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John Turner

International Society for Technology in Education - Learning & Leading > Taming the Chaos - 0 views

    "five ways that districts, schools, and teachers manage technology distractions: 1. Ban It 2. Do Business as Usual 3. Limit the Use of Technologies 4. Enhance Traditional Practices 5. Use the Technology to Restructure the Educational Process
John Turner

The Ideal Technology Device for Students and Teachers - Leading From the Classroom - Ed... - 0 views

    The ideal technology device for education doesn't exist yet, but students and teachers can help drive the creation of one by promoting discussion about their needs and comfort-level, suggests school-technology specialist Patrick Ledesma. A student describes in this blog post what he is looking for -- primarily the portability, speed and simplicity of the iPad or smartphone. Ledesma describes how such tools could effectively be integrated into the classroom.
John Turner

Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:Three Schools for the 21st - 0 views

    There is a growing need for students to be able to think critically and creatively -- hallmarks of 21st-century learning. This article highlights three high schools that are meeting those challenges through one-to-one computing, access to technology tools and the teaching of digital literacy. The authors write that successful schools give students the freedom to explore technology and learning on their own, while continuing to meet state standards
John Turner

Marc Prensky: The Reformers Are Leaving Our Schools in the 20th Century - 0 views

    Most reformers are focused on fixing the educational "system." But it's not the "system" that is most important to fix; it's the education that the system provides.
John Turner

Ed Week: Schools Tackle Legal Twists and Turns of Cyberbullying - 0 views

    While cyberbullying and related tragedies have made national headlines, schools say they are still unclear what actions they are allowed to take. Schools have been encouraged to adopt policies, but officials say they have received limited funding and guidance to do so. Conflicting court opinions have confused the issue further.
John Turner

Project RED Research - 0 views

    "Project RED provides you a selection of articles summarizing successful implementations of technology-transformed schools. Use the search box to the right to search for the name of the research or keywords related to the research content."
John Turner

Focus - 0 views

    "# Section I: First Things First: What We Teach, How We Teach-and Literacy # Section II: Curriculum, Instruction, and Literacy in the Content Areas"
John Turner

HechingerEd Blog | Rote memorization: Overrated, or underrated? - 0 views

    Is rote learning getting an undeserved bad rap? Rote learning is underrated and should be considered a valuable component of education, writes Justin Snider, a contributing editor at The Hechinger Report and a former teacher. Snider cites the opinion of psychology professor Daniel Willingham, who posits that students learn things by heart when they are engaged in the material. Furthermore, Snider argues that rote learning is a challenge that exercises the brain and offers new insights through repetition and practice.
John Turner

Educational Research Center participate at BETT | Educational Research Center | AMEinfo... - 0 views

    "In the only Arab stand at BETT, ERC unveiled cutting edge interactive and e-learning materials, an electronic educational platform, and a comprehensive educational initiative pioneered in the Middle East entitled International Arab Baccalaureate (IAB). "
John Turner

Teacher-Replacing Tech: Friend or Foe? | Fast Company - 0 views

    More schools are testing teacherless classrooms that rely on technology to cut costs and keep class sizes low. Some research has found that students who take all or part of their classes online perform better. However, experts also say that some teacher supervision is needed for student-driven virtual lessons to ensure students stay on track. The article states that "adults still have a vital role to play as tutors, mentors, and coaches."
John Turner

Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:Wired for Reflection - 0 views

    "By using digital portfolios and classroom recordings, students come to see their classroom work not as something they create, submit, and abandon, but rather as part of a larger process of growth and exploration."
John Turner

Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:One-to-One Laptop Programs Are No Silver Bu... - 0 views

    Providing a laptop computer for every student is not a silver bullet for improving student achievement and some districts are dissolving their initiatives, citing costs and a lack of concrete evidence that they work, writes Bryan Goodwin, an executive with a Denver-based education research and consulting group. However, a recent study shows that successful one-to-one laptop initiatives have some common elements: uniform classroom integration; teacher training and collaboration; and daily use by students for cooperative learning. Educational Leadership (2/2011
John Turner

At Apple, the Platform Is the Engine of Growth - - 0 views

    Apple has managed logic-defying growth via its combination of popular hardware, software and services. But its formula may face longer-term challenges.
John Turner

What Do Students Learn Through Discussion? | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    " researchers identified four different ways students reported they were using discussion to promote learning. * To challenge ideas - both their own and others with the goal of arriving at a more complete understanding * To develop ideas - using the ideas of others to improve their own thinking * To acquire ideas - using discussion as a way of collecting ideas * To check ideas - making sure that their ideas were the right ones; that they were learning the right things The researchers identify the first two approaches as deep learning methods and the last two as more typical of surface learning approaches. The researchers also point out that students don't always see the potential for learning through discussion-it's just another one of those things some teachers have them do."
John Turner

iPad Apps in the classroom - The Boston Globe - 1 views

    More textbook publishers are offering resources for the iPad as they consider whether such tablet devices are the future of textbooks. Publishers are piloting iPad programs nationwide and Pearson Education Inc. has developed a complete social-studies curriculum for the iPad in partnership with Virginia. Although the iPad has "a wow factor," publishers say they will use the best technology available. "There are a lot of other mobile options, but if the iPad suddenly emerges as an educational device, we'll use it," a Houghton Mifflin executive said. The Boston Globe
John Turner

John Merrow: The State of the (Teachers) Union - 0 views

    The story is not how much the school has improved; it's how. Union rules were in the way, and so teachers took on their union.
John Turner

BBC News - Gove's curriculum: Is less really more? - 0 views

    "despite these reassurances, suspicion remains that the national curriculum will constrain schools. Critics also complain that it is inconsistent for academies and "free schools" to remain exempt from the national curriculum."
John Turner

Debating Technology Use in Education | A World Bank Blog on ICT use in Education - 0 views

    "Re-visiting some of the issues explored in that Economist debate, in 2011 the EduTech Debate site kicks off by hosting a high level discussion around the question, Are ICT investments in schools an education revolution or fool's errand?"
John Turner

Technologies for Learning vs. Learning about Technology Claudia Urrea - 0 views

    "Here I would like to introduce and defend a couple of arguments: * The focus should be on students' learning; * The power of computers is in the hands of children, not just teachers or adults."
John Turner

MindShift | How we will learn - 0 views

    Technology is revolutionizing the world of education - replacing familiar classroom tools and changing the way we learn. MindShift will explore the future of learning in all its dimensions - covering cultural and technology trends, groundbreaking research, education policy and more. The site is curated by Tina Barseghian, a former editor of Edutopia and the mother of a grade-schooler."
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