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MAD SubCulture: The ED BANGER 7 - 3 views

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LTD MAGAZINE - The Limited Edition Magazine » Blog Archive » [Video]: Etni... - 2 views

  • [Video]: Etnies x ED Banger Records “The ED BANGER 7″
  • In celebration of Ed Banger Records’ seven year anniversary, today etnies is bringing you the first episode of the ED BANGER 7 documentary capturing the label’s weekend-long celebration in New York City. One episode per day will be launched until the final episode hits. The ED BANGER 7 also marks another step in the already successful collaboration between etnies and Ed Banger Records. The two brands recently released an exclusive collection of shoes under the name EDNIES and have since continued to strengthen their partnership in a creative and entertaining way with this original web-documentary.
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etnies Presents THE ED BANGER SEVEN: Episode 1 | The Express Art Blog - 2 views

  • etnies Presents THE ED BANGER SEVEN: Episode 1 In celebration of Ed Banger Records’ seven year anniversary, etnies presents the first episode of the ED BANGER 7 documentary capturing the label’s weekend-long celebration in New York City. One episode per day will be launched until the final episode hits. Konbini, a leading digital and mobile content channel, captured this one-time event in electro music history, featuring the whole Ed Banger crew as they experienced the American club scene in New York City. The series focuses on real-life scenes in the chaotic and fun-filled lifestyle of professional DJs. The ED BANGER 7 also marks another step in the already successful collaboration between etnies and Ed Banger Records. The two brands recently released an exclusive collection of shoes under the name EDNIES and have since continued to strengthen their partnership in a creative and entertaining way with this original web-documentary. Sharing common skateboard roots in Paris, Pierre-André Senizergues, owner of etnies, and Pedro Winter of Ed Banger are united in their passions —music and skateboarding.
    The Express Art Blog is postmodernism
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The Ed Banger Seven - Voluume!Webzine - 2 views

  • A l’occasion de son 7th Anniversary, Ed Banger n’a pas fait les choses à moitié et a fêté ça comme il le fallait. Cette party se déroulait au Terminal 5 à New York en Fevrier dernier et bien entendu, toute la team était présente sur les lieux. On pensera à DJ Mehdi, Uffie, So Me, Busy P, Breakbot, Justice et autres amis. Pour ceux qui ont raté le coche ou qui n’ont pas pu assister à cet événement complètement dirty, Konbini, la web TV qui ne  cesse de monter, était sur place pour filmer l’aventure et a réalisé un electro-documentary en 7 épisodes dans lesquels on plonge dans le monde d’Ed Banger sans limites. Voluume vous propose de regarder 4 épisodes de ce dernier et pour le reste, vous attendrez la semaine prochaine !
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POW! - 2 views

  • Here's the latest episodes from the Ed Banger 7 series:"Partyyyy":
  • SebastiAn's drop is a tad mucky, well worth the wait and lost lives. The crowd were relieved to go home after several days at 'Webster Hall'. Surprisingly, only 42 people from the audience died due to a rapid onset of lung cancer thanks to SebastiAn's secondhand smoke.
  • Here's today's instalment from the Ed Banger x Konbini collab project "Ed Banger 7". Pretty much just a load of French superstar DJs milling around in New York. Busy P does some questionable dancing, there are some homemade Ed Banger tees and some worrying displays of Ed Banger loyalty in the form of DIY body art. My personal highlight is at 2.10 when Busy P sends SoMe and Mehdi out into the freezing cold to entertain the waiting army of kids. It's actually a little bit dark; I've often wondered what SoMe's purpose on tour is, and the fact that Busy P seems to treat him as a kind of mobile Ed Banger sideshow is a little troubling.
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  • As some of you may know, Ed Banger records have teamed up with Konbini and Etnies to celebrate Ed Banger's 7th birthday with a series of 7 videos of the Ed Banger family on the road. One video is being released each day at www.konbini.comTo make your lives just a little easier, we'll be posting the videos on our blog too :)Three episodes have already been released, so I'll post them all here for you to catch up on now, and the next 4 episodes will be posted as and when they're available (and I can get to a computer)
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The Ed Banger Seven | Chroniques Musicales - 2 views

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Ed Banger Records 7 - Episodes 3 à 7 | Urbstreet - 2 views

  • Ed Banger Records 7 – Episodes 3 à 7
  • La rapidité d’Ed Banger Records nous a encore devancé… On vous parlait il y a quelques jours de la série de sept épisodes en l’honneur du 7ème anniversaire de la fameuse boite musicale Ed Banger Records. Et cette série, avec Justice, Uffie, Busy P, DJ Medhi, SoMe, Sebastian, Breakbot et Feadz, se termine aujourd’hui avec le septième épisode. Taxi, Réunion, Fête, Lifestyle, Musique, Musique, Musique…Le train de vie d’Ed Banger Records et de ses artistes au succès mondial est un véritable plaisir à regarder.
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Konbini - Ed Banger 7 | Sounds of Creation - 2 views

  • Konbini – Ed Banger 7
  • A l’occasion du 7ème anniversaire du label Ed Banger Records, la chaîne internet aux programmes complètements décalés sortira en exclusivité à partir d’aujourd’hui un épisode par jour qui retrace un jour passé avec le crew. Il y aura en tout 7 épisodes, voici le premier :
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Indiehere: Ed Banger Seven - 1 views

  • Ed Banger just released a brand new Electronic Documentary called "Ed Banger 7" and to promote it, we have a received a brand new remix of Breakbot's song Baby I'm Yours by Aeroplane. I'm including the link to the Ed Banger 7 video, we are glad this guys have moved to NYC we can only expect greatness. Breakbot - Baby I'm Yours(Aeroplane Remix)

Puedesereal: The Ed Banger 7 Series - 1 views

  • The Ed Banger 7 Series
  • La discográfica de moda, la frances Ed Banger Records celebró su cumpleaños numero 7 y lo hizo en grande con una fiesta en NY. Los invitados fueron sus propios artistas: Uffie, Sebastian, Breakbot, Dj Mehdi, Busy P, So Me, Feadz y Justice. El canal de televisión por internet Konbini documentó todo el evento y lo estarán presentando en 7 episodios a partir de 23 de Junio. Aquí uno de las series de trailers.
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Lap Lap: Ed Banger Birthday - 1 views

  • Ed Banger Birthday
  • En février 2010, on fêtait les 7 ans du label Ed Banger. Quand je dis "on" je veux dire New York. Et pour tout ceux qui ont pas pu se payer un aller retour Paris - New York + hôtel pour une unique soirée (soit pas loin de 99% de la population), Konbini nous a sorti une série de 7 mini reportage (5 minute chaque) sur l'avant / le pendant / l'après soirée anniversaire.
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MAISONHATE » Archives du Blog » etnies Presents: THE ED BANGER SEVEN - 1 views

  • etnies Presents: THE ED BANGER SEVEN 23 juin, 2010
  • Etnies et Ed Banger continue leur collaboration avec un « web documentaire » sur le 7eme anniversaire du label « THE ED BANGER SEVEN ». Durant une semaine avec 1 épisode par jour, découvrez des images exclusive de Justice, Uffie, Busy P, Dj Medhi, SoMe, Sebastian, Breakbot et Feadz.
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the ed banger seven episode one out now ! | Apocalypse party - 1 views

  • Comme nous l’avions cité lors du billet précédant, la célèbre chaîne Konbini présente le premier épisode Ed Banger tout juste posté sur la toile ce matin. Plus de 4 minutes d’images GO GO GO !!
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Etnies & Konbini present The Ed Banger Seven pt1/7 « Brand RMX Creative Conta... - 1 views

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The Ed Banger 7 | ViaComIT - 1 views

  • Quand le label Ed Banger part en vacances, le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est qu’il ne voyage pas à vide. Dans ses bagages se glissent Justice, Uffie, Dj Medhi ou Sebastian. Et dans le vanity case on trouve Busy P, So-me, Breakbot et Feadz. Alors oui, il (le label) se trouve a payer des surcharges aéroportuaires, normal quand on voyage avec du lourd.La joyeuse bande s’est retrouvée à New-York pour célébrer les 7 ans d’Ed Banger et ainsi affirmer leur « worldwide domination of the electronic music ». Tout le monde n’ayant pas pu les suivre, le label s’associe à la web TV Konbini pour offrir une mini série en 7 épisodes de la vie de nos DJ dans la grande pomme sobrement intitulé « THE ED BANGER 7 ». Mêlant concerts et scènes de vie/découverte, celle ci sera distillé a partir du 23 jusqu’au 30 juin sur le site de Konbini et de Etnies (qui a sorti une basket Ed Banger en Mai 2010). L’occasion de découvrir un peu plus personnellement les artistes tout en profitant des beautés des États-Unis.
  • When the label Ed Banger goes on vacation, the least we can say is that they not travel light. In the luggage, you’ll find Justice, Uffie, DJ Mehdi and Sebastian. And in the vanity case there’s also Busy P, So-me, Breakbot and Feadz. So yes, it (the label) is gone to pay airport surcharges, normal when you travel with sound so heavy. The merry band flought to NY to celebrate the 7 year anniversary of Ed Banger and thus assert their “worldwide domination of the electronic music”. Everyone who could not follow the label in this trip sot hey provide whith the web TV Konbini a mini series in seven episodes from the life of our DJs in the big apple simply entitled « THE ED BANGER 7 ». Combining music and scenes of life / discovery, this one will have distilled from June 23 to 30 on Konbini and Etnies website (who released a Ed Banger sneakers in May 2010). The opportunity to learn a little more personal things about those artists while enjoying the beauties of the United States.
    Bel article francais / anglais , photos, trailer

dailysession » Blog Archive » NEWS: THE ED BANGER 7 DOCUMENTARY - 1 views

  • Etnies and Ed Banger Records continue their creative collaboration with the launch of THE ED BANGER 7 a new web-documentary broadcasting worldwide on starting Monday, June 23rd 2010. 2010 is a big year for the epic label Ed Banger Records. Not only does this year mark the label’s 7th anniversary, but also the peak of their worldwide domination of the electronic music scene. With the release of Uffie’s long awaited album and Breakbot’s groundbreaking debut EP Baby I’m Yours, it is not just in Europe that Ed Rec is making its mark. From Los Angeles to Tokyo, Ed Rec mania is taking over. To mark this symbolic birthday, Ed Banger organized a huge week-end of celebration in NYC featuring the artists that have contributed in making the label a household name: Justice, Uffie, Busy P, DJ Medhi, SoMe, Sebastian, Breakbot, Feadz. Konbini, the internet’s most creative and forward-thinking Web TV has captured this unique event in electro music history in an exclusive web-documentary to be released worldwide in June 2010 only on and : THE ED BANGER 7. To create a weeklong event around the program, and to respond to the high level of enthusiasm from the fanbase, the 7 episodes of THE ED BANGER 7 will be released over one week, one episode a day from June 23rd to June 30th 2010, then available to watch and re-watch online for free on Etnies’ website and The documentary features the whole Ed Banger crew as they discover New York, the American club scene and are exposed to their rising success in the U.S. The series focalizes on real-life scenes and the chaotic and fun-filled lifestyle of professional DJs. THE ED BANGER 7 also marks another step in the already successful collaboration between Etnies and Ed Banger Records. In May 2010 the two brands released an exclusive collection of shoes under the name ETNIES and keep on strengthening their partnership in a creative and entertaining way with this original web-documentary. Sharing common skateboard roots in Paris, Pierre-Andre Senizergues of Etnies and Pedro Winter of Ed Banger are united in their passions – music and skateboarding – and will keep on exploring new territories to surprise their worldwide fanbase.
    Redif de tout le cp

etnies & Konbini present: The Ed Banger 7 « Provider Magazine - 1 views

  • Da Konbini, gli stessi ideatori della web-series Street Mapper per Citroen, con un nuovo patner che questa volta è etnies, ecco arrivare un nuovo progetto nuovamente legato al mondo della moda, vista però dal lato musicale seduti vicino alla più importante crew del momento. The Ed Banger 7 sono 7 episodi realizzati in 7 giorni di trasferta newyorkese per la EdBanger, in tour in America per festeggiare il suo settimo compleanno. Nei 7 episodi vedremo la crew della EdBanger in tutte le sue sfaccettature, focalizzando l’attenzione sul vita reale, caotica e piena di episodi, che questi dj vivono. La serie inizierà domani, oggi ci possiamo però gustare il teaser in attesa del 23 giugno.

Point Our View - 1 views

  • Round #2 Check the second episode here:
  • 7 ans/7 jours/7 épisodes Check the first one here: Je mettrais les autres liens au fil des jours
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etnies Presents: THE ED BANGER SEVEN | Hypebeast - 1 views

  • etnies Presents: THE ED BANGER SEVENby Alex Milner, June 21, 2010
  • Etnies and Ed Banger Records continue their creative collaboration with the launch of THE ED BANGER SEVEN, a new web-documentary which celebrates the label’s 7 year anniversary. To mark the birthday, Ed Banger organized a huge weekend of celebrations in NYC featuring the artists that have contributed in making the label a household name including: Justice, Uffie, Busy P, DJ Medhi, SoMe, Sebastian, Breakbot and Feadz. The 7 episodes of THE ED BANGER SEVEN will be released over one week, one episode per day, each focusing on real-life scenes and the chaotic and fun-filled lifestyle of professional DJ’s. Launching from June 23 to June 30, each episode sh
  • all be avai
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  • lable to watch online, free of charge, on both the Etnies website and over at Konbini. Enjoy this preview!
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Louis Louis Blog - 1 views

  • I bet you're like me and go and perv on the website (ed banger shop) and dream about owning the €450 varsity jacket, or the mad expensive Sebago x Ed Banger boat shoes, or even the Etnies x Ed Banger trainers? It’s true, Ed Banger do the sickest collaborations, remember those Busy P Nike Air Force One’s? Well another collaboration in the form of showing us how the Ed Banger lot likes to celebrate their seventh birthday, with the help from Etnies again and the internet’s most creative and forward-thinking Web TV website – Konbini. The worldwide success of the Ed Banger saga is mind-blowing, we all know that. From Tokyo to Los Angeles, everyone who likes electronic music, knows the notorious French party heads and their collective members – SebastiAn, Uffie, SoMe, Busy P, Breakbot, DJ Mehdi, Feadz and of course Justice.These particular members are featured in this symbolic seventh birthday celebration that took place over one weekend in NYC, Konbini and Etnies have put together seven episodes documentaries of the party and, starting from today (23rd June), will be released over the next seven days (to June 30th) – then the episodes will be available to watch and re-watch online for free on the Etnies’ website and over at “The documentary features the whole Ed Banger crew as they discover New York, the American club scene and are exposed to their rising success in the U.S. The series focalizes on real-life scenes and the chaotic and fun-filled lifestyle of professional DJʼs.” Now you may think why Etnies and Ed Banger? But it’s pretty obvious, think of the link. First off, how old are you? 18-25? You like electro music right? You used to like KoRn and Limp Bizkit didn’t you. You even used to skateboard a lot didn’t you. In fact, you used to own a couple pairs of Etnies trainers too. Yep, you’re just like me and most of my collective electronic lovers. The same goes for Pedro Winter (Busy P, Ed Banger top boy), sharing common skateboard roots in Paris with Pierre-Andre Senizergues of Etnies they are united in their passions. Music and Skateboarding – expect to see more territories explored and surprises in store.Here I have been given exclusive screenshots of the upcoming documentary and free tune giveaway of
    Article tres complete et positif, introduction du partenariat etnies
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