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Navneet Kumar

Sorting HashMap based on its Values - 0 views

    sorting hashmap based on its values
Navneet Kumar

When Not to Normalize your SQL Database - SWiK - 0 views

  • With the above design, it takes six SQL Join operations to access and display the information about a single user. This makes rendering the profile page a fairly database intensive operation which is compounded by the fact that profile pages are the most popular pages on social networking sites.
  • Database denormalization is the kind of performance optimization that should be carried out as a last resort after trying things like creating database indexes, using SQL views and implementing application specific in-memory caching. However if you hit massive scale and are dealing with millions of queries a day across hundreds of millions to billions of records or have decided to go with database partitioning/sharding then you will likely end up resorting to denormalization
    • Navneet Kumar
      De-Normalization is OK if you are'nt going to update
  • Denormalization means that you you are now likely to deal with data inconsistencies because you are storing redundant copies of data and may not be able to update all copies of a column value simultaneously  when it is changed for a variety of reasons. Having tools in your infrastructure to support fixing up data of this sort then become very important.
    De-normalizing database to improve speed.
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