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Michelle Krill

High Tech High | Digital Commons - 24 views

    All High Tech High students and teachers store and exhibit their work in digital portfolios. These are perfectly aligned with the three High Tech High design principles of common intellectual mission, personalization, and adult world connection: required of all, they display personal learning and interests to an audience that extends beyond the school.
Kathleen N

Maxed Out - 0 views

    From High Tech High, San Diego In the project "Maxed Out," students spent six weeks learning about the credit card industry. They derived formulas to model credit card debt, and also researched various tactics employed by credit card companies to recruit and deceive customers. Each group of 2 to 4 students then chose how to create public awareness of the potential dangers of credit cards. The final projects are very diverse, ranging from websites to films to rap videos. Below are links to each project. Please follow each link to see some of the fantastic work samples, and also maybe to educate yourself about credit cards as well. You may be suprised what you find out!
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