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The Truth About Excess Skin | The Dr. Oz Show - 0 views

  • The Truth About Excess Skin
    • mayaeri
      I predict that the article will be about how being overweight gives you excess skin
  • Where my stomach, legs and arms had previously been distended with fat, there was now some excess skin. Over a period of time, some of this firmed up with concentrated cardio and weight training, but only to a certain point. After 12 years and 4 more babies, it is as good as it’s going to get.
  • Does it bother me? A bit. Would I not have lost the weight had I known about the excess skin? No. It doesn't bother me that much, and the benefits of not weighing 300 pounds certainly outweigh any cosmetic issues. The issues I have are minor compared with the issues
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • There are people who have had gastric bypass surgery and lost tons of weight so quickly that their skin doesn't rebound at all. In those cases, plastic surgery may be a necessity, not just an option.
  • The skin is not attractive externally, but in some ways it reminds me of where I was and where I never want to go again. Don't be frightened by the prospect of excess skin if you have a large amount of weight to lose. If the skin bothers you, cosmetic surgery is an option that although pricey, offers very nice results.
    • mayaeri
      Excess skin is something that comes along with weight loss yes there is skin reducing cream but also there are surgeries that are there but during weight loss there is not much dodging of excess skin

NFL Helmet Manufacturer Warned On Concussion Risk | Concussion Watch | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

  • NFL Helmet Manufacturer Warned On Concussion Risk
  • 95 percent
  • 31 percent less
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Riddell is being sued
  • hired Biokinetics for $500,000
  • The Push to Create a Better Helmet
  • $3.1 million out of a total of $11.5 million
  • 2009 Congressional hearing.)
  • November 2000
  • How Do You Measure Concussion Protection?
  • National Operating Committee fo
  • Standards on Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE)
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How to Tell the Difference Between Real Love and Fantasy | Psychology Today - 1 views

  • How to Tell the Difference Between Real Love and Fantasy
    • taeblazaack
      I think this ariticle is will be about all different types of love relationships or love fantasies
  • As children, we often form a fantasy of what real love looks like. Though we may paint a pretty picture in our minds, this fantasy isn't necessarily built on the admirable qualities we truly desire in a partner.
    • taeblazaack
      this is so true
    • tydab0ss
      shut upppp
  • A fantasy bond is created when two people replace real acts of genuine love, admiration, passion, and respect with the role and ritual of "being" in a relationship.
    • taeblazaack
      what do they mean by role and ritual of "being" in relationship?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • You may think you are being honest in an emotional conversation, but your true feelings c
  • and express it in a way that is sensitive and respectful, and make sure
  • your actions
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Advantages of Drinking Water and Skin Benefits | Healthy Eating | SF Gate - 0 views

    • heidimontage
      Without enough water, the body isn't able to function correctly.
  • It is critical for the proper functioning of every organ and bodily system. Water flushes out toxins while also delivering key nutrients to cells -- it's more essential to life than food. So staying properly hydrated makes for an overall healthier body.
  • Conventional wisdom tells us that drinking more water will have a positive impact on skin, providing a younger-looking, radiant complexion.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • However, all types of fluid can be included in those totals, such as milk and juice.
    • heidimontage
      Water isn't the only thing that feeds the body h2o. 
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Extinct Megalodon, the largest shark ever, may have grown too big - NBC News - 0 views

  • Extinct Megalodon, the largest shark ever, may have grown too big
    • xreyes595
      what happen to the megalodon
  • A megalodon shark could grow up to 60 feet long and had a bite more powerful than that of a Tyrannosaurus rex.
    • xreyes595
      This type of shark was consider an apex( top of food chain) predator because of the size and strength it had  
  • Bigger is better?
    • xreyes595
      Just because the megalodon was massive in size wasn't actually a good
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Bigger over time
  • Megalodon, the most massive shark ever to prowl the oceans, may have gotten so big that it was prone to extinction.
  • Megalodon
    • Charlie Freij
      These are good annotation so far. As you read through the whole article, continue to use strategies like connections and questions to deepen your understanding of the writing. Leave a sticky note at the bottom with a summary of the article.
  • Although it's not clear why the behemoths were getting bigger over evolutionary time, their big size may have made them more vulnerable to extinction
    • xreyes595
      Nobody knows why the Megalodon kept growing over evolutionary time but because of their massive size it could have made them more vulnerable to extinction                     
  • Megalodon could grow up to 60 feet (18 meters) long and had a bite more powerful than that of a Tyrannosaurus rex.
  • The sea monsters terrorized the oceans from about 16 million to 2 million years ago.
  • Though that may seem like a long reign, other shark species have survived for 50 million years
  • Bigger animals can eat a wider range of foods and be fiercer predators than their pip-squeak pals. But because they eat more types of animals they also have more competition for those animals, and the ecosystem can support a lower population density of them since they need more resources — including space — to survive. When food supplies dwindled, these giant creatures could have had a tough time finding enough food
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What is your self-identity? - 1 views

  • Your self-identity was constructed in childhood.
    • citoking
      I Agree With this because you learn from what you grow up watching.
  • Your conscious identity makes the choices you are aware of, while your subconscious mind drives habitual healthy, and unhealthy behaviors.
  • Your self-identity is how you see yourself based on what you find similar to you consciously, and unconsciously.
    • citoking
      I agree , And can also connect to it.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • To identify is to recognize something as familiar and similar.
    • citoking
      The author is stating the obvious
  • An identity is a constellation of characteristics that determine who a person is
  • Children are born without awareness of being a separate individual; you don’t have an identity to begin with!
    • citoking
      Social interactions
  • You need feedback to be aware of yourself.
  • Feedback serves as a mirror that reflects who you are being.
  • Mirroring and self-images
  • Self-images are constructed from important similar events that happened many times. These events were important because they involved people we trusted and needed to help us satisfy our core needs for safety, nurturing attention (love, belonging), and mirroring back our value etc.
    • citoking
      It seems as if they are explaining that your true colors will show around people you know you can trust such as your family
  • For example, if I was praised for “good performances” I would tend to see myself as intelligent (a positive self-image), and I would tend to see that in others, AND if was told I was stupid for making mistakes, I would learn to fear making mistakes because it means that I’m stupid (a negative self-image).
    • citoking
      Seems as if they are stating the obvious because this is true but not everyone would think like this
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22 Amazing Benefits and Uses Of Water For Skin, Hair and Health | StyleCraze - 0 views

  • . Cold water rinse leaves the hair glossy and shiny. The cold temperature constricts the hair cuticles to make the strands smoother and more reflective. It also prevents dirt from accumulating on the scalp and makes hair stronger.
  • Water is a natural miracle ingredient that supports vitamin consumption and assists in efficient and healthy hair growth. Water makes almost ¼ of the weight of a hair strand, thus, drink two liters of water every day to get gleaming and healthy tresses.
  • Muscles are made up of up to 75% water, so it is necessary to provide them enough water. Having enough water will help keep their contraction normal and prevent muscular cramps; It will help you to exercise more making you stronger and healthy.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • heidimontage
      If you don't maintain the water in the body yourself, the body will begin to do it on its own until you help get it back on track.

Acrylic Nails vs Gel Nails - Difference and Comparison | Diffen - 0 views

  • Acrylic and Gel Nails
    • shaunte
      i like french tips , they are very popular .
  • One of the primary factors for choosing gel nails over acrylic is the appearance
  • Gel nails, on the other hand are just like a gel and take their shape themselves and hence are very easy on the hands.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • After Effect
    • shaunte
      nail vs gel .gel is proven to be better because it lasts longer and its less harmful to the real nails. also the appearance is better and glossy .

Christina Aguilera's Nose: Celebs Before and After Plastic Surgery: Music Pictures... - 0 views

  • Christina Aguilera was rumored to have had a nose job, we like the first nose better, and some collagen lip injections and rumored liposuction after the birth of her son.
    • hello_yungxunt
      christina never had surgery she just grew up

Rose McGowan Plastic Surgery - Before & After Pictures 2014 - 0 views

  • Rose McGowan Has Rose McGowan Had Cosmetic Surgery? Her surgery question is one that seems to follow the actress nearly wherever she goes.
    • hello_yungxunt
      she was in a car wreck thats all i know
  • The official story, and one that the actress agrees with, was that she was in a car accident in the year 2007 and that her glasses cut her underneath her eye, leaving an unattractive scar behind:
    • hello_yungxunt
      reasons why i don't want to drive cars wrecks scare me… i rather take a bus or train or walk
  • “I didn’t realize I was hurt until I put my hand to my face and felt the flap of skin,
Ruth Mitchell

The 10 Ways To Achieve Success In Both Business And Life - 0 views

  • In life, like in business, you have the people who are out there living it to the fullest and the bystanders letting it pass them by. You have the people who sit around and mope all day about how miserable their lives are, then you have the people who are out there crossing things off their bucket lists on a regular basis.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is so true, and I don't want to be one of those people who just let life go on without actually living my life and exploring all over the world.
  • Success is more than an idea, it is a state of mind. Although success is relative to each individual, the key to achieving success is the demeanor in which you go about living your life and taking advantage of opportunities that come to you.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Ambitious thinking and being able to see that you deserve more than what you have.
  • Whether it be in life or in business, you should never take anything for granted and you should learn how to make the most of the situations that are presented to you.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • There is no way to turn this instinct on or off; however, when you realize you are in a tough situation, your gut feeling is the most trusted way to go.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      When you have a gut feeling that you should't do something and you do it anyway and something bad happens. This happens to me all the time, from now on i will be listening to that gut feeling.
  • If your gut is giving you a negative feeling about a particular person or situation, then it would be best not to question it
  • People love to be in their comfort zones, once we find a particular way of doing things, we are very reluctant to change the way we go about it. However, times do change and it’s important that we keep an open mind when it comes to new ideas and ways of thinking.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Change isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes you get exposed to things you never thought would happen. However, you should always keep a open mind.
  • This is especially true when it comes to the way you go about living your life. Don’t try to force your beliefs onto others. Just because something works for you doesn’t mean it will work for someone else
  • Have an open mind when it comes to understanding the new technologies out there; it will help you keep up with the times.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      When wanting to achieve successful you must open your mind to many options out their. Even things you had doubt in before.
  • Great success is coupled with great responsibility. Do not take your success for granted. You may have worked hard for what you achieved, but know that you are now in a position to help those who are less fortunate. Now this doesn’t mean you have to give away everything you have to people less fortunate, but it wouldn’t hurt you to give a helping hand.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is so true sometime, people become successful and forget to help out the needy or even try to help someone be at the same position in life like they are in. Helping others bring good karma. Thinking about others is always a good thing.
  • There are people who will never get the same opportunities as you. Help open up doors for these people, it will not only show others the importance of helping out, but it will also make you feel good about yourself.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      So true

Seven Secrets of Self-Made Multimillionaires | - 0 views

  • This isn't a how-to on the accumulation of wealth from a lifetime of saving and pinching pennies. This is about generating multimillion-dollar wealth and enjoying it during the creation process.
    • noloveforthots
      Main Idea
    • Charlie Freij
      get money, not go broke, and still enjoy..
  • . 7: Create Multiple Flows of Income -
  • No. 1: Decide to Be a Multimillionaire
    • Charlie Freij
      quick memoir
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • No. 6: Shift Focus from Spending to Investing
    • kassey1008
      the difference between the two is oct you spend the money is gone investing means to save and double (can be a gamble)
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"The beautiful Lie, the painful truth" | Divine Thoughts Through The Mind's Eye - 0 views

  • life is a beautiful lie, and death is the painful truth
  • Yes, we serve.  We are all servants of the divine
    • smithwillicia_
      what or who is the divine? is it saying we are all servants of life or destiny itself , does thats mean we cannot control things that are bound to happen?
  • "The beautiful Lie, the painful truth"
    • smithwillicia_
      A beautiful lie or painful truth ? Beautiful lie of life or painful truth of death. people hate death because it is the painful truth, no one ever wants to face the painful truth , they'd rather live a beautiful life even its a lie ….. we're all bound to face the painful truth of death someday , some maybe even sooner then others. 
  • ...6 more annotations...
  •  People are afraid of death when they shouldn't be
    • smithwillicia_
      because people would rather be told/ live a lie then face the painful truth 
  • It's only us killing each other in today's society, there is no other reason
    • smithwillicia_
      the writer of this article has an opinion where he thinks it isn't destiny or lives wishes when we die , its " society " we kill our selves 
  •  idea-less fallacies
  • fallacies
  • If you do believe in these truths don't think your merely spreading idea-less fallacies because it isn't that.
    • smithwillicia_
      the writer is explaining if you do believe in the things he believe in & is going to spread his/her ideas , don't think that your spreading idea-less mistaken beliefs 
  • Like most other signs people will take this sign for granted.
    • smithwillicia_
      people always seem to take most of things in life for granted 
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College Football Scholarships. How To Get Recruited For College Football. - 2 views

  • College Football Scholarships and Recruiting
    • Charlie Freij
      Good start. Now that you've annotated to Text features. Begin reading through the entire article to find out authors ideas. Leave a sticky note at the bottom with a summary of the article.
    • akeelalleyne
      coaches from different collages  go out and get different players from around the  country.
  • The process of getting a scholarship first starts with getting recruited.
    • akeelalleyne
      Before you get the scholarship you have to let the coaches/ school know that you are interested 
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • For most athletes and families the process of identifying the right football colleges, getting a coach to take notice, and making the best choice on a school can be very daunting.
    • akeelalleyne
      Get the attention of as many schools as you can
  • Each program has different rules for how they like to award football scholarships and how they evaluate players.
    • akeelalleyne
      Different schools haves different offers to getting a scholarship 
  • Every year a coach can hand out up to 25 new scholarships, not including the scholarships they might take from a current player and give to another.
    • akeelalleyne
      not everyone on the team doesn't have a scholarship, if you want a scholarship you will have to work hard for it
  • Many times athletes, who could have played at the FBS, chose to play at an FCS school because they could come in a play right away or the school was a better fit for them personally.
    • akeelalleyne
      just because your a good player doesn't mean that you have to go to a good school wit a great football team
    • akeelalleyne
      SUMMARY- The main topic of this passage is to let all athletes know that not every school you pick you can get a scholarship, but if you work hard you can get a chance to get one, jus work hard for it. This passage also let them know that there are different levels in the NCAA, and different levels and different schools get a different amount on scholarships.

What is Self Identity? How to understand the Question "Who am I"? - 0 views

  • Who am I? Self Identity – Building Personal Character
    • citoking
      How often is this question asked?
  • Self Identity
  • Self Identity
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Boundary
  • Self Esteem
  • World View
  • How it fit’s into the Character Building Model
    • citoking
      What makes a character? Can a character be built off of anything in the world?
  • Where problems arise in Self Identity
  • Where problems arise in Self Identity
  • Who I am? A question everyone at some point will ask themselves
  • Refers to the global understanding a person has of themselves
  • For example, the statement, “I am lazy” is a self-assessment that contributes to the self-concept.
  • Your ability to say either YES and NO to events or statements.
    • citoking
      I can definitely relate to this statement.
  • You know someone who you enjoy being around socially but they occasionally do things that are a matter of a small illegal crime
    • citoking
      I agree with this statement also but i highly believe that EVERYONE in the world has done something illegal. Its no way you cannot.
  • Refers to the structure or framework that a person uses to organize and define what the world is to them.
    • citoking
      I feel that this is basically saying that everyone see's the world in their own way.
  • While Self Esteem is a general state of mind, it is affected by changes in any one of the various feelings that make it up.  For example a drop in confidence will lower Self Esteem in the short term.
  • If you do not have a boundary about yelling, the person will yell at you … and you will feel according to your world view that they do not respect you and will lose Self Esteem.
  • A gap can be defined as a hole in your boundary.  It is a lack of a preference or rule you have about yourself or your behavior or your place in the world.
  • A vague preference or rule is something that you are a little wishy-washy on.  It is a concept or situation where you have an idea of what is acceptable to you
Ruth Mitchell

Billionaire Jack Ma teaches you how to be successful in life and business - Vulcan Post - 0 views

    • Ruth Mitchell
      This statement is true, with a positive attitude and ambitious mind you are capable of achieving anything. 
  • 30% of all people will never believe you. Do not allow your colleagues and employees to work for you. Instead, let them work for a common goal.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Sometimes when people doubt you that doesn't mean you can't achieve your goals. Doubt only push me to get to the point i want to be in. 
  • A leader should be a visionary and have more foresight than an employee. A leader should have higher grit and tenacity, and be able to endure what the employees can’t. A leader should have higher endurance and ability to accept and embrace failure.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • The quality of a good leader therefore is his vision, tenacity, and his capability.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This statement is true. You must have a clear vision of what you want and nothing can get in your way of that.
  • One should always understand that money and political power can never go hand in hand. Once you are in politics, don’t ever think about money anymore. Once you are running a business, don’t ever think of being involved in politics.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is a good advice. Because politics is something I don't like getting involved in.
  • What is failure: Giving up is the greatest failure. What is resilience: Once you have been through hardships, grievances and disappointments, only then will you understand what is resilience.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Failure should only push you to not make the same mistake once. However, failure should never stop you from what you want. It should only motivate you more.
  • Only fools use their mouth to speak. A smart man uses his brain, and a wise man uses his heart.
  • I always tell myself that we are born here not to work, but to enjoy life. We are here to make things better for one another, and not to work. If you are spending your whole life working, you will certainly regret it.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      I always tell myself that I am not in the point of my life where I want to be. What I have now I deserve more. And my mindset only makes me grind harder for what I deserve.
  • No matter how successful you are in your career, you must always remember that we are here to live. If you keep yourself busy working, you will surely regret it.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      I see people born and die in the same place. Never felt their country just worked their whole life to live a life thats not really living. You must explore see whats out there. 
  • Those that compete aggressively with one another are the foolish ones. If you view everyone as your enemies, everyone around you will be your enemies.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      I believe no one can really get to the top by their self, you always need someone with connects. Being anti-social won't get you anywhere. Being social and kind to people will make people want to help you and see you achieve the best.
  • Competition is similar to playing a board of chess. If you lose, we can always have another round. Both players should never fight.
  • A real businessman or entrepreneur has no enemies. Once he understand this, the sky’s the limit.
  • Adopt and change before any major trends or changes.
  • Forget the money; Forget about earning money. Rather than having small smart tricks to get by, focus on holding on and persevering. Your attitude determines your altitude.
  • Today is cruel, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be beautiful.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Never let a bad day or the past ruin your future. What happened yesterday is yesterday there is always room for change.
  • If you do not know where your competitor is, or overconfident and snobbish about your competitor, or are unable to comprehend how your competitor became a real threat, you will surely fall behind him. Don’t be the “they” in this idiom: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Never worry about the next person, worrying about the next person will only make you be less than that person
  • Even if your competitor is still small in size or weak, you should take him seriously and treat him as a giant. Likewise, even if your competitor is massive in size, you shouldn’t regard yourself as a weakling.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This source is very helpful. It basically told me the does and don'ts in the industry. In order to succeed you must have a positive attitude and be very ambitious. Also to never let failure hold you back. It should only push you harder to grind for what you want. There's always going to be someone trying to compete with you but, pay no mind to competition. However, never underestimate others just don't focus on what there doing.

Will We All Die? - Answers in Genesis - 0 views

  • Will We All Die?
  • Some believe death will be the end of their existence, while most people accept some sort of
    • willebchs
      can you take your time to think and regain your conscience
  • afterlife. As Christians, we know that all people will live for eternity either with God in the new
    • willebchs
      if your not a christian but believe in god an jesus can you become one of those individuals
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • heavens and new earth or separated from God in the lake of fire. A person’s eternal future
    • willebchs
      can the lake of fire ever stop?
  • depends solely on his relationship to Jesus Christ.
    • willebchs
      can your relationship with god be stronger than jesus or is it equal?
  • Today’s big idea: the Resurrection of Jesus guarantees an incorruptible and immortal
    • willebchs
      how can you stay incorruptible?
  • future for believers.
    • willebchs
      will the believers stay in heaven an those who dont know but want to will be able to stay?
  • Because of Christ’s Resurrection,
    • willebchs
      how will christ's Resurrection reflect the afterlife?
  • we will not all die, and we will be made like Him
    • willebchs
      so will we be made as one being?
  • We will not all die
    • willebchs
      so when we get killed is that referred also to death?
  • Instead, we will be transformed “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye”
    • willebchs
      what apperance will be shown?
  • our bodies must undergo a transformation
    • willebchs
      how does the transformation start?
  • What to pray: praise God for the hope He has given us by raising Christ from the dead.
    • willebchs
      how can one help save many?
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