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How to Achieve Success in 6 Thoughts - Forbes - 0 views

shared by Ruth Mitchell on 25 Apr 14 - No Cached
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This source how to achieve success in 6 thoughts, is basically about ways you can become successful. I now fully understand in order to gain success you must have faith in yourself. Also you must be able to make a goal and stick to that goal. You can't doubt yourself because, thats only going to make you want to give up. The most important fact to me is that, failure is something that can be overcome. The key to overcoming failure is to "recognize your failure, identify the root and also make a plan to deal with them''. This way you won't make the same mistake twice. 

Report warned Riddell that no helmet could prevent concussions but NFL's helmet-maker m... - 0 views

  • Report warned Riddell about helmets
  • biomechanics firm hired
  • company received a warning
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • in 2000
  • by the NF
  • and later by Riddell
  • sent the company a report showing
  • that no football helmet, no matter how revolutionary, could prevent concussions
  • a helmet that
  • passed the industry safety standard for protection
  • against skull fractures and other severe head injuries could leave a player with a 95 percent likelihood of receiving a concussion from a strong enough blow.
  • Colorado lawsuit
  • did not deter Riddell from
  • marketing the helmet as protection against
  • The push to create a better helmet
  • How do you measure concussion protection?
  • Marketing the Revolution

How to Become a Millionaire - 0 views

  • frugally
    • noloveforthots
      Search definition
  • searching for a common characteristic that could help him in his own quest.
    • noloveforthots
      I could do this
  • what is it going to take for you to become a millionaire?
    • noloveforthots
      Main Idea
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • protecting against those risks through insurance protects wealth.
  • work hard
  • "The harder I work, the luckier I get."
  • too much of it can prevent you from ever becoming one.
    What is your thinking about each of these highlights? What connections, question, comment, inference,etc can you make? Leave a sticky note with a summary of the 7 secrets.

How Height Affects Cause of Death | Taller People Cancer Deaths, Shorter People Heart D... - 0 views

  • taller people more likely to die from cancers, and shorter people more likely to die from heart problems or stroke
    • hakeem1
      - depending on your height can determine the way you are likely to die
  • generally grown taller over time, with an average height increase of 0.27 inches every five years
    • hakeem1
      - every 5 years the norman human may increase 0.27 after a certain age
  • certain causes of death is that height can be a sign of the sum of the health conditions
    • hakeem1
      - your height can be a cause of death because of a health issue.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • A shorter stature can be a sign of malnourishment, chronic infection or chronic diarrhea.
    • hakeem1
      - shortness can show the sign of infections or other health problems
  • taller people are more likely to be hired for jobs
    • hakeem1
      - being tall can offer you many job due to your height 
  • taller people are more likely to be leaner, exercise more and smoke less
    • hakeem1
      - also, being taller can show that you are more in shape and healthier 
  • taller people are more likely to die of many types of cancer is because they tend to have bigger organs, so there is a greater chance that one cell in the organ will become cancerous
    • hakeem1
      - taller people mostly die from cancer because since there are taller they have larger organs, which can become a problem 
    Good job. Can you leave a sticky note with a summary of the article based on your annotations?

6 Things You Should Quit Doing To Be More Successful - 0 views

    • Ruth Mitchell
      I do this all the time. always do the same thing and I know it won't get me anywhere 
  • 6 Things You Should Quit Doing To Be More Successful
  • I’ve completed six half marathons (13.1 miles) over the past few years
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Thats a really big achievement 
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • we go so far and then our brains take over and tell us it’s too hard.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is me all the way, I put my mind to something and then I tell myself its too much work I have to give up.
  • Think right now about something you keep stopping. You committed to it, but then you suddenly quit because it started to require a little extra elbow grease.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      It was freshmen year and I was studying so hard to past the algebra regents. I went to prep after school on wensday and thursday. When the test finally came I didn't show up on the day because, I thought I wasn't ready to take the test.
  • Because the more you stop and think about quitting, the longer it’ll take to get to your desired result. Or worse, you’ll never know what it feels like to reach the finish line.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is so true and very motivating.
  • You’re either scared to start because it means your life will change or you want it for the wrong reasons (i.e. someone else is encouraging you to do it).
    • Ruth Mitchell
      I also do this, whenever I have to change something about myself I think about all the things that will change because of it.
  • You have a choice in everything you do.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This statement is so true. Anything that has to do with me a have a choice. 
  • You are not so worthless that you have to keep dating that person.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Unhealthy relationships is something that can hold you back, and their is always a choice to walk away.
  • Eventually, you’ll have to ask yourself whether you even want to fix the problem.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      It all depends if you want to stay in the situation or remove yourself from it. 
  • So when you say yes to a happy hour, you’re saying no to <insert your choice of workout>.
  • You may just need to analyze when you’re saying yes and what you’re trading for it.
  • There will be rewards along the way and there will be a great sense of accomplishment at the end.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This passage is very inspiring. It pin outs all of the things that cause me to not succeed in life. Anything you want you must have the drive and passion to achieve it. However, their are always little issues that would keep you back. For example "quitting at things you think is to hard". You always have a choice in anything you choose to do. Giving up will only keep you in the same spot you don't want to be in. I came to the understanding that the only way am going to be successful is by putting all doubts out my mind and working to my best ability. Quite avoiding and work hard to reach success. It'll all feel breath taking when you finally achieve it, thats when you will appreciate all of the hard ships it put you through.
    Excellent work using annotations while reading.

'The Honest Truth' About Why We Lie, Cheat And Steal : NPR - 0 views

  • ou're a l
  • liar nonetheless
  • iar. Maybe not a big liar — but a
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • nonetheless
  • nonetheless
    • smithwillicia_
      wether its a big lie or small white lie, regardless everyone lies
  • nonetheless
    it appears you were having some highlighting trouble? As you read the article use the some of the strategies you are practicing in you independent reading book.

The Value of Money : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education - 0 views

  • the inflation in the United States during the past three years has been the worst since the early 1940′s
  • Money is a medium of exchange that facilitates trade in goods and services.
  • When an economic good is sought and wanted, not only for its use in consumption or production but also for purposes of exchange, to be held in reserve for later ex­changes, the demand for it obvi­ously increases.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • People seek money because it has purchasing power
  • The purchasing power of money is determined by the demand for and supply of money
  • As money is a medium of ex­change, our demand for it may be influenced by considerations of facts and circumstances either on the goods side of the exchange or on the money side.
    VALUE OF $$$
    What is your thinking about each of these highlights? What connections, question, comment, inference,etc can you make?

Oprah On How Your Beliefs Lead You To Success In Life (VIDEO) - 0 views

  • Oprah On How Your Beliefs Lead You To Success In Life (VIDEO)
  • Everyone has a different station in life. Have you ever wondered how you got here? Or, even more profoundly, how you can get somewhere else -- perhaps somewhere better?
    • Ruth Mitchell
      I think about this everyday, because I am truly not happy with the place I am in life. 
  • In this clip from "Oprah's Lifeclass," Oprah says that our beliefs are the vehicle that can take us far in life or hold us back.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      I think that your belief can really push you forward to becoming successful in life.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • It's also your shadow beliefs that are holding you back from moving into the life you believe you deserve."
  • These "shadow beliefs" are the inner thoughts that may be telling you that you're not good enough, not worthy enough, not smart enough or simply not enough, period
    • Ruth Mitchell
      I always doubt myself because, I feel like I won't achieve it.
  • If you want to change your life, Oprah says, you must believe in yourself and believe that the life you want is well within your reach. This is exactly what
  • I'm going to move forward in my life in order to draw that to myself in such a way that my actions are in alignment with what I say I believe.'"
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This post is about advice on how to become successful in life by Oprah. She states that you must believe in yourself in order to achieve what you want to in life. However, your shadow beliefs can keep you back. You must believe that you're good enough. Moving forward in life with a positive mind-set can really get you far. 
    This is an excellent example of using reading strategies online.

How to Make a Video Game | No Experience Necessary | Digital Trends - 0 views

  • Creating a video game is a daunting task.
  • Big name developers like Bungie, Irrational Games, and Treyarch have budgets reaching into the millions, as well as a staff of designers and programmers working around the clock to bring the next blockbuster to your doorstep.
  • We’ve seen a virtual barrage of indie games for consoles and mobile platforms in recent years, combating the staple franchises and old classics of yesteryear with innovative new concepts and ideas that breathe new life into a slumping industry that ebbs and flows like teenage emotions.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Other hit titles, like Bastion and Minecraft (which just hit the 10 million sold mark), continue to showcase just how powerful indie gaming has become in recent years.
  • It requires a combination of hard work and innovation, a perhaps a dash of genius thrown in to boot.
  • Conceptualize the video game.
  • It’s easy to fall prey to the curse of second guessing your ideas and wanting to go back and continually replace what you’ve done.
  • You can easily get stuck in this pattern forever. Visualize the kind of game you want to make, but make sure it is within your limitations as an amateur game designer.
  • Know the type of game you want to make (i.e. a platformer, shooter, RPG). Know the budget. There are both free and premium options ripe for the taking. Know the length. Keep it short or attempt something on the sprawling side? Know the basic plot. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just have a general idea of the game’s goal. Know your skill level. Start with something simple and build from there.
    Show your thinking for all of these. Why are they highlighted? Leave a stickynote summary on bottom.

Around 20 hurt in mass stabbing at US high school | News | GMA News Online - 1 views

  • Around 20 hurt in mass stabbing at US high school
    • chantel0420
      were all the people stabbed students?
    • Charlie Freij
      Good start. Continue reading through the entire article to find out authors ideas. Make a many connections, predictions, or questions as you can Leave a sticky note at the bottom with a summary of the article.
  • "Twenty students were injured, four of those students were flown from the scene
    • chantel0420
      this answers my questions
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • the victims are aged 14 to 17. They were attacked in "numerous classrooms and hallways" of the school

How to Achieve Success in 6 Thoughts - Forbes - 0 views

  • Although they failed hundreds of times before they succeeded, they never gave up on their dream.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      To me failure just push you harder to succeed. This when you'll know what not to do.
  • Our minds have the ability to convince us that something is impossible long before we give it our best effort.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is so true because, sometime I would want to do something but my mind always tell me "what if you fail or something goes wrong'', I just give up after that.
  • Those who let themselves think this way are sure to fail because they stop trying to succeed.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is true and I believe if i stop doubting myself I would achieve so much.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Knowing your limits will keep you from striving for the unachievable and ending up disappointed.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This will help you know your path and to not get off your path.
    • Charlie Freij
      Can you summarize this article based on your annotations? Leave a sticky note at the bottom.

How to Help a Child Deal With Family Stress | Everyday Life - Global Post - 1 views

  • This stress could arise because of problems at home such as problems between his parents or a parent projecting his problems onto a child
    • hakeem1
      - children issues usually starts from problem in their household 
  • parents to recognize when stress is present in a child's life and to provide her with the help he needs to deal with it effectively
    • hakeem1
      - parents should provide their child with help if they are seeing problem, instead of holding it in 
  • If your child does not speak with you about his problems directly, you might have to look for signs that stress is bothering him.
    • hakeem1
      - if your child doesnt share their problems with you, it is helpful that you should look for signs of things that bother them 
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • When dealing with a stressful circumstance, your child might find herself isolated and scared.
    • hakeem1
      - usually when something is bothering your child they would isolate themselves from others 
    • Charlie Freij
      Can you summarize this article based on your annotations?

How can I Begin a Career in Radio Broadcasting? (with pictures) - 0 views

  • Often, you can get experience working on a college radio station, although many local stations have jobs available.
    • darieh
      a great place to start you career in at the college radio station
  • communications and media studies classes include
    • darieh
      i was correct by choosing communication and media as a future major. 
  • eer is to research and contact your local radio station
    • darieh
      search and conquer, get right into the station you want to be in but with a smaller job at first. familiarity within the corp. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • work unpaid until you
    • darieh
      taking less to no money at first can help form the relationships that can get you a paying jo in that field. 
  • rtime is a very valuable skill, and any sales training you have will come in handy when applying for this kind of position.
    • darieh
      non-air positions are important to and can be valuable as experience references and resume fillers
    • Charlie Freij
      These are excellent annotations. Leave a short summary of the whole article at the bottom.

Six Surprising Myths About Succeeding in School | CollegeXpress - 1 views

  • entrenched
    • kassey1008
      definition of this?
    • Charlie Freij
      What inference can you make based on the context of the sentence?
  • looking at cute things
    • Charlie Freij
      Why did you highlight this?
  • Reading out loud can jumpstart your memory.
    • Charlie Freij
      Why did you highlight this? Can you make a connection?
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Myth #4: The more you multitask, the better you get at it.Reality: People who are chronic media multitaskers actually have lower levels of concentration than those who aren’t.
    • Charlie Freij
      Why did you highlight this?Can you make a connection?
  • o a 2009 Stanford University study.
    • Charlie Freij
      Leave a note with a brief summary of the article.

Legalizing Medical Marijuana May Actually Reduce Crime, Study Says - 1 views

  • The findings on the relationship between violence and marijuana use are mixed and much of the evidence points toward reductions in violent behavior for those who smoke marijuana,
  • alcohol is a much more significant factor than marijuana when it comes to violent crime
  • Legalizing Medical Marijuana May Actually Reduce Crime, Study Says
    • noloveforthots
      Legalizing weed would reduce crimes because there's a lot of people who've been locked up for marijuana
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • legalized medical pot may reduce some violent crime, including homicide,
  • n "aggressive and violent behavior."Laws in 20 states and the District of Columbia allow marijuana for medical use. Colorado and Washington state have legalized marijuana for recreational use. About a dozen other states are likely to legalize marijuana in some form in the coming years.Michael Elliott, executive director of the Marijuana Industry Group, said he was pleased, but not surprised, by the new research.

The 20 Most Shocking Celebrity Plastic Surgery Transformations | Radar Online - 0 views

  • She recently boasted that she has undergone 739 procedures in her 79 years, getting pretty much everything nipped, tucked and injected.
    • hello_yungxunt
      how can you survive 739 procedures of plastic surgery 

'I have my plastic surgeon on call at ALL times': Obsessive cosmetic surgery fan who sa... - 0 views

  • 'I have my plastic surgeon on call at ALL times': Obsessive cosmetic surgery fan who says she'll never get old
    • hello_yungxunt
      I recently worked at a plastic surgeon's office and notice a rise of male patents mid 20's getting surgery. 
  • Orit Fox says she loves looking like a Barbie and has
    • hello_yungxunt
      She looks like a melted face barbie doll
  • To do it, she has her plastic surgeon on call 24 hours a day and visits whenever she spots a wrinkle or is feeling less than happy about her looks.
    • hello_yungxunt
      maybe she has low self esteem or something to call him every time she spots "something imperfect"
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 'If I have a bad day, I run to Dr Klein to see if he can do me something to make me happy,' she explains. 'If I feel sad, I feel ugly. It's in my head.'
    • hello_yungxunt
      don't her doctor recommends her to see a psychiatrist to see if she's fit to have surgery 
  • Orit, who is hugely famous in her home country, gained global notoriety in 2012 when a video of her being bitten on the breast by an angry snake during a photo shoot went viral.
    • hello_yungxunt
      remember watching this on tosh.O

How to Be Successful in Life: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow - 0 views

    Two subjects I enjoyed studying in school was global and law. I really enjoyed global because, I like the study of the things that happened/happens around the world. Law on the other hand is something I want to study in college.

How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Without Surgery | Healthy Living - - 0 views

  • How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Without Surgery
  • Items you will need Cardiovascular exercise equipmentResistance-training equipment
  • obese
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • ds of adult Americans are overweight or
    • hello_yungxunt
      Where Americans that obese too back in the 1980's and 1990's? 
  • Exercise
  • Perform cardiovascular exercise five to seven days per week to lose significant fat from your belly
  • include walking, running, indoor or outdoor cycling, swimming or a group fitness class.
  • Build up to 30 to 60 minutes of cardio per session. Start with 10 minutes up to three times per day if you are new to exercise.
  • Write down everything you eat and drink, including the amounts, for three to five days. Add up your calories for each day and average it. Reduce your caloric intake by 10 to 15 percent. Combined with exercise this will help you get rid of belly fat.
  • Replace processed, fatty foods with healthier choices.
    • hello_yungxunt
      try not to be tempted by fatty foods
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