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Anger management: 10 tips to tame your temper - Mayo Clinic - 0 views

  • If necessary, take a break from the person or situation until your frustration subsides a
    • shaunte
      i normally don't do that , i just react*
  • Highlight

6 Things You Should Quit Doing To Be More Successful - 0 views

    • Ruth Mitchell
      I do this all the time. always do the same thing and I know it won't get me anywhere 
  • 6 Things You Should Quit Doing To Be More Successful
  • I’ve completed six half marathons (13.1 miles) over the past few years
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Thats a really big achievement 
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • we go so far and then our brains take over and tell us it’s too hard.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is me all the way, I put my mind to something and then I tell myself its too much work I have to give up.
  • Think right now about something you keep stopping. You committed to it, but then you suddenly quit because it started to require a little extra elbow grease.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      It was freshmen year and I was studying so hard to past the algebra regents. I went to prep after school on wensday and thursday. When the test finally came I didn't show up on the day because, I thought I wasn't ready to take the test.
  • Because the more you stop and think about quitting, the longer it’ll take to get to your desired result. Or worse, you’ll never know what it feels like to reach the finish line.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is so true and very motivating.
  • You’re either scared to start because it means your life will change or you want it for the wrong reasons (i.e. someone else is encouraging you to do it).
    • Ruth Mitchell
      I also do this, whenever I have to change something about myself I think about all the things that will change because of it.
  • You have a choice in everything you do.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This statement is so true. Anything that has to do with me a have a choice. 
  • You are not so worthless that you have to keep dating that person.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Unhealthy relationships is something that can hold you back, and their is always a choice to walk away.
  • Eventually, you’ll have to ask yourself whether you even want to fix the problem.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      It all depends if you want to stay in the situation or remove yourself from it. 
  • So when you say yes to a happy hour, you’re saying no to <insert your choice of workout>.
  • You may just need to analyze when you’re saying yes and what you’re trading for it.
  • There will be rewards along the way and there will be a great sense of accomplishment at the end.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This passage is very inspiring. It pin outs all of the things that cause me to not succeed in life. Anything you want you must have the drive and passion to achieve it. However, their are always little issues that would keep you back. For example "quitting at things you think is to hard". You always have a choice in anything you choose to do. Giving up will only keep you in the same spot you don't want to be in. I came to the understanding that the only way am going to be successful is by putting all doubts out my mind and working to my best ability. Quite avoiding and work hard to reach success. It'll all feel breath taking when you finally achieve it, thats when you will appreciate all of the hard ships it put you through.
    Excellent work using annotations while reading.

'Morning Joe' host Mika Brzezinski removes makeup before live audience at women's confe... - 3 views

  • addictive"
    • Charlie Freij
      whats addictive about makeup?
    • chantel0420
      the beauty,feeling and confidence that comes from wearing it makes you wanna wear all the time to feel good.
  • The audience reacted by chanting "take it off"
    • hakeem1
      - the people that was watching he encourage he to take off her make up to see how she look naturally 
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • she was unrecognizable without a made up face.
    • hakeem1
      - when Mika removes her make people wasn't able to realize who she was due to the large amount of make-up she was wearing
  • it's powerful,
    • Ruth Mitchell
      How is make-up a powerful thing ?
  • Women of the World,
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Does every women in the world wear make-up ?
  • she said before going au naturel. "Should I take my makeup off?"
    • hakeem1
      - she wasn't sure if she about her statement about taking off her make-up, so she asked the guess 
  • denied entry to CBS because she was unrecognizable without a made up face.
    • kassey1008
      can she sue for this?
  • depreciating
    • kassey1008
      does this word mean something that goes away?
  • being denied entry to CBS because she was unrecognizable without a made up face.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      Do you have to wear make-up to be able to work in the television industry ?
  • Brzezinski was determined to get control back by spontaneously removing her makeup in front of thousands
  • You guys would not believe me without makeup,"
    • kassey1008
      is she ugly without makeup?
  • Brzezinski was determined to get control back by spontaneously removing her makeup in front of thousands
  • "So I took it all off on stage, and it was fun."
    • kassey1008
      was it fun taking it off or getting feedback?
  • powerful
    • smithwillicia_
      Do Woman Have Control over their addiction ? 
  • Mika Brzezinski was determined to get control back by spontaneously removing her makeup in front of thousands who attended the Women in the World conference in New York City on Saturday.
    • smithwillicia_
      Does Mika Brzezinski believe by her taking off her makeup in front of thousands of people , will push and make other woman feel comfortable without makeup ? 
  • Brzezinski
    • brandonf7123
      i highlighted what shows the who which was miza brzezinski and the what which was taking her make up off and the where which was women i the world conference in nyc
  • front
  • mirror up to her face as she used a wipe to remove her eyeliner, mascara and foundation
    • willebchs
      what is so great about eyeliner?
  • women's day-to-day lives that may be a bit controlling … makeup
    • willebchs
      Does make up make females day to day not want to go natural?
  • it's powerful, and we become addicted to it,"
    • rowe_rich420
      Women are addicted to Make up and they feel they look better with it on. Most people notice them with it on so they always have it on
  • You guys would not believe me without makeup
  • "We were talking about how make-up is
    • willebchs
      Is make up that powerful?
    • citoking
      how long has she been wearing make-up
    • citoking
      Does she have children? & do they wear make-up?
  • "Invest in your brain, invest in your talent; those things can appreciate and they get better as you get older."
    • smithwillicia_
      I believe she made this statement because she knows as you get older and you continue to us make products it makes your face old & wrinkle & you also spend a lot of money over the years
    • citoking
      How much does she pay for make-up?

Six Surprising Myths About Succeeding in School | CollegeXpress - 1 views

  • entrenched
    • kassey1008
      definition of this?
    • Charlie Freij
      What inference can you make based on the context of the sentence?
  • looking at cute things
    • Charlie Freij
      Why did you highlight this?
  • Reading out loud can jumpstart your memory.
    • Charlie Freij
      Why did you highlight this? Can you make a connection?
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Myth #4: The more you multitask, the better you get at it.Reality: People who are chronic media multitaskers actually have lower levels of concentration than those who aren’t.
    • Charlie Freij
      Why did you highlight this?Can you make a connection?
  • o a 2009 Stanford University study.
    • Charlie Freij
      Leave a note with a brief summary of the article.

Citizens Defending Libraries urges de Blasio administration to help the Brooklyn Public... - 3 views

    • Charlie Freij
      That's a lot of money. are the libraries that bad?
    • simonee_
      3.5 million air conditioning unit at Brooklyn Heights
    • Charlie Freij
      That's a lot of cold air
  • n February to hawk the city-owned
    • Charlie Freij
      What do they mean "hawk"?like gly around the building?
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • $300 million
    • noloveforthots
      Really 300 million dollars ? for repair needs. The library must look like a abandon building
  • The building — whose sale requires City Council approval — needs more than $9.2 million in repairs, including $3.5 million for a new air conditioning system, officials said.
  • impacting every neighborhood in the borough
  • “Libraries cost very little money and they more than pay for themselves in economic benefit,”
  • hawk the city-owned building at 280 Cadman Plaza West to a private developer in order to build a ground-floor library topped with condos.
  • Brooklyn Heights
    • simonee_
      why do they need that much money for repairs just for a library.
  • The needed repairs include everything from crumbling roofs to faulty air condition systems.
    • noloveforthots
      How did the library get into these bad conditions?
    • shaunte
      If libraries are so cheap , why can't they just build some ? whats the excuse ?
  • New records reveal the library spent $366,351 in repairs at the branch since 2009. That includes $47,360 on in-house staff, $117,731 on outside contractors and $201,260 on maintenance contracts.
  • costly repairs,
    • mayaeri
      If the repairs were so pricey why not see the seriousness of it 
  • The majority of fixes were for the branches busted air condition syste
    • mayaeri
      Those are repairs that need to be fixed instantly cause that can cause problems to customers
    • shaunte
      what happen to everything that they let the repairs amount to so much ?

Wrinkle creams: Your guide to younger looking skin - Mayo Clinic - 0 views

  • Wrinkle creams: Your guide to younger looking skin
    • mayaeri
      This title makes me think of how I am going to keep my skin resiliant
  • Many wrinkle creams and lotions sold in department stores, in drugstores and on the Internet promise to reduce wrinkles and prevent or reverse damage caused by the sun.
  • you probably won't find it in over-the-counter wrinkle creams.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • wrinkle creams aren't classified as drugs
  • Retinol.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Hydroxy acids.
  • Coenzyme Q10.
  • Tea extracts.
  • Grape seed extract.
  • Niacinamide.
    • mayaeri
      Wrinkle creams are not over the counter. They are made of serious ingredients. And these ingredients have to be in it for it to work
  • Common ingredients in anti-wrinkle creams
    • mayaeri
      When looking for  wrinkle creams they should look for these ingredients

Legalizing Medical Marijuana May Actually Reduce Crime, Study Says - 1 views

  • The findings on the relationship between violence and marijuana use are mixed and much of the evidence points toward reductions in violent behavior for those who smoke marijuana,
  • alcohol is a much more significant factor than marijuana when it comes to violent crime
  • Legalizing Medical Marijuana May Actually Reduce Crime, Study Says
    • noloveforthots
      Legalizing weed would reduce crimes because there's a lot of people who've been locked up for marijuana
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • legalized medical pot may reduce some violent crime, including homicide,
  • n "aggressive and violent behavior."Laws in 20 states and the District of Columbia allow marijuana for medical use. Colorado and Washington state have legalized marijuana for recreational use. About a dozen other states are likely to legalize marijuana in some form in the coming years.Michael Elliott, executive director of the Marijuana Industry Group, said he was pleased, but not surprised, by the new research.

Let Them Drink at 18, With a Learner's Permit - - 1 views

  • Let Them Drink at 18, With a Learner’s Permit
    • Charlie Freij
      He wants to teach kids to drink?
  • If you infantilize someone, do not be surprised when infantile behavior — like binge drinking — results.
    • Charlie Freij
      We let them do everything els. If we treat them like babies they'll act like babies
    • Charlie Freij
      We are basically alone in the world on this issue.
  • f you infantilize someone, do not be surprised when infantile behavior — like binge drinking — results
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • . Although our laws acknowledge that at age 18 young adults possess sufficient maturity and judgment to operate a motor vehicle, serve in the military, perform jury duty or sign a contract, those same laws deny 18-year-olds the right to purchase, possess or consume alcohol.
  • "binge driving" problem.
    • Charlie Freij
      If we didnt train people to be safe behind the wheel we'd have similar problems as overdrinking
  • by first educating and then licensing and permitting them to exercise the full privileges of adulthood so long as they demonstrate their ability to observe the law
    • Charlie Freij
      license to drink.
  • The United States is one of only four countries
  • hey also know that a law perceived as unjust, a law routinely violated, can over time breed disrespect for law in general.
    • Charlie Freij
      young people don't respect laws that disrespect them.
  • Let us treat young people who turn 18 as the adults who the law, in every other respect, says they are.
    • Charlie Freij
      Big message. This writer works with young people away from home and he knows that something needs to be changed. To keep young people from abusing alcohol he proposes having a program like drivers ed, where 16 would be educated about the risks of alcohol and their responsibilities as members of society.
    Sample Determining importance

Will We All Die? - Answers in Genesis - 0 views

  • Will We All Die?
  • Some believe death will be the end of their existence, while most people accept some sort of
    • willebchs
      can you take your time to think and regain your conscience
  • afterlife. As Christians, we know that all people will live for eternity either with God in the new
    • willebchs
      if your not a christian but believe in god an jesus can you become one of those individuals
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • heavens and new earth or separated from God in the lake of fire. A person’s eternal future
    • willebchs
      can the lake of fire ever stop?
  • depends solely on his relationship to Jesus Christ.
    • willebchs
      can your relationship with god be stronger than jesus or is it equal?
  • Today’s big idea: the Resurrection of Jesus guarantees an incorruptible and immortal
    • willebchs
      how can you stay incorruptible?
  • future for believers.
    • willebchs
      will the believers stay in heaven an those who dont know but want to will be able to stay?
  • Because of Christ’s Resurrection,
    • willebchs
      how will christ's Resurrection reflect the afterlife?
  • we will not all die, and we will be made like Him
    • willebchs
      so will we be made as one being?
  • We will not all die
    • willebchs
      so when we get killed is that referred also to death?
  • Instead, we will be transformed “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye”
    • willebchs
      what apperance will be shown?
  • our bodies must undergo a transformation
    • willebchs
      how does the transformation start?
  • What to pray: praise God for the hope He has given us by raising Christ from the dead.
    • willebchs
      how can one help save many?
    What is your thinking about each of these highlights? What connections, question, comment, inference,etc can you make?

College Football Scholarships. How To Get Recruited For College Football. - 2 views

  • College Football Scholarships and Recruiting
    • Charlie Freij
      Good start. Now that you've annotated to Text features. Begin reading through the entire article to find out authors ideas. Leave a sticky note at the bottom with a summary of the article.
    • akeelalleyne
      coaches from different collages  go out and get different players from around the  country.
  • The process of getting a scholarship first starts with getting recruited.
    • akeelalleyne
      Before you get the scholarship you have to let the coaches/ school know that you are interested 
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • For most athletes and families the process of identifying the right football colleges, getting a coach to take notice, and making the best choice on a school can be very daunting.
    • akeelalleyne
      Get the attention of as many schools as you can
  • Each program has different rules for how they like to award football scholarships and how they evaluate players.
    • akeelalleyne
      Different schools haves different offers to getting a scholarship 
  • Every year a coach can hand out up to 25 new scholarships, not including the scholarships they might take from a current player and give to another.
    • akeelalleyne
      not everyone on the team doesn't have a scholarship, if you want a scholarship you will have to work hard for it
  • Many times athletes, who could have played at the FBS, chose to play at an FCS school because they could come in a play right away or the school was a better fit for them personally.
    • akeelalleyne
      just because your a good player doesn't mean that you have to go to a good school wit a great football team
    • akeelalleyne
      SUMMARY- The main topic of this passage is to let all athletes know that not every school you pick you can get a scholarship, but if you work hard you can get a chance to get one, jus work hard for it. This passage also let them know that there are different levels in the NCAA, and different levels and different schools get a different amount on scholarships.

30 Tips to Take Control of Your Life Now - SUCCESS magazine - 0 views

  • 30 Tips to Take Control of Your Life Now

How to Help a Child Deal With Family Stress | Everyday Life - Global Post - 1 views

  • This stress could arise because of problems at home such as problems between his parents or a parent projecting his problems onto a child
    • hakeem1
      - children issues usually starts from problem in their household 
  • parents to recognize when stress is present in a child's life and to provide her with the help he needs to deal with it effectively
    • hakeem1
      - parents should provide their child with help if they are seeing problem, instead of holding it in 
  • If your child does not speak with you about his problems directly, you might have to look for signs that stress is bothering him.
    • hakeem1
      - if your child doesnt share their problems with you, it is helpful that you should look for signs of things that bother them 
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • When dealing with a stressful circumstance, your child might find herself isolated and scared.
    • hakeem1
      - usually when something is bothering your child they would isolate themselves from others 
    • Charlie Freij
      Can you summarize this article based on your annotations?

How to Be Successful in Life: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow - 0 views

    Two subjects I enjoyed studying in school was global and law. I really enjoyed global because, I like the study of the things that happened/happens around the world. Law on the other hand is something I want to study in college.

How to Achieve Success in 6 Thoughts - Forbes - 0 views

  • Although they failed hundreds of times before they succeeded, they never gave up on their dream.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      To me failure just push you harder to succeed. This when you'll know what not to do.
  • Our minds have the ability to convince us that something is impossible long before we give it our best effort.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is so true because, sometime I would want to do something but my mind always tell me "what if you fail or something goes wrong'', I just give up after that.
  • Those who let themselves think this way are sure to fail because they stop trying to succeed.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This is true and I believe if i stop doubting myself I would achieve so much.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Knowing your limits will keep you from striving for the unachievable and ending up disappointed.
    • Ruth Mitchell
      This will help you know your path and to not get off your path.
    • Charlie Freij
      Can you summarize this article based on your annotations? Leave a sticky note at the bottom.

How can I Begin a Career in Radio Broadcasting? (with pictures) - 0 views

  • Often, you can get experience working on a college radio station, although many local stations have jobs available.
    • darieh
      a great place to start you career in at the college radio station
  • communications and media studies classes include
    • darieh
      i was correct by choosing communication and media as a future major. 
  • eer is to research and contact your local radio station
    • darieh
      search and conquer, get right into the station you want to be in but with a smaller job at first. familiarity within the corp. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • work unpaid until you
    • darieh
      taking less to no money at first can help form the relationships that can get you a paying jo in that field. 
  • rtime is a very valuable skill, and any sales training you have will come in handy when applying for this kind of position.
    • darieh
      non-air positions are important to and can be valuable as experience references and resume fillers
    • Charlie Freij
      These are excellent annotations. Leave a short summary of the whole article at the bottom.
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