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Mr Casal

iOS Apps to Support Reading and Writing - UDL Resource - 0 views

    iOS Apps that Support Learners who Find Reading and/or Writing Challenging
Mr Casal

Best iOS 5 Tips, Tricks, And Secrets - 0 views

    Apple's new iOS 5 operating system boasts hundreds of new features, but only a select few get highlighted on Apple's website.We tracked down all the rest of the great features, and chose the 25 coolest ones to share with you.
Mr Casal

5 Must-Have iOS Apps For Writers | Edudemic - 0 views

    Check out these top 5 Apple applications for essay writing to make getting organizing and presenting your thoughts in a coherent manner a much easier process.
Mr Casal

20+ Apps to Support the Digital Storytelling Process : Teacher Reboot Camp - 0 views

    Some great free apps to help you begin creating digital stories with your learners.
Mr Casal

Best Education Apps | Unbiased, Data-Driven Comparisons. - 0 views

    A finely tuned directory of over 50k apps, capable of sorting out all the apps in ways not even available in the iTunes or Mac App stores such as by average price.
Mr Casal

Get hAPPy! - 0 views

    New touchscreen and mobile devices offer an opportunity to connect with children in a new way educationally. The interactivity of these devices provide a unique way to encourage and motivate a multitude of learners. Though the app market is dominated by Apple, the Android store is growing rapidly. As the educational (and worldwide) trend moves towards personalized and mobile learning, finding the right apps for kids becomes an important task. CBS This Morning recently quoted a new study that said that apps are second only to e-mail and texting in terms of what we use phones for. Let's take advantage of the popularity!
Mr Casal

14 Free Educational Technology iPad Apps for Kids - 0 views

    At the following list you will find training games for children and browsers that are completely customizable so you can limit and control your children's access on the internet. You will also find news updating, and communication applications so you can stay in touch at all times. 
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