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Bakari Chavanu

73 Ways to Become a Better Writer | Copyblogger - 0 views

  • Use self-imposed word limits.
  • 10. Take a break between writing and editing.
  • 11. Learn a new word a day.
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  • 15. Write without distractions.
  • 22. Go back and cut 10% from your word count.
  • 25. Read lots of books. Both good and bad.
  • 26. Make notes of your (fleeting) brilliant ideas.
  • 28. Listen to podcasts on writing tips.
  • 31. Limit your use of adjectives and adverbs
  • 34. Be inspired by other art forms – music, dance, sculpture, painting.
  • 37. Make writing your priority in the morning.
  • 39. Tell everyone: “I’m a writer.”
  • 43. Keep a journal to keep the writing juices flowing.
  • 48. Get to know someone different from you and reflect on the experience.
  • 50. Read works from different cultures. It helps keep your writing from tasting stale in the mouths of your readers.
  • 54. Join a writing group. If you can’t find one, form one.
  • 59. Ask someone else to proofread.
  • 60. Read Zinsser’s “On Writing Well” at least once a year.
  • 64. Start with metaphors and stories.
  • 66. Deconstruct and analyze books and articles you enjoy.
  • 68. Socialize with other writers.
  • 72. Take risks – don’t be afraid to shock. You are not who you think you are.
Bakari Chavanu

Thirteen Steps to Write and Publish a Free Ebook In Thirteen Hours - 0 views

  • Absolutely awesome post! I’ve been thinking about writing an ebook for a good while now, but the challenge always seemed too BIG! Just breaking it down into manageable chunks like you have above, makes the whole process seem a lot more achievable. So thanks, I’m gonna get right on it :) P.S I’m currently using eCoverSuiteElite for my eCovers etc. Just thought I’d post an alternative to eCover Software Pro - It works in photoshop so the end result it usually at a much higher quality.
Bakari Chavanu

Power Blogging With Mac Journal - GTD Style - 0 views

  • Journal intensively. In this post I’ll share how I use Mac Journal for blogging, how I set up my blogging environment and how I applied, using Mac Journal’s powerful “smart journals” feature, a GTD-like blogging scaffold.
  • A pop-up with some simple options will appear. If you’re on a wordpress set up, as most of the people, you should check the “Movable Type” type of your publishing method. A good idea is to add “xmlrpc.php” to your post URL and the admin username. That’s it, you’re now connected to your blog and can start publish remotely. You can even download the entries from your blog into Mac Journal, by choosing “Download entires from blog…” from the same “Journal” menu. Of course, you can have more than one blog set up, if you have more than one.
  • Journal. Right click on your journal and chose “New Smart Journal” option from the drop-down menu. The nicest thing about smart journals is that you can add filtering conditions to them, to select what they will actually contain. In this case, I will have only posts with priority bigger or equal to 4, and status different from “Completed”. Here’s how to do it:
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  • If you haven’t noticed so far, all the posts are added into the main journal, and then pulled into “Next Posts” and “Someday / Maybe” smart journals using 2 simple rules. The main journal act as a sort of “main review” for all the blogging activities we have.
  • I use a smart journal for all my GTD-related posts for instance, so I can always see how my GTD posting is evolving, how many posts I have, what are the topics, and so on. Here how the smart journal for GTD is done (click for larger image):
Bakari Chavanu

50 Ways for Writers to Find Article Ideas - FreelanceSwitch - 0 views

    • Bakari Chavanu
      Read forum discussion and turn questions and responses into articles and screenc casts Scan magazine and turn them into posts Write about your expereiences and discoveries Build on past articles Start a series that you can use over and over for a while
Bakari Chavanu

10 Sure-Fire Headline Formulas That Work | Copyblogger - 0 views

  • 1. Who Else Wants [blank]?
  • 2. The Secret of [blank]
  • 3. Here is a Method That is Helping [blank] to [blank]
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  • 4. Little Known Ways to [blank]
  • 6. Here’s a Quick Way to [solve a problem]
  • 7. Now You Can Have [something desirable] [great circumstance]
  • 8. [Do something] like [world-class example]
  • 9. Have a [or] Build a [blank] You Can Be Proud Of
  • 10. What Everybody Ought to Know About [blank]
Bakari Chavanu

Blog Money: The Income Outlook for 2009 | Copyblogger - 0 views

  • I’m more convinced than ever that the traditional approach to web advertising is a bad deal for sponsors, and a terrible deal for publishers.
  • The ratio of income from those sponsors to revenue generated from my own projects, joint ventures and affiliate marketing promotions made it clear there was no reason to bother with relatively cheap sidebar spots.
  • I’m not saying you can’t make money from sticking 125×125 ads in your sidebar, I’m just saying you’re walking away from the lion’s share of revenue and ignoring the bigger picture.
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  • As I’ve said many times, having something to sell directly to your audience is ideal. Even more ideal is to sell something your audience has told you—directly or indirectly—that they want to buy.
  • The key to successful affiliate marketing is active influence. Pick a product or service that’s perfect for your audience, and one that you can stand behind 100%
  • And as with affiliate marketing, you’d better genuinely believe in the product or service if you’re going to become an advocate for it. In fact, unlike most affiliate programs, you’re often required to use the product in order to promote it under the network marketing model.
  • I’ve never done any network marketing, because I’m not about to harass my friends and family with the latest “opportunity.” But I’ve been watching the network marketing space online, and it seems an inevitable match for social media.
  • Mass media is a historical aberration. For a short 70-odd years of human history, a relatively small group of people told us what to think and what to buy, and we were expected to passively accept it.
  • The first group will be focused on making money from their blog. They’ll treat it like a small business, hoping to build it up to the point where they can quit their job and become a full-time online publisher. The second group of people will be focused on spreading their ideas. They’ll treat their blog like a platform, expanding it with the purpose of helping their ideas spread faster.
  • This is a timely article for me. I’ve been debating if I should keep my Google ads and Amazon links. My blog doesn’t have high traffic yet and I realize that my numbers will need to spike astronomically to begin earning income from these sources.
  • In general, it’s so much better to sell your own stuff than someone else’s. You hit number one right on the head, Brian.
  • I’m not even close to trying to make money from my blog yet, but I’m very serious about trying to do it in the future if things go as I’m planning them.
  • I’ve considered taking down my Adsense ads from all websites. I don’t make enough at the moment on them to consider them income. They are a pittance really. I have some e-books but I give them away. I need something I can sell, you’re right.
Bakari Chavanu

Why No One Links to Your Best Posts (And What to Do About It) | Copyblogger - 0 views

  • Traditional wisdom says you should link to their posts, hoping they’ll notice you and start reading your blog. Sometimes it works, but in my experience, you need to be a little more creative. Here are some ideas to get you started: Write a guest post that gets lots of traffic and adoring comments Attend conferences that all of the “Who’s Who” of your niche go to and network your tail off Volunteer to “vote” for any posts that they’re pushing on social media sites like Digg, and StumbleUpon Email them an irresistible question, hoping to spark a discussion Leave lots of truly memorable comments Interview them in either a post or a podcast, making sure to ask lots of intelligent questions Join their private membership program (like Teaching Sells) and make lots of smart posts in the forums
Bakari Chavanu

21 Ways to Make Your Blog or Website Sticky - 0 views

  • 1. Make Your Invitations to Subscribe to your blog Prominent
  • 4. On Site Branding
  • 5. Make Your Blog Personal
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  • 6. When you get a rush of traffic to one particular post….
  • 8. Add a ’subscribe to comments’ feature to your blog
  • 12. Highlight Your Best Content
  • 16. Keep Posting Frequency Up
  • Lastly (and most importantly in my mind) - the key to sticky sites is sticky content. You can have the best designed site in the world with lots of the above features - but unless readers who come to it find something that connects and brings them life in some way - you’re unlikely to get them back tomorrow.
  • Does your blog have readers already? If so (and even if it’s just a few) highlight this in any way that you can and you’ll show other first timers that they’re not the only one reading your blog. People attract people and a site that is obviously being read by others will draw others into it. This can be difficult in the early days of a blog when you don’t have a lot of activity - but as it builds show it off. Highlight new comments, show subscriber numbers when you have them, quote readers comments, find a way to slip your stats into a post occassionally etc. It’s a bit of a snowball effect - once you have readers they’ll bring others in.
Bakari Chavanu

How do you get Ideas for Content? - Problogger Community - 0 views

  • A few of mine have been from: - google trends - google news - local news - my kids - rants - reviews of products
  • mindmapping - a cool brainstorming technique.
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