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le torte

leatherface - mush - Roughneck - 1991 - 22 views

my favourite record record review

started by le torte on 03 May 07
  • le torte
    The records say it was 1994/95 (they are not quite sure). I was listening to a compilation record from bitzcore, the first song on it was "animal day" by a band called leatherface.
    Although i really liked the song, i was overwhelmed by a flood of brilliant bands on this record (like articles of faith, flag of democracy, poison idea, verbal abuse...).
    Nevertheless, i soon started looking for records from this particular band. As they had just split up, the only record that i got was the "live in oslo", which is still the best live record in my collection today, and the reissue of "cherry knowle" on bitzcore.
    The years went by and i slowly forgot about the boat.
    Then one day in 1999, i was looking for records from a band i had just discovered called hot water music, when i realized they had just put out a split LP with leatherface. Yes, leatherface, they got finally back together and were releasing new songs. Brilliant songs!
    Yet, their masterpiece had already been written, and i finally got my hands on it: mush (no, not mosh).
    its the perfect record.
    Starting with "I want the moon" and "how lonely", then some filler tracks which other bands can only dream of to write, going towards 3 absolute highlights:
    not a day goes by => killer track
    not superstitious => best song ever written if it wasn´t for a song called
    springtime => best song ever written
    The rest also includes some amazing songs like "dead industrial atmosphere" or "in the real world".
    The record is ending with one of the coolest cover versions: "message in a bottle". A great song and i don´t even have to bear sting singing it.

    Now stop reading this bullshit - buy the record!

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