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Contents contributed and discussions participated by chester lowe

chester lowe

NBC Politics - Candidates notch wins as Ohio 'too close to call' - 2 views

  • NBC News projected Mitt Romney as the winner in Virginia, Vermont and Massachusetts
    • chester lowe
      Mitt Romney Perfromed well among voters. Romney governor of Massachutes won his state and Vermont,Idaho, Virginia, and added Alaska to his tally. 1) Posied= Suspension of activity in condition of balance 2) Eked= To make larger 3) Tally= Total count
chester lowe

" I've Been To The Mountaintop" - 2 views

started by chester lowe on 27 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
  • chester lowe
    I feel that MLK knew his time was at hand by the way, he started his speech. I've seen the promise land . saying that he might not get there with them . I read all the speeches and then watched the videos of the speech truely moving. King was ill and didn't go to mason temple and his friend Abernathy called the motel and he went and gave the final speech ..
chester lowe

" Where are we going" MLK - 3 views

started by chester lowe on 26 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
  • chester lowe
    He states that poverty has many evils . The lack of education and jobs. He also talks about creating income for the poor and two- thirds are whites . He also hoped whites and negro would form and coalition and to effect a change.. If poverty was no longer and issue that families faced would improve . becuse of self- improvments the conflictswould diminish.
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