Lecture Capture: Lights! Camera! Action! -- Campus Technology - 0 views
It forces you to address a skill set that you might not have thought much about, or not for a long time.
Jeff Swain on 08 Jun 11We never help create teachers. We create content experts and say go teach. There is a difference. A big difference. That is why you can name all your great teachers o one hand
"A college lecture is definitely a performance,
Chris, interesting question. I think any means that enables reflection on practice could help, if implemented properly. Tools like LC afford the opportunity to dissect & reflect on the actual performance, something teachers do not always get to see. Personally, seeing myself from the outside like that always humbles me & makes me want to improve. A video capture tool as part of a development kit could be a critical piece to improving performance. But, I'd want to explore this developmental idea further. My fear is we would not introduce LC properly &, with the best of intentions, doom it to mediocrity at best. What do you think of LC for this use? We'd have to think about the cost, audience, buy-in, etc. But from a pedagogical perspective as well? Jeff