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Control AI before it controls us, expert says - Technology & science - Innovation - msn... - 2 views

  • doomsday scenarios could be prevented if humans can create a virtual prison to contain artificial intelligence before it grows dangerously self-aware.
    • ryanhersha
      The dangers of self-aware AI might be contained if artificial intelligence were contained in a kind of "prison."
  • One starting solution might trap the artificial intelligence, or AI, inside a "virtual machine" running inside a computer's typical operating system — an existing process that adds security by limiting the AI's access to its host computer's software and hardware.
    • ryanhersha
      The AI "prison" would be located within a "virtual machine" separated somehow from the host computer's other workings, the internet, and people.
  • "If such software manages to self-improve to levels significantly beyond human-level intelligence, the type of damage it can do is truly beyond our ability to predict or fully comprehend," Yampolskiy said.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • "It can discover new attack pathways, launch sophisticated social-engineering attacks and re-use existing hardware components in unforeseen ways," Yampolskiy said. "Such software is not limited to infecting computers and networks — it can also attack human psyches, bribe, blackmail and brainwash those who come in contact with it."
    • ryanhersha
      Super-intelligent computers could develop powers we don't presently associate with computers.
  • proverbial
  • cryptography
    • ryanhersha
      def.: "the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties"
  • oracle
    • ryanhersha
      def.: "A priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods in classical antiquity."
  • but without the sure knowledge that any of the steps would really work.
    • ryanhersha
      This radical uncertainty seems to be a defining characteristic of discussions around the consequences of AI developments. Given this, might experimentation with super-intelligence might be inherently irresponsible?
  • That would harness the power of AI as a super-intelligent
    • ryanhersha
      Oracles hold power.
  • slow down the AI's "thinking"
    • ryanhersha
      & if we're too slow one time...?
  • mere human-level intelligence could escape from an "AI Box" scenario
    • ryanhersha
      even humans have broken out of most prisons. the difference with AI might be that the escapee could be super-human
  • "The Catch-22 is that until we have fully developed superintelligent AI we can't fully test our ideas,
    • ryanhersha
      Do the ideas' untestability render them less visible, less serious in the academy? We have no problem developing new technologies, but controlling them or predicting their impacts is another matter.
    • ryanhersha
      I have highlighted and sticky-noted this article as an example of how to complete the "Sticky Stories" assignment. You don't have to highlight using special colors, but so you can see an example of each, the blue highlights are for vocabulary, the yellow for main ideas, and the green for my "connections."
  • Never send a human to guard a machine
    • ryanhersha
      Humans guard machines? My iPhone already tracks my every move.
Juvy D - 15 views

shared by Juvy D on 08 Feb 12 - Cached
    • ryanhersha
      squat: adjective: 8. (of a person, animal, the body, etc.) short and thickset. 9. low and thick or broad: The building had a squat shape.
  • spade sinks into gravelly ground
    • ryanhersha
      "Spade Sinks into GRavelly GRound"- the S sounds might resemble the sound of a spade sinking... and does the "gr" sound almost gravelly? In general I hear a lot of sounds repeating themselves from word to word and line to line. This poem uses sound playfully, overtly.
    • ryanhersha
      There is a strong rhythm in this stanza as I read it aloud. It's not what I would call smooth, but it's powerful and pronounced.
  • ...38 more annotations...
  • I look down
    • ryanhersha
      So literally he's in an upper floor, writing, looking down on his father, who's outside digging in the ground. But as I read this poem again, I wonder if he's looking down on his father in another sense, feeling superior in some way???
    • ryanhersha
      I find this hard to believe. Later in the poem he praises his father and grandfather for their skills and hard work.
    • Trisha V
      He could be just watching in wonder or just watching his father because boys always look up at their dad's wanting to be like them so they watch their dad's so they can copy him.
  • straining rump among the flowerbeds
    • ryanhersha
      Ha! This is a ridiculous image. And not very complementary, at first blush. His father's rump? Among the flowerbeds? What a sight!
    • Trisha V
      very true. it would no be a sight id want to see if i feel like looking at the flowers.
    • Aleisha R
  • snug as a gun
  • squat pen rests
  • Under my window
    • ryanhersha
      hmm..uNDer my wiNDow... similar sounds!
  • I've no spade to follow men like them.
    • Ally P
      I found this to be very interesting because he wishes he can follow in his fathers and grandfathers foot steps
    • Crystal K
      I think he is saying he doesn't want to be a digger like his father and grandfather.
    • Kim P
      He has no true skill in digging, he is not a man of muscle strenth but a man of mind strenth
  • coarse boot nestled on the lug
    • Jolie L
      what's a lug?
  • turf
    • Jolie L
    • Amanda F
      Turf is a funny word.
    • Juvy D
      turf is a surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its matted roots; sods turf- is an artificially substitute for such as grassy layer, as on a playing field.
  • rump
    • Juvy D
      rump.... the hind part of the animal. the back and thights... the buttocks
  • Just like his old man.
    • Trisha V
      So father like son. the son follows in his fathers foot steps.
    • Juvy D
      yes, but the speaker doesn't want to follow it because he thinks he can't do it. so he rather choose to dig by using his pen.
  • My grandfather could cut more turf in a dayThan any other man on Toner's bog.
    • Ally P
      I found this as his grandfather was a very hard worker and has done this for many years
  • I'll dig with it.
    • Kate C
      He is digging in his own way through words instead of with potatoes.
    • Crystal K
      I like the way you word it.
    • Amanda F
      I think he is talking about pride when he says "I'll dig with it".
    • Kim P
      Just because the family tradition is potato farming, his passion and true skill is writting, so he is going to make his own tradition and write
  • Stooping
    • Juvy D
      to bend the body forward
  • fell to right away
    • Crystal K
    • Kim P
      the grandfather was so deticated to his work he barley took a drink a glass a milk, then continued back to work
    • Juvy D
      i think the speaker means that he brought some milk to his grandfather so his can be able to quench his thirst and then his grandpacontinue to dig right after that to have a good turf. meaning that by drinking milk it gives him more strength to continue digging the soil
  • living roots awaken in my head
    • Crystal K
      his father and gradfather grew up digging and feels even though they did he doesn't want that life
    • Kim P
      living roots are what a family is ment to be. Like farmers, past on from generation to generations, its in their blood.
    • Juvy D
      yes, i agree... its like his next to the generationbut he don;t have the well, urge, the courage to follow them. his points of view different from what he have grown up with.
  • I'll dig with it
  • Through living roots awaken in my head.
    • Dan K
      He finally realizes that he wants to be just like his father andgrandfather.
  • By God, the old man could handle a spade, Just like his old man.
    • Kate C
      His father takes after his father and it seems to be a passion for them both.
  • But I've no spade to follow men like them.
    • Trisha V
      it sounds like the son has no intention in following in his father's and grandfather's foot steps.....
  • He straightened upTo drink it, then fell to right awayNicking and slicing neatly, heaving sodsOver his shoulder, digging down and downFor the good turf. Digging.
    • Ally P
      his grandfather only took short breaks then was back to work
  • levered
    • Juvy D
      levered just like forcing your knees muscles to be strong.
  • old man could handle a spade,Just like his old man.
    • Crystal K
      the father is as good as the grandfather
  • He rooted out tall tops, buried the bright edge deepTo scatter new potatoes that we pickedLoving their cool hardness in our hands.
    • Ally P
      they loved picking potatoes that were freshly grown and seeing there hard work come to life
  • spade,
    • Juvy D
      spade is colored black.. its compared to his father and grandfathers pain and struggles.
    • Trisha V
  • Bends low, comes up twenty years away
    • Dan K
      He goes out and plants potatoes and he realizes in twenty years he will be doing what his grandfather has always done.
  • snug as a gun
    • Kim P
      You hold a gun so tight, because they are so powerful, so he relates his pen of being very powerful
  • My grandfather could cut more turf in a day
  • But I've no spade to follow men like them .
    • Juvy D
      hmm, it seems like the speaker don't have the courage and well to follow the footsteps of his grandpa and dad. but i don't think his against with what they been doing.
  • He straightened up To drink it, then fell to right away
    • Seth S
      The person is saying that his grandfather does not take long breaks he gets a drink and then goesa back to work.
  • My father, digging.
    • Jolie L
      what is he digging for?
    • Kate C
  • I'll dig with it
    • John K
      He is going to do hard work like his father with his pen.
  • comes up twenty years away
    • Jolie L
      what comes up twenty years away?
  • My father, digging
    • Juvy D
      the speakers talking about his dad digging or tilling the gravely soil
  • The cold smell of potato mold,
    • Aleisha R
      The smell of potatoe mold... gross
  • But I've no spade to follow men like them.
    • Jolie L
      does he think that he wont amount to what his father and grandfathers did
  • I've no spade to follow men like them
    • John K
      Maybe this means that he is not phsically capible to do the same work that his father and grandfather did.
  • Toner's bog
    • Dan K
      Is this the place of where they live?
  • I'll dig with it
    • Juvy D
      his digging in different way... i think the speaker means by writing his digging too...looking back his past
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