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Mr Casal


    In an effort to help teachers identify apps and Web 2.0 tools that can be used to attain various levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, we have re-constructed the Bloom's Taxonomy Wheel for the iPad with apps that Zeeland students have available on their iPad. In order to leverage the iPad's potential in learning, teachers should consider their class content, their pedagogical approach, and specific strategies for using technology.
Mr Casal

Bloom's Apps - 1 views

    Apps broken down by where they fit within Blooms Taxonomy
    This would be awesome if they provided more than just a picture of each of the features apps. How are you supposed to identify the apps?
    Top left corner of the home page has the navigation links to the particular apps/section of the taxonomy
Mr Casal

Bloomin' iPad by Kathy Schrock - 0 views

    Below you will find links to iPad applications that target the various levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. I only included free apps that were "content-neutral" to make them usable across the curriculum. I also tried to include apps for the iPad only, but a few iPhone apps may have snuck in! Each app image is clickable, and you will be taken to the iTunes Store to learn more about each one. If you have other iPad apps you would like to recommend that meet the same criteria, please fill out the Google Survey at the bottom of this page. The results will be public so we can all benefit from each other's expertise.
Mr Casal

Bloom-iPads-Apps - 0 views

    Blooms Taxanomy via iPad apps...
1 - 9 of 9
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