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Pierre-Axel Pejouan

The Ed Banger Seven | HBF - 1 views

  • The Ed Banger Seven 1 Jul 2010 by Mr HBF
  • Ed Banger Records celebrated its seventh birthday a few weeks ago and to celebrate the fact they made seven part mini documentary that Busy P aka Pedro Winter has been releasing on his Gimpbook page. If you have seen Justeece’s A Cross The Universe DVD, you’ll have some idea what to expect – it chronicles their time on New York as they get ready to play a massive gig featuring 7 of their best artists. In no particular order; Justice, Breakbot, Uffie, Feadz, Busy P, Sebastian, Medhi, Some & Mr flash are all present.
  • The first epeisode starts in the ususal dramatic manner with Busy P facing the real possibility of not being able to make the Gig due severe weather in New York – but the ED REC 7 grow a pair and make sure they make it.
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  • The Ed Banger Seven (but I counted 8 ?) touched down in New York safely after a flight of producing, sleeping, playing Nintendo and general french tom-foolery. Next we are greeted with OMG crew who just love Ed Banger – and what’s not to like. The Justice boys grab a pre-show hotdog to the sounds of Sebastian. Whilst the rest of the crew gorge themselves on the best of American fat. Classy.
  • Episode 3 catches the crew as they are about to go to the show and of course they are running late. And the crew realises they are playing at a under-age party ! Only in America. 3100 screaming teen america’s – going crazy to french electro. Jocks not included.
  • Next up we’re at the venue and Busy is being usual nice french dude – meeting all the crowd – rather sad really, it looked like a wrestling convention. Weird. But you can’t be impressed with how much love they’re getting. All to hip warm-up track Pocket Piano. As one geek says “French house and techno is the best” – what does he know? We are then treated to Uffie – the latest female to join the ED Banger crew.
  • Next Episode we are treated to some amazing skills from A-Trak who sends the crowd wild – a true master of mixology. But as usual is overshadowed by the bosses of the crosses Justice, who bang out their best tracks with usual flair that Xavier brings to the decks. Just wait until you see him mix in “It Aint Over ‘Til It’s Over” by Lenny Kravits standing up.
  • The Ed Crew go onto the after-party where Sebastian shows how to do a dramatic breakdown; with his seven minute track that never breaks or does it? Let’s hope some of this is on his new album – whenever he can be bothered to finish it. Soon please.
  • The final episode is made up of the commercial commitments of ED Banger and their new EDnies sponsorship deal – a new trainer they are bringing out with the help of American skater company Etnies. After all Busy P and Breakbot used to skate together. So Ed Banger are seven years old – we can’t wait to see the film they make for the tenth birthday! WATCH IT HERE
    positive article, full review, embedded player
chloe rhys

Etnies Presents The Ed Banger 7 Series - Episode 2 (Video) - STRICTLYSOCIAL.COM - Elect... - 1 views

  • Episode two. The Ed Banger crew gets into New York and hits the streets. Got hungry watching this
Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Ed Banger Seven X Etnies ep1-3 - Beachbrother Blog - L'univers surf, skate & snowboard ... - 1 views

  • Ed Banger Seven X Etnies ep1-3
  • Brand new websérie sur Konbini qui, décidément, ne manque pas d’idées : pour immortaliser les 7 ans du label Ed Banger à New York, les équipes du site web ont suivi le crew pendant leur périple, filmant tout, absolument tout, le jour comme la nuit. Le concept ? 7 épisodes de 5 minutes chacun, distillés chaque jour pendant une semaine. Au delà des tribulations de Busy P (Pedro Winter), Justice, Breakbot, So-me, DJ Medhi, Uffie et Sebastian, c’est aussi l’occasion de revenir sur la collaboration entre Ed Banger et Etnies, qui sponsorise également la websérie. Un chouette aperçu du Ed Banger Way of Life qui risque toutefois de décevoir les groupies de Justice, car ce documentaire là ne se termine malheureusement pas en bagarre à coups de tessons de bouteilles… On vous envoie les 3 premiers épisodes, les autres vont suivre sur notre site dès qu’il seront disponibles.
    positive article, embedded player to all episodes
chloe rhys

Ed Banger Seven "Journal of Electronic Music and Urban Culture - purelectronic mag - 1 views

  • Ed Banger Seven
  • d Banger crew of each section of road passing through Paris to NYC'deki 7.Doğum Day party and the party is a part of the cover. Ed Banger crew can see the names of Justice, Uffie, DJ Mehdi, some, SebastiAn, Breakbot, Feadz, and of course Busy P. As of June 23 each day by adding a section of the documentary yayınlanıcak web address:
  • ntary ...
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Ed Banger has once again come together with Etnies ... But this time last year, they removed EDNIES not for a web-documentaries for the French record company ... 7 To celebrate the age of seven chapters, KONBINI'de published a docum
chloe rhys


  • The finale. I'm buying me some EDnies...If you haven't seen the video below it now. Also filmed by the folks at Konbini, It gives a much better sample of all of the artists sets throughout the night.
chloe rhys

La nouvelle Web série sur Konbini: Ed Banger 7 | De Futilité Publique - 1 views

  • La nouvelle Web série sur Konbini: Ed Banger 7
  • Cela fait désormais une semaine que la Web série Ed Banger 7 est diffusée sur la « so hype » Web TV Konbini. En effet, c’est depuis le 23 juin qu’est diffusée sur cette chaîne, une série de 7 épisodes retraçant les péripéties de Justice, Uffie, Busy P, DJ Mehdi, Breakbot, So Me, Sebastian, et Feadz. 8 artistes pour célébrer les 7 ans de l’écurie fondée par Pedro Winter alias Busy P. Le label Ed Banger est devenu en moins d’une dizaines d’années le plus célèbre des labels electro français avec notamment l’énorme succès du duo Justice.
  • On attends avec impatience le dernier épisode de la série qui sera diffusé demain tant les 6 premiers furent jubilatoire à visionner à travers le périple New Yorkais de cette bande de potes tous plus déjantés les uns que les autres. La Web TV Konbini nous avait habitué à réaliser des documentaires de qualité sur l’univers musical branchouille parisien à l’image du portrait de Data et une fois de plus, elle ne déçoit pas.
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  • Je vous laisse avec le communiqué de presse pour en savoir plus: COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE KONBINI ET ETNIES PRESENTENT THE ED BANGER 7 PARIS, 1er Juin 2010 Etnies et Ed Banger Records continuent leur collaboration créative avec le lancement de THE ED BANGER 7, un événement mondial autour dʼun électro-documentaire en 7 épisodes diffusés sur dès le 23 Juin 2010. Depuis maintenant 7 ans Ed Banger a su imposer sa marque sur le paysage électro international. De L.A à Tokyo en passant bien évidemment par Paris, le Label de Busy P. surprend toujours et voit les choses en grand, surtout quand il sʼagit de célébrer les 7 ans du label. Un anniversaire symbolique à lʼoccasion duquel le Ed Rec crew sʼest donné rendez-vous à New York pour un week-end dʼanthologie en compagnie de Justice, Uffie, Busy P, DJ Mehdi, Breakbot, So Me, Sebastian, et Feadz. Un moment clé de lʼhistoire du label capturé par les équipes de tournage de, la télé web et mobile, dans un électro-documentaire unique diffusé à partir du 23 Juin 2010 en exclusivité sur et Un lancement événement pendant lequel lʼintégralité du documentaire sera dévoilée au public au rythme dʼun épisode par jour du 23 au 30 juin. Un reveal à la mesure de lʼenthousiasme de la communauté de fans du label et du Ed Banger Crew. Tous les épisodes de THE ED BANGER 7 seront ensuite disponibles pour voir et revoir gratuitement sur Le documentaire suit lʼéquipe Ed Banger dans sa conquête de la night scene la plus folle des Etats-Unis. Une immersion complète dans le lifestyle chaotique des DJs les plus en vue dʼEd Rec, entre découverte de New York, énormes soirées et rencontre avec les amis (Spike Jonze, A-Track, Pierre-André Senizergues…) et les fans U.S du label. Nouveau partenariat créatif entre Etnies et Ed Banger Records, THE ED BANGER 7 marque la volonté des deux marques de prolonger une collaboration débutée en mai 2010 avec le lancement dʼune collection exclusive de chaussures sous le nom EDNIES. Animés par une passion commune pour la musique et le skate Pierre-André Senizergues dʼEtnies et Pedro Winter dʼEd Banger continuent ensemble dʼexplorer de nouveaux territoires afin de surprendre leurs fans. »
Pierre-Axel Pejouan

The Ed Banger Seven - The Storm (Episode 1/7) | SSS / SeekSickSound - 1 views

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Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Live : Ed Banger Seven Les artistes Ed Banger en live - 1 views

  • Live : Ed Banger Seven Les artistes Ed Banger en live
  • A l'occasion des 7 ans du label Ed Banger, découvrez l'une des 7 vidéos mises en ligne, intitulée The Partyyy qui, comme son nom l'indique, nous dévoile des images de live, démarrant sur une grosse prestation de Dj A-Trak, suivi de Busy P, Justice, bref, des grosses soirées comme on aimerait pas en louper... Il s'agit de la 5ème vidéo, sur les 7 de prévues, réalisées à l'occasion de l'anniversaire du label ainsi que de sa collaboration avec la marque de basket "Etnies", qui devrait probablement donner lieu à de jolies modèles "Ednies"...
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Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Deepsession » Blog Archive » The Ed Banger 7 - 1 views

  • The Ed Banger 7 Filed Under (video) by Rosco Dunn on 26-06-2010
  • Just provided from Provider magazine.This is a collaboration between Ed Banger Records and Etnies.These are some videos about the real life of this 7 marvellous guy while the keep on rock out the world.Here you get the first trailer but you can find right now untill the fourth episode.
    positive article, embedded player
Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Quite Fascinating: The Ed Banger Seven - ep2 - 1 views

  • The Ed Banger Seven - ep2FoodEpisode two of seven in honor of Ed Banger Records' seventh anniversarybrought to us by the cool folks over at Etnies sportswear. Enjoy!I'm loving that DJ Medhi is playing Drake, who I am currently obsessed with, lol.[sidenote: if you missed episode one, check it out here]
    positve article, embedded player
Pierre-Axel Pejouan

The Ed Banger Seven - Taxi (Episodio 3) - Only a Teenagers - 1 views

  • The Ed Banger Seven - Taxi (Episodio 3)
    mention, embedded player
chloe rhys

etnies & Konbini present: The Ed Banger 7 Episode 3 & 4 « Provider Magazine - 1 views

  • Da fan della Ed Banger e dei progetti della Konbini, non potevo non seguire passo passo i vari episodi della web-series The Ed Banger 7. Due nuove episodi ‘Taxi’ e ‘Sound Check’ (dove c’è anche A-Trak regalo per i fans), due passi in più verso l’inizio dei festeggiamenti.
    embed epsidodes 3 + 4
chloe rhys

Ed Banger fait sa websérie sur Konbini - Flavor Magazine - Mode, Beauté, Cult... - 1 views

  • Brand new websérie sur Konbini qui, décidément, ne manque pas d’idées: pour immortaliser les 7 ans du label Ed Banger à New York, les équipes du site web ont suivi le crew pendant leur périple, filmant tout, absolument tout, le jour comme la nuit.
  • Le concept? 7 épisodes de 5 minutes chacun, distillés chaque jour pendant une semaine. Au delà des tribulations de Pedro Winter, Justice, Breakbot, So-me, DJ Medhi, Uffie et Sebastian, c’est aussi l’occasion de revenir sur la collaboration entre Ed Banger et Etnies, qui sponsorise également la websérie.
  • Un chouette aperçu du Ed Banger Way of Life qui risque toutefois de décevoir les groupies de Justice, car ce documentaire là ne se termine malheureusement pas en bagarre à coups de tessons de bouteilles…
Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Ed Banger anniversaire : 7 ans déjà - 1 views

  • Ed Banger anniversaire : 7 ans déjà
  • Voici une petite vidéo piquée sur KONBINI, la webTV qui fait sensation. On aurait tant aimé y être ...
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Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Etnies Present: The Ed Banger 7 - News - Music Zine - Caught in the Crossfire - 1 views

  • Etnies Present: The Ed Banger 7 To celebrate their 7th year of dominating the global electro circuit, Ed Banger Records have teamed up with Etnies and Konbini to create a visual insight into the lives of those representing Ed Rec. Set in a webisode format, the Ed Banger 7 premiers on June 23rd exclusively on the Konbini website. Have a peep below for the most recent hype-inducing trailer for a little insight into the bonkers material that's to come. Keep your eyes out for the radical 'Ednies' collaboration shoe Pedro is rocking in the video...
    very positive article, linker to trailer 3, Ednies
Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Mail Movement - KONBINI : LE SHOW THE ED BANGER 7 - 1 views

    positive article, link to trailer
Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Etnies Presents The Ed Banger 7 Series - 3 Minutes Of - 1 views

  • Etnies Presents The Ed Banger 7 Series
  • Ed Banger Records is celebrating its 7th Birthday this year and what better way to celebrate it buy releasing a 7 part series on their best artists on the label. 2010 is a big year for the epic label Ed Banger Records. Not only does this year mark the labels 7th anniversary, but also the peak of their worldwide domination of the electronic music scene. With the release of Uffieʼs long awaited album and Breakbotʼs groundbreaking debut EP Baby Iʼm Yours, it is not just in Europe that Ed Rec is making its mark. From Los Angeles to Tokyo, Ed Rec mania is taking over. To mark this symbolic birthday, Ed Banger organized a huge week-end of celebration in NYC featuring the artists that have contributed in making the label a household name: Justice, Uffie, Busy P, DJ Medhi, SoMe, Sebastian, Breakbot, Feadz. Konbini, the internets most creative and forward-thinking Web TV has captured this unique event in electro music history in an exclusive web-documentary to be released worldwide in June 2010 only on and : THE ED BANGER 7. To create a weeklong event around the program, and to respond to the high level of enthusiasm from the fanbase, the 7 episodes of THE ED BANGER 7 will be released over one week, one episode a day from June 23rd to June 30th 2010, then available to watch and re-watch online for free on Etniesʼ website and The documentary features the whole Ed Banger crew as they discover New York, the American club scene and are exposed to their rising success in the U.S. The series focalizes on real-life scenes and the chaotic and fun-filled lifestyle of professional DJʼs.
    positive article, embedded player
Pierre-Axel Pejouan

Life: This Week Video Set « DropDread - 1 views

  • french electro madness. the ED BANGER 7 days.
    embedded player, positive mention
chloe rhys

Etnies & Ed Banger Records partner in new project - 1 views

  • Etnies & Ed Banger Records partner in new project
  • Music News etnies launches The Ed Banger 7 web-documentary Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 18 June, 2010 : - - etnies and Ed Banger Records continue their creative collaboration with the launch of THE ED BANGER 7 a new web-documentary broadcasted worldwide on starting Monday, June 23rd 2010. 2010 is a big year for the epic label Ed Banger Records. Not only does this year mark the  labels 7th anniversary, but also the peak of their worldwide domination of the electronic music  scene. With the release of Uffieʼs long awaited album and Breakbotʼs groundbreaking debut EP Baby Iʼm Yours, it is not just in Europe that Ed Rec is making its mark. From Los Angeles to Tokyo, Ed Rec mania is taking over.  To mark this symbolic birthday, Ed Banger organized a huge week-end of celebration in NYC featuring the artists that have contributed in making the  label a household name: Justice, Uffie, Busy P, DJ Medhi, SoMe, Sebastian, Breakbot,  Feadz. Konbini, the internets most creative and forward-thinking Web TV has captured this unique event in electro music history in an exclusive web-documentary to be released worldwide in June 2010 only on and : THE ED BANGER 7.
  • o create a weeklong event around the program, and to respond to the high level of enthusiasm from the fanbase, the 7 episodes of THE ED BANGER 7  will be released over one week, one episode a day from June 23rd to June 30th 2010, then available to watch and re-watch online for free on Etniesʼ website and The documentary features the whole Ed Banger crew as they discover New York, the American club scene and are exposed to their rising success in the U.S. The series focalizes on real-life scenes and the chaotic and fun-filled lifestyle of professional DJʼs. THE ED BANGER 7 also marks another step in the already successful collaboration between Etnies and Ed Banger Records. In May 2010 the two brands released an exclusive collection of shoes under the name EDNIES and keep on strengthening their partnership in a creative and entertaining way with this original web-documentary.   Sharing common skateboard roots in Paris, Pierre-Andre Senizergues of Etnies and Pedro Winter of Ed Banger are united in their passions - music and skateboarding - and will keep on exploring new territories to surprise their worldwide fanbase.
    positive article
    Site sur le surf article très complet
chloe rhys

Etnies Prezinta: The Ed Banger 7 Series - Skizzo Skillz - Nu fi bleg e blogu lu Skizzo - 1 views

  • Etnies Prezinta: The Ed Banger 7 Series
  • “2010 is a big year for the epic label Ed Banger Records. Not only does this year mark the labels 7th anniversary, but also the peak of their worldwide domination of the electronic music scene. With the release of Uffieʼs long awaited album and Breakbotʼs groundbreaking debut EP Baby Iʼm Yours, it is not just in Europe that Ed Rec is making its mark. From Los Angeles to Tokyo, Ed Rec mania is taking over. To mark this symbolic birthday, Ed Banger organized a huge week-end of celebration in NYC featuring the artists that have contributed in making the label a household name: Justice, Uffie, Busy P, DJ Medhi, SoMe, Sebastian, Breakbot, Feadz.
  • Konbini, the internets most creative and forward-thinking Web TV has captured this unique event in electro music history in an exclusive web-documentary to be released worldwide in June 2010 only on and : THE ED BANGER 7. To create a weeklong event around the program, and to respond to the high level of enthusiasm from the fanbase, the 7 episodes of THE ED BANGER 7 will be released over one week, one episode a day from June 23rd to June 30th 2010, then available to watch and re-watch online for free on Etniesʼ website and The documentary features the whole Ed Banger crew as they discover New York, the American club scene and are exposed to their rising success in the U.S. The series focalizes on real-life scenes and the chaotic and fun-filled lifestyle of professional DJʼs.”
    positive article, embedded player
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