La obra, compuesta totalmente en base a secciones prefabricadas de madera, propone un complejo y arriesgado sistema de uniones en base a cortes y ensamblajes prolijamente ejecutados.
José Ángel Santos Núñez

Material composite formado por madera y textil. Las pequeñas piezas geométric... - 1 views

    During the recent visit to Parqueteam in Tel Aviv, we had a chance to explore some recent innovative work by some top-level Israeli design studios. The ideas and inspiration presented by Tesler Mendelovitch here give insights into how designers work with materials. The studio is organised as a textile design and development team.
José Ángel Santos Núñez

Minnesota's Bigelow Chapel. Formas curvas, madera, brillo y luz natural. - 1 views

    While translucency is not a characteristic normally associated with wood, an installation in Minnesota's Bigelow Chapel demonstrates the warmth and radiance that translucent wood can bring to an environment. The sanctuary's curving and undulating wood panels are made from a quilted big-leaf maple tree that was harvested in America's Pacific Northwest.
José Ángel Santos Núñez

Calidez y calidad de la madera en la construcción - 0 views

    Who doesn't love a good bit of wood? All but the exceptionally dogmatically modernist architects love its warmth and ease of use. It's naturally attractive to most people: it feels good. There are tens of thousands of different wood types, of which around 1,000 are used commercially.
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