"Explore is a philanthropic multimedia organization that makes documentary films and photographs to showcase extraordinary nonprofit efforts and leaders around the world."
a good example of why we should not depend on wikipedia; the information in this article covers very little of the work of JI Rodale, his son and family;
Others consider this article biased because of its assumption that organic farming is superior to conventional farming (whatever conventional means)
highly effective instructional model; developed by Rodger Bybee through BSCS to help STEM teachers teach through inquiry more effectively; based on previous research in this area; discussed here.
Don't worry if this video says it is not available, just refresh. Excellent movie; Beauty & the Beast, with a touch of the Wizard of Oz, only you can accept yourself and your situation movie; great cast;
great movie; use a a literature connection; a new fable
a very brief, interesting introduction to Dr. Deming, his ideas and theories that have changed modern human interactions in schools, businesses and other venues where people interact.
Authentic learning, as we are finding it through our Professional Learning Networks, remains the most powerful form of professional education; it seems that this form needs to be incorporated within our more static, traditional form of teacher education.
W Gaskins reflections on the concept of "connected writing" and its relationship to authenitic learning for the adult learner; compare/contrast formal graduate classes with informal, yet powerful Professional Learning Network.
Robert Ballard, a Wichita, KS native, has a TED talk at this URL. If you are a teacher, you need to know about Dr. Ballard and his work in Science and Education through the Jason Project
another excellent FlashMeeting video/audio etc; especially helpful because a variety of teachers in different subjects across the grades and adults; describe and explain DIY; tips, tricks and pitfalls; love the chocolate egg podcast idea;D
Most of these teachers used podcasting for lessons and authentic assessment w/projects; one teacher used for professional development for other teachers;