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Tidal Energy - 1 views

  • Tidal energy is energy that can be obtained from the changing sea levels. In other words, tidal energy is a direct result of tide shifting from low to high.

Basics of Wind Energy - 1 views

  • Kinetic Energy of wind

Wave Energy: Pros and Cons - 0 views

  • wave power is one of the most researched areas of renewable energy.
  • Wave power results from the transport of energy by ocean surface waves and its capture into systems that can be therefore used for useful applications
  • Some of these applications include electricity generation, the pumping of water, or water desalination.

What is photon? - Definition from - 1 views

  • Modern physicists have demonstrated that the energy in any electromagnetic field is made up of discrete packets. The term photon (meaning "visible-light particle") has been coined for these energy packets.
    "The term photon (meaning "visible-light particle")"

Succeeding in the 21st Century -- Skills and Abilities for the Future TCA paper - 0 views

  • The exchange of thoughts and ideas by speech or writing
  • Cooperative effort within a group in order to achieve a desired goal
  • To give rise to imaginative or artistic abilities as well as the ability to find novel solutions to problems
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Training or control over one's conduct for personal improvement as well as the ability to forgo immediate pleasure for long term goals
  • The ability to discern factual from opinionated information
  • The effective use of grammatical rules and guidelines in order to express one's ideas in correct form
  • bility to use computer technology effectively, including word-processing and spreadsheets
  • The ability to use the defined principles of logic and effectively engage in abstract thinking to achieve mastery or understanding

Pros & Cons of Wave Energy | - 0 views

  • Unlike fossil fuels, wave power doesn't cause air pollution.

Why We Need Solar Power - 0 views

  • When we look at what is available today in solar equipment it has come a long way  but still needs a long way to go.
  • ater they installed a solar hot air collector; this unit worked awesome during the winter months. It would raise the temperature of the home to the mid 80’s during the winter if you continued to let it run.
  • Yet each year we are becoming more energy efficient. The growing problem that really disturbs me is that while I consume less energy then I did in previous years my energy bills continue to climb at a record pace.

Wave Energy Pros and Cons - Energy Informative - 0 views

  • Harnessing wave energy comes without the emission of harmful green house gases. This is the main motivation factor behind further development of this way of power generation.
  • Like with most green energy sources, wave power is also renewable. Since this energy source ultimately comes from the heat energy that is emitted from the sun, it will not disappear for some time – in fact, several billion years or as long time it takes for the sun to burn out.
  • The energy density is typically around 30-40 kW for every meter (2.2 feet) of wave along the shore. As we go further into the ocean 100kW for every meter is not uncommon.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Waves are hardly interrupted and almost always in motion.
  • This makes generating electricity from wave energy a reasonable reliable energy source
  • It should be mentioned that the amount of energy that is being transported through waves does vary every year and from season to season. On the northern hemisphere, the average value of November and May could be different with a factor of two or more.

Pros & Cons of Solar Energy - 0 views

  • Solar panels give off no pollution, the only pollution produced as a result of solar panels is the manufacturing of these devices in factories, transportation of the goods, and installation.
  • he production of energy from the use of fossil and some renewable fuels (e.g. wind turbines) can be noisy, yet solar energy produces electricity very
  • quietly

The Disadvantages Of A Solar Generator | LIVESTRONG.COM - 1 views

  • Solar power generators offer a no-emission alternative to ones that use fossil fuel. These generators come in small, portable sizes for temporary power or larger arrays for permanent energy production.
  • availability of sunlight given local weather conditions and the resilience of the photovoltaic cells when purchasing a solar generator.
  • Most photovoltaic cells rely on silicon crystals to generate power. Demand for silicon has driven its price higher, meaning a solar generator can require a sizable initial investment. In fact, SolarBuzz notes that 45 percent of solar cell cost comes from the silicon wafer. Typical 2 kilowatt solar generators cost from $16,000 to $20,000.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Solar generators powerful enough to supply electricity for a whole home also require a lot of space, with roof-mounted panels needing at least 50 square feet and possibly as much as
  • 1,000 square feet. Lack of Durability

Biofuels - 0 views

  • Biofuels are basically any fuel that can be burned in air to produce heat that is produced by biological means, normally by plant growth. Currently the most prominant biofuels are ethanol and bio-deisel because these can be burned in existing internal combustion engines and are thus a direct replacement for oil. The most important biofuel historically is wood with oth
  • Biofuels are currently cheaper than oil although this is only because we are seeing very high oil prices at the moment. Under what might be termed more 'normal' market conditions, biofuels lack any meaningful price advantage. Biofuel production is very labor intensive and very land intensive. Production of ethanol from sugar cane was pioneered by the Brazilians in the 1970's as a solution to an oil import bill they could ill afford. It worked for them as they have plenty of land they can convert to growing sugar cane and at the time, plenty of cheap labor with which to harvest it.
  • he simple truth is the world does not have enough land to produce anywhere near the quantity of biofuels we need to make any dent in our oil consumption. They are only in fashion now oil prices are high and it is cost effective to produce them. Sooner or later food prices will rise to such a point that biofuel production will cease to be economic.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • In any case the current price of oil is unlikely to be sustained. Much of today's oil prices can be attributed to the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and the hording of oil both for security of supply and more recently as a hedge against the falling dollar.
  • e they cheaper than oil? That depends how you calculate the cost!
    "But herein lies the first problem with biofuels. They may be carbon nuetral but they are certainly not as green as they might be. Not if the land to grow sugar is coming from cutting down the Amazon jungle and not if vast quantities o"

2 studies conclude that biofuels are not so green after all - The New York Times - 0 views

  • most all biofuels used today cause more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional fuels if the pollution caused by producing these "green" fuels is taken into account, two studies published Thursday have concluded.
  • The benefits of biofuels have come under increasing attack in recent months as scientists have evaluated the global environmental cost of their production. The new studies, published by the journal Science, are likely to add to the controversy.
  • When you take this into account, most of the biofuel that people are using or planning to use would probably increase greenhouse gasses substantially," sai
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • t even that equation proved overly simplistic because the process of turning plants into fuel causes it own emissions - through refining and transport, for example
  • If vegetable oil prices go up globally, as they have because of increased demand for biofuel crops, new land is inevitably cleared as farmers in developing countries switch production. Crops from old plantations and fields go to Europe for biofuels, but new fields and plantations are created to feed people at home.
    • pettitmat99
      GR8 info on pollution of biofuels
  • ut the new studies suggested that when land use is taken into account few, if any biofuels, will be acceptable.
  • d: "If the whole point of biofuels directives was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we've found out that most biofuels are not really better than conventional fuels at that."
giumarraant99 - 1 views

    • giumarraant99
      Read abstract.. why hydrogen and fuel cells
    CO2 pollution use (sticky note)

Alternative Fuels Data Center: Biodiesel Production and Distribution - 0 views

    • pettitmat99
      great photo on the production of biodeisels
  • he production process converts oils and fats into chemicals called long-chain mono alkyl esters, or biodiesel. These chemicals are also referred to as fatty acid methyl esters, and t
  • Biodiesel is produced from vegetable oils, yellow grease, and tallow.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Raw or refined plant oil, or recycled greases that have not been processed into biodiesel, are not biodiesel and should be avoided
  • Fats and oils (triglycerides) are much more viscous than biodiesel, and low-level vegetable oil blends can cause long-term engine deposits, ring sticking, lube-oil gelling, and other maintenance problems that can reduce engine life
  • Biodiesel is distributed from the point of production to retail fueling stations by truck, train, or barge.
    good website to find most information on biofuels
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