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Nigeria's Stolen Girls - - 0 views

  • 276 of the more than 300 girls who were taken from a school by armed militants are still missing, possibly sold into slavery or married off
  • This is not the first time Boko Haram has attacked students, killing young men and kidnapping young women.
  • Boko Haram and reprisals by government security forces have killed at least 1,500 people
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • kidnappings occurred just as President Jonathan is about to hold the World Economic Forum on Africa
  • Although Boko Haram is believed to number no more than a few hundred men, Nigerian security forces have been unable to defeat them.
  • kidnapping of so many young girls, ages 12 to 15
  • Goodluck Jonathan, has been shockingly slow and inept at addressing this monstrous crime

As Congress Sleeps, More People Die - - 0 views

    • hello_yungxunt
      the claim that the title is going is that congress is not doing anything on gun policy and how people who are unstable still get their hands on it and kill people

The Six Rules of Personal Success - Forbes - 0 views


This Is Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere - 0 views

  • Americans are more in favor of legalizing marijuana than criminalizing it.
  • No one has ever died of a marijuana overdose.
  • Maya Angelou, Martha Stewart, Morgan Freeman, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, and even Rush Limbaugh are all high-functioning marijuana users.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Marijuana is much safer than already legalized drugs.

The Truth About Self-Deception - PsyBlog - 1 views

  • Can we pull the wool over our own eyes or do we see through our mind games?
    • smithwillicia_
      Can we tell ourselves a beautiful lie , convince ourself TO BELIEVE THE LIES OR DO WE SEE RIGHT THROUGH OUR SELFS , DO WE KOW DEEP DOWN ITS A LIE 
  • Surely lying to ourselves is counter-productive
    • smithwillicia_
      counter-productive: achieves the opposite result of what you want
  • Like calmly and deliberately shooting yourself in the foot or taking a hot toasting fork and plunging it into your eye?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Any study of self-deception is going to involve a fair amount of bare-faced lying
  • 38 students who were told they were going to take part in a study about the “psychological and medical aspects of athletics”
  • the researchers were going to trick participants into thinking that how long they could submerge their arms in cold water was diagnostic of their health status
  • , when really it showed just how ready people are to deceive themselves

30 Tips to Take Control of Your Life Now - SUCCESS magazine - 0 views

  • 30 Tips to Take Control of Your Life Now

Personal Identity Vs Your Relationship - Yahoo Voices - - 0 views

  • Not many people think about their identity within their relationships until it's gone
    • citoking
      It sounds agreeable but how?

'A beautiful lie is better than an ugly truth.' Is it ever right to lie? | Jenny's Firs... - 0 views

  • . However, the truth can sometimes be ugly and hurtful
    • smithwillicia_
      does that make it okay to tell a lie ?
  • A beautiful lie is one that does not hurt but brings happiness. The lie would not be beautiful if was told on purpose and out of spite
    • smithwillicia_
      is it okay , because you are only lying to protect someones feelings? you only mean good 
  • undermining
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • people’s confidence in themselves by suggesting things that are not true.
    • smithwillicia_
      to weaken someones confidence in themselves 
  • Who would blame their friends for telling a white lie to elate them in the long run?
    • smithwillicia_
      little white lies are okay .
  • If a person lies to another, the truth is most likely to be painful
  • Many people argue that lies can break relationships. However, the ugly truth, which is the main reason why people lie, can also break relationships.
  • Trouble happens when a person finds out about the ugly truth, which a beautiful lie can hide.
  • Is lying always bad? Yes, lies may give people false information or impression. However, lies can be used to cover up the ugly truth, or for a positive outcome in the long run.
  • Therefore, lying is always acceptable because it usually used for a good cause.
    Add a summary for this article. Great Job with questioning.

Shape Your Identity Or It Will Shape You | LinkedIn - 0 views

  • Shape Your Identity Or It Will Shape You
  • I agree that challenging someone’s identity can trigger defensiveness
    • citoking
      I Also agree , and can also connect to it, because i have sen it before
  • Identity is a core and unavoidable part of all our lives.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Trying to pretend that identity doesn’t matter may make you feel better about yourself, but it won’t affect how others see you, and how their perceptions shape their actions
  • I believe that each of us should be thoughtful, proactive, and rigorous about our own identity.
    • citoking
      I disagree, but i do think that we should be in mind of it/ be familiar with it
  • Focusing on and answering a few key questions will allow you to shape your identity
    • citoking
      I Agree that it does shape your identity, but I would like to be surprised finding out who i am honestly
  • Your identity is your vector; it is a path defined by what you do and why you do it.
  • your identity helps you sharpen your answers to the 6 Ws: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and hoW.
    • citoking
      First article who thought about adding this to it.
  • What:
  • Paul Graham’s approach of keeping your identity small may help keep conflicts from arising over your identity, but in fact this could actually be negative.
    • citoking
      I disagree it would be negative, i think it would be best to keep your identity small & unknown but it is impossible?
  • Saying you’re a “good person” is meaningless unless you actually *act* on behalf of others
    • citoking
      I don't think everyone understands this, but its self-explanatory
  • You should follow the principles behind your identity; you shouldn’t seek out conflict as an act of self-aggrandizement.
    • citoking
      I Think they are trying to say , don't go beyond your limit, whatever your brain tells you to do, you do
  • choice comes from identity
  • Why am I a good person?” isn’t just a rhetorical question
    • citoking
      what kid of question is this
    What do you know about "linked in"? What do you think about online identity vs real life?

Stereotypes of African Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • blacks as joyous, naive, superstitious, and ignorant—characteristics related to the way slaveholders in earlier years believed them to be.
    • kassey1008
      seems tru to me
  • The "independent black woman” is often depicted as a narcissistic, overachieving, financially successful woman who emasculates black males in her life.
    • kassey1008
      This was instilled into them from william lynches method and now years later its still going on.
    Fine place to start, but Wikipedia is not a reliable enough source to use in your essay. Do you really need a source about stereotypes? Your prior knowledge is fine.

what causes uneven skin tone? - 0 views

  • An uneven skin tone, or hyperpigmentation, is the result of an over production of melanin.
  • 1) Sun exposure: When skin is repeatedly exposed to UV light, sun damage occurs. Brown spots appear as a result of too much melanin being produced to help protect skin from UV light. 2) Hormones: Melasma is hormone-related hyperpigmentation caused by increased hormone stimulation. It is most commonly experienced by women who are pregnant (which is why it’s also known as the “mask of pregnancy”) or taking contraceptives, but can also be a reaction to cosmetics or medications. 3) Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: This is a darkening of skin that’s the result of scarring, which can be caused by acne lesions or skin injury.
    • mayaeri
      There are many things that cause uneven skin tone and it can happen to anyone

Creative Tips for Video Game Designers - 0 views

  • Keep Designing on Paper
  • get the maximum out of the game software.
  • You should also keep this notebook with you when you play other peoples games.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Think about the atmosphere and mood
  • Consider what the overall mood of your game will be. Use music as an inspiration to get you in different moods.
  • Be careful with rewards
  • The constant seeking of the next tiny reward keeps the player moving forward and keeps a goal ahead of him that is achievable.
  • Don't design your game linear
  • Different players like to follow different routes through a game.
  • Expand your horizons
  • This is a great way to get new ideas and to add new dimensions to your existing material. What could a book about porcupines teach you about video game making? Porcupines have an amazing defense system.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes
  • If you are afraid of making mistakes you will not experiment of expand your abilities.
  • Take chances. Sometimes really good ideas and really memorable scenes come from the mistakes.
  • Finally make sure you get honest feedback from friends and people who try playing your game. And take notes.

Crossing Borders - How Terrorists Use Fake Passports, Visas & Other Identity Documents ... - 0 views

  • The terrorist can physically alter a valid passport -- stolen or purchased from an accomplice -- by changing the picture or biographical data.
    • rowe_rich420
      Terrorists can easily get an valid passport by stealing it or buying it from an accomplice, they just got to change the picture or biographical data
  • At least two of the Sept. 11 attackers used stolen Saudi Arabian passports. Saudi Arabia is a friend of the United States and so using their passport makes it easier to get in at the border."
    • rowe_rich420
      Terrorists from 9/11 stole passports from Saudi Arabian, Their a friend of the U.S so, Saudi Arabian passports make it easy to get in at the border
  • terrorists may be able to purchase an official passport in their own name, or an alias, by bribing a corrupt official or obtaining one in the black market.
    • rowe_rich420
      Terrorists get actual passports in their name by bribing the corrupt official or getting it from the black market.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • And some will get through because the quality is getting so good. The technology of counterfeiting is constantly improving."
    • rowe_rich420
      Agency are trained to get fake passports, but the fake passport quality is getting better, so there trying to improve the technology for reading counterfeit passports/visas
  • falsifying documents, such as birth certificates
    • rowe_rich420
      Birth Certificates are even false just so they can get the passports
  • INS officials say there are so many visas given out around the world that it is impossible to check the backgrounds of every person
    • rowe_rich420
      They can't find out everyones background, because there are too many visas given out in all different countries to millions of people
    I like your use of Synthesis here. Add summary note.

Willie Lynch letter: The Making of a Slave - 2 views

  • You’ve got the nigger WOMAN OUT FRONT AND THE nigger MAN BEHIND AND SCARED.
    • kassey1008
      still remains today
    • Charlie Freij
      How do you mean?
    • kassey1008
      Single mothers, no jobs, drunks
    • kassey1008
      divide and conquer
    Is this real? There was really a man named "Lynch" Is this where we got the word? as I read those questions popped to mind. Develop your thinking as you read and you will essentially write your essay.

GUIDE: How To Make A Video Game In Two Weeks (With No Experience) - 0 views

  • How do you make a video game?
  • it isn't still a slog
  • great works usually take great pains to come about, after all.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Even if you're just an outsider with an idea, who isn't able to demolish their life to make a platform game about spiders riding boats (or whatever), you too can make a game.
  • Two weeks ago I decided to make a video game, with no experience. I didn't know what I wanted to make, or how.
  • focus on exploring your ideas, playing other games and insisting that you need to know what you're making before you start.
  • But we only have two weeks. So ignore it.
  • Game Maker is a visual and easy to understand tool which is also very powerful, potentially allowing you to make games for everything from Windows and Mac to iOS, HTML 5 and the Chrome Web Store.
  • It also comes with a set of really excellent tutorials, which are handily embedded within the software itself.
  • It's visual enough to get started - drag and drop sprites and backgrounds - but does take a bit of time to wrap your head around it all.
  • problem with Game Maker is that visually it doesn't give a very good first impression.
  • a simpler one - is Construct 2, by London-based outfit Scirra.
  • The main thing going for Construct2 - other than its friendly presentation and free trial version - is its community. Alongside a similar set of tutorials and examples to Game Maker, Construct has a forum filled to the brim with excellently helpful and engaged gamesmiths, ready to help you out and tolerate the whims of newbies.
  • Because of its simplicity, built-in "platform" movement system and logical "events-objects" structure, Construct was the tool I went with for my first game. I may switch eventually, but it's a good first step.
  • 2. DRAW: Create Your Characters
  • game makers will give you the option of using pre-made sprites and character art - and there is also no shortage of art to use online
  • it's when you have something all of your own that you'll start to really enjoy yourself.
  • While I have some experience as an artist, I still found animating characters for the first simple surprisingly time consuming until I got into a groove.
  • Let's face it - you're not going to make Mario or Super Meat Boy on your first go.
  • But the more you start to experiment with tools like Game Maker and Construct, the more you'll learn.
  • For instance, I needed to make a ladder for my little guy. Simple right? Not really. That behaviour wasn't built into Construct, so I had to invent it.
  • A search on their forums taught me
  • So back to the drawing board, again and again, until it came together.
  • PUBLISH: Show The World Your Work
  • has no original ideas and is a basic platformer. But it's mine. I made it.
  • Publishing games is easy
  • It's great to see it live, online, and working, as simple as it is - and it's another big boost to making more games.
  • Having tried it for two weeks, I can honestly say my favourite game of 2013 (so far) is making my own.
    WHere's your thinking?

How Can I Improve My Self-Esteem? - 0 views

  • efore a person can overcome self-esteem problems and build healthy self-esteem, it helps to know what might cause those problems in the first place
    • hakeem1
      - in order to overcome low self esteem you must first discover why is it low
  • If parents spend more time criticizing than praising a child, it can be harder for a kid to develop good self-esteem.
    • hakeem1
      - researcher figure that if parents constantly criticize their kids that can cause low confidences 
  • Some teens also have an "inner critic," a voice inside that seems to find fault with everything they do.
    • hakeem1
      - some believe would feel different from other which is another they don't have a lot of confident
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • listening to a negative inner voice can harm a person's self-esteem just as much as if the criticism were coming from another person.
    • hakeem1
      - they would think that because they don't believe in their selves they are unable to do as much as others
  • People have an image of who they want to be (or who they think they should be).
    • hakeem1
      - when they have low self esteem instead of trying to being their selves they would try to be someone else to fix it 
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