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reckoner reckoner

wxPython Tutorial part 1 - 1 views

    I've always found that best way to learn is by doing and then experimenting and tweaking with what's been done. So download and install wxPython, fire up your favorite text editor and get ready to play along as you read the next few sections.
reckoner reckoner

FrontPage - wxPyWiki - 0 views

    Hello! Welcome to the wxPyWiki, (pronounced wix-pee-wi-kee) a collaborative document evolution system for the wxPython project, implemented using MoinMoin. Anyone can edit content here, you just have to follow TheRules or risk facing the RathOfRobin ;-) .
jdr santos

Boa Constructor home - 0 views

    Boa Constructor is a cross platform Python IDE and wxPython GUI Builder. It offers visual frame creation and manipulation, an object inspector, many views on the source like object browsers, inheritance hierarchies, doc string generated html documentation
reckoner reckoner

ShowMeDo --first wxPython application tutorial - 0 views

    first wxPython application tutorial
reckoner reckoner

Manning: wxPython in Action - 0 views

    # Sample Chapter 2 (PDF) # Sample Chapter 9 (PDF) # Source code (336 KB - last updated March 1, 2006)
reckoner reckoner

spreadsheet in python: pyspread - 0 views

  • Pyspread is a spreadsheet that accepts a pure python expression in each cell. Requires Python 2.4, Numpy 1.0.4, and wxPython
    • reckoner reckoner
      not ready for prime time yet. Worth watching, however
reckoner reckoner

pyspec - Release: PySpec 0.51 - 0 views

  • This is first version at CodePlex. PySpec is BDD framework for python. It includes following items PySpec for CUIPySpec for wxPython(little buggy)Any documents(tutorial, reference)
    behavioral programming python framework
reckoner reckoner

ulipad - Google Code - 0 views

  • UliPad uses Mixin and Plugin technique as its architecture. Most of its classes can be extended via mixin and plugin components, and finally become an integrity class when creating the instance. So UliPad is very dynamic. You can write the new features in new files, and hardly need to modify the existing code. And if you want to extend the existing classes, you could write mixins and plugins, and this will be bound to the target class that I call "Slot Class". This technique will make the changes centralized and easily managed.
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