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Todd Suomela

PLoS ONE: A Common Anterior Insula Representation of Disgust Observation, Experience an... - 0 views

    We found voxels in the anterior Insula and adjacent frontal operculum to be involved in all three modalities of disgust, suggesting that simulation in the context of social perception and mental imagery of disgust share a common neural substrates. Using effective connectivity, this shared region however was found to be embedded in distinct functional circuits during the three modalities, suggesting why observing, imagining and experiencing an emotion feels so different.
Sue Frantz

Social Iciness Is Found to Alter Perception of Temperature - - 0 views

    For every congenial character who can warm a room, there's another who can bring a draft from the north, a whiff of dead winter. And even if the thermometer doesn't register the difference, people do: social iciness feels so cold to those on the receiving end that they will crave a hot drink, a new study has found.
Caramel Crow

Deric Bownds' MindBlog: Seeing ourselves / Seeing others - built in errors - 9 views

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