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Jungle World ··· 46/2006 Dossier ··· Vergesst Big Brother! - 0 views

  • Verborgene Potenziale in der bestehenden Kundschaft zu entdecken, behauptet die Informa GmbH, ein Joint-Venture-Unternehmen von Schober und InFoScore. Die Firma führt ebenfalls nicht nur Scorings durch, sondern vetreibt auch Software, die den Zugriff auf Datenbanken verbessert, verbunden mit der Einbeziehung externer Daten (die bei Schober reichlich vorhanden sind). Ähnlich arbeitet Bürgel, das neben Informationen zu 36 Millionen Privatpersonen in Deutschland nicht nur zwölf Millionen Privat- und 3,6 Millionen Un­ter­neh­mens­adressen anbietet (jeweils »bonitätsgeprüft«), sondern auch Datenrationalisierung und -anreicherung. 15 Millionen »europäische Business-Adressen« stehen dort ebenfalls zur Verfügung. Weitere Anbieter sind Dun & Bradstreet, Deltavista, Coface, das Telekomtochterunternehmen SolvenTec und ein Joint Venture des Bertelsmannablegers Arvato mit der bereits erwähnten Firma InFoScore. Das Internet-Angebot ABIT e.POS führt die Services mehrerer dieser Unternehmen zusammen. Die ABIT AG ist ansonsten auf Forderungsmanagement spezialisiert. Sie versucht z.B., den Überblick über laufende Insolvenzverfahren zu haben.

Brown warns of enduring al-Qaida threat to UK | Politics | - 0 views

  • Brown warns of enduring al-Qaida threat to UK Prime minister says 60,000 civilians have been trained to deal with terrorist incidents
  • Some 60,000 civilians, including shop managers and council workers, have been trained to cope with the threat."Today, not only the police and security and intelligence officers and our armed forces, but also the emergency services, local councils, businesses and community groups are involved in state-of-the-art civil contingency planning,"
  • Gordon Brown today warned that al-Qaida remains the biggest security threat to the UK, as he revealed that tens of thousands of civilians have been trained to deal with terrorist attacks as part of a new strategy to combat extremists.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • By 2011, Britain will be spending £3.5bn a year on counter-terrorism, Brown said. The imprisonment of 80 terrorists in Britain in the last two years was hitting the morale of al-Qaida. Part of the new strategy would address the longer-term causes of terrorism by "understanding what leads people to become radicalised, so we can stop the process".Brown said that more than two-thirds of the plots threatening the UK are linked to Pakistan.
Arabica Robusta

Oil City: Where are the Jobs, pt. 2 | Pipe(line)Dreams - 0 views

  • There should be a direct relationship between recognized training centers and oil company human resources departments. There isn’t. Basically, people are on their own; it’s not like they can go down to the local jobs office and get advice.  In a country with extremely high levels of unemployment and a huge “419″ internet scamming problem (sorry, Ghana, but it appears you have caught up with Nigeria and Cameroon on this front), potential victims are everywhere.
  • Both Tullow Oil and Kosmos Energy have posted scam alerts on their websites. Here’s the warning from Kosmos: NOTE: POTENTIAL RECRUITMENT FRAUD Kosmos Energy has learned that job applicants in the international oil and gas business, as well as other industry sectors, may be contacted by individuals or organizations that offer false employment opportunities. These communications are often via email and may request personal information or money. Kosmos only makes job offers after candidates have completed a formal interview process and does not ask applicants to pay fees during recruitment. Specifically, please note that any communications from or about the “Kosmos Group” are not associated with Kosmos Energy. This is good, but I don’t know how useful these alerts are. There are a lot of people in Takoradi who don’t have internet access. And even when you get to the Tullow or Kosmos websites, it’s not easy to get information.
  • “We are committed to providing Ghanaian suppliers with full and fair opportunities, providing short and long-term support to help local suppliers to achieve contract pre-qualification. To date 700 local contracts have been awarded by Tullow, including procuring 100% of IT equipment and services in Ghana.” I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to find out more about these 700 contracts when I interview Tullow officials.
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