"# Downloads entire sites or pages with all required content.
# Downloads selected media (pictures, music, clips) from pages.
# Downloads links from a selected text/html file."
Good for downloading ePortfolio sites created with WordPress?
"HKA has for many years been looking at different options for the student e-portfolios. This year a trial of web based e-portfolios using the Weebly platform will be run in grades 5 and 6. In 2009 - 2010 grade 5 successfully used the Weebly platform to run their e-portfolios."
"The two major benefits of having a Web-Based Portfolio are:
1) They are accessible from any Internet enabled device
2) The ability to share knowledge and information with a wider audience"
"The Desire2Learn Learning Suite includes D2L's flagship learning management system (the Desire2Learn Learning Environment), analytics tool, learning repository, and electronic portfolio, all of which receive feature upgrades in the Learning Suite 9.0 release."
"I'm convinced ALL our states and schools need to implement ePortfolio systems for student assessment, to include (among other standards) the ways students as well as teachers are meeting the ISTE NETs. Without creation, there is no creativity."
"The purpose of this PDF is to help schools looking at adopting Web Based Portfolios (WBP) as a form of assessment with students over a period of time. By adopting a web-based platform as a container in which to house portfolio content, schools give students a web-based vehicle with endless possibilities to create, collaborate and communicate their learning to the world."
"» Store examples of your achievements (documents, photos, graphics, spreadsheets, web pages)\n» Create media rich Guest Views to share with family, friends, employers, faculty, and others\n» Showcase your accomplishments!"
"I wanted to tell everyone about an ePortfolio experiment we've set up with some of the Primary 6 children in Carronshore. Some of the ePortfolios can be accessed via a page on this blog and we're hoping to add more soon."
"'So - how should the pupils use the space?' After more than two years of giving children their own online spaces, you'd think I'd have been able to answer that question straight away - but I always hesitate. I'll attempt to reflect here on why that was."
Organize your resources in an online binder
"LiveBinders is your 3-ring binder for the Web
* Collect your resources
* Organize them neatly and easily
* Present them with pride"
"The e-Portfolio seems like a great way to track the development of a teaching philosophy over the course of a year and after. I am excited to create my own portfolio over the course of my student teaching next year. "