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Konten negatif jadi alasan kuat tik tok diblokir KOMINFO | Jadi Viral - 0 views

    Bapak Rudiantara yang merupakan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika menyatakan alasan Kominfo memblokir aplikasi Tik Tok adalah karena terdapat banyak konten negatif di platform tersebut. Beliau mengatakan "Banyak kontennya yang negatif, terutama bagi anak-anak," kepada, Selasa (3/6).

Bowo viral dan terkenal berkat TikTok | Jadi Viral - 0 views

    Tentu Anda salah satu pengguna aplikasi Tik Tok yang sekarang ternyata sudah di blokir oleh KOMINFO, maka sudan tentu anda pun tidak asing dengan sosok Bowo Alpenliebe yang memiliki akun prabowo118.
Jennifer Garcia

Six Vintage-Inspired Animations on Critical Thinking | Brain Pickings - 0 views

    Australian outfit Bridge 8, who have the admirable mission of devising "creative strategies for science and society," and animator James Hutson have created six fantastic two-minute animations on various aspects of critical thinking, aimed at kids ages 8 to 10 but also designed to resonate with grown-ups. Inspired by the animation style of the 1950s, most recognizably Saul Bass, the films are designed to promote a set of educational resources on critical thinking by TechNYou, an emerging technologies public information project funded by the Australian government. The animations - which are part Minute Physics, part The Dot and the Line, part 60-Second Adventures in Thought - are released under a Creative Commons license and cover the basics of logic and the scientific method, as well as specific psychological pitfalls like confirmation bias and Gambler's Fallacy.
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