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Ihering Alcoforado

Handbook On The Politics Of Regulation - 0 views

    our new title on Political Science below.     Handbook On The Politics Of Regulation Edited by David Levi-Faur, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and the Free University of Berlin, Germany 'Political science has leap-frogged law, economics, and sociology to become the dominant discipline contributing to regulatory studies. David Levi-Faur's volume taps the rich veins of regulatory scholarship that have made this the case. It brings together the talented new network of politics scholars intrigued by the importance of the changing nature of state and non-state regulation. Their fresh insights complement important new work by established stars of the field. Definitely a book to have on your shelf when in search of exciting theoretical approaches to politics.'- John Braithwaite, Australian National University '"Regulation", in its manifold forms, is the central process of contemporary governance, as it seeks to blend the dynamism of market economies with responsiveness to political and normative demands for health, safety, environmental protection, and fairness. Understanding regulation's varieties, vulnerabilities, and virtues has become a significant focus of academic research and theory. This volume provides an extraordinary survey of research in that field - a survey remarkable in its comprehensiveness, outstanding in the quality of the contributions by leading regulatory scholars from different nations and academic disciplines.'- Robert A. Kagan, University of California, Berkeley, US 'An authoritative collection by a range of contributors with outstanding reputations in the field.'- Michael Moran, University of Manchester, UK  'This is an extraordinarily useful one-stop-shop for a wide range of traditions and approaches to the political aspects of regulation. David Levi-Faur has assembled a fine collection that by reporting on the state of the art also shows the way ahead for a discipline that has to capture and explai
Ihering Alcoforado


    Fundadores de la Socioeconomía: K. Marx (texto I), el "Prólogo…"dejar un comentario » "Prólogo a la Contribución a la crítica de la Economía Política"Sobre el concepto de "materialismo histórico" Escrito: En 1859. Digitalización: Germán Zorba. Esta Edición: Marxists Internet Archive, marzo de 2001. Mis estudios profesionales eran los de jurisprudencia, de la que, sin embargo, sólo me preocupé como disciplina secundaria, junto a la filosofía y la historia. En 1842‑1843, siendo redactor de "Gaceta Renana"[1] me vi por primera vez en el trance difícil de tener que opinar sobre los llamados intereses materiales. Los debates de la Dieta renana sobre la tala furtiva y la parcelación de la propiedad de la tierra, la polémica oficial mantenida entre el señor von Schaper, por entonces gobernador de la provincia renana, y Gaceta Renana acerca de la situación de los campesinos de Mosela y, finalmente, los debates sobre el librecambio y el proteccionismo, fue lo que me movió a ocuparme por primera vez de cuestiones económicas. Por otra parte, en aquellos tiempos en que el buen deseo de "ir adelante" superaba en mucho el conocimiento de la materia, "Gaceta Renana" dejaba traslucir un eco del socialismo y del comunismo francés, tañido de un tenue matiz filosófico. Yo me declaré en contra de ese trabajo de aficionados, pero confesando al mismo tiempo sinceramente, en una controversia con la "Gaceta General" de Ausburgo[2] que mis estudios hasta ese entonces no me permitían aventurar ningún juicio acerca del contenido propiamente dicho de las tendencias francesas. Con tanto mayor deseo aproveché la ilusión de los gerentes de "Gaceta REnana", quienes creían que suavizando la posición del periódico iban a conseguir que se revocase la sentencia de muerte ya decretada contra él, para retirarme de la escena pública a mi cuarto de estudio. Mi primer trabajo emprendido para resolver las dudas que me azotaban, fue un
Ihering Alcoforado

Edward Elgar Publishing - 0 views

    Recent Developments In The Economics Of Sport Wladimir Andreff Edited by Wladimir Andreff, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France 2011 1,192 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 436 2 Hardback $650.00 on-line price $585.00 Qty Series: The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series Description In this authoritative collection, Professor Andreff presents the most significant articles published over the last decade or so by leading scholars in the field of sports economics. The volumes cover a wide spectrum of approaches to the subject. Some articles delve more deeply into existing issues such as the economic impact of professional sport, sports events and sports facilities. Some extend sports economics into new areas such as the measurement of the overall US sports economy, the economic underdevelopment of sports in developing countries and the global trade in sports goods. Others offer a synthetic view of important recent developments in the field, including the demand for sport, facility finance, the economics of promotion and relegation in sports leagues and competitive balance. Contents 61 articles, dating from 1999 to 2009 Contributors include: A. Berentsen, J. Borland, M. Duggan, L.M. Kahn, S. Kesenne, E.M. Leeds, S.D. Levitt, H. Preuss, S. Szymanski, A. Zimbalist Futher information In this authoritative collection, Professor Andreff presents the most significant articles published over the last decade or so by leading scholars in the field of sports economics. The volumes cover a wide spectrum of approaches to the subject. Some articles delve more deeply into existing issues such as the economic impact of professional sport, sports events and sports facilities. Some extend sports economics into new areas such as the measurement of the overall US sports economy, the economic underdevelopment of sports in developing countries and the global trade in sports goods. Others offer a synthetic view of
Ihering Alcoforado

Invention and Transfer of Environmental Technologies - Books - OECD iLibrary - 0 views

    Invention and Transfer of Environmental Technologies PDF -  8.53Mb OECD Publication Date : 15 Sep 2011 Pages : 234 ISBN : 9789264115620 (PDF) ; 9789264115613 (print) DOI :10.1787/9789264115620-en Hide / Show Abstract Inducing environmental innovation is a significant challenge to policy-makers. Efforts to design public policies that address these issues are motivated by the fact that innovations can allow for improved environmental quality at lower cost. However, the relationship between environmental policy and technological innovation remains an area in which empirical evidence is scant.  Increased attention should be paid to the design characteristics of public policies that are likely to affect the 'type' of innovation induced.  The work presented in this book is brought together in five substantive chapters: environmental policy design characteristics and their role in inducing innovation, the role of public policies (including multilateral agreements) in encouraging transfer of environmental technologies, followed by three 'sectoral' studies of innovation in alternative fuel vehicles, solid waste management and recycling, and green (sustainable) chemistry. While particular focus has been placed on the role of environmental policy in bringing about the innovation documented, it is recognised that other factors play a key role in inducing innovation which has positive environmental implications.      Related links
Ihering Alcoforado

Invention and Transfer of Environmental Technologies - 0 views

    Invention and Transfer of Environmental Technologies Send Print   ISBN: 9789264115613 Release:28 September 2011   Inducing environmental innovation is a significant challenge to policy-makers. Efforts to design public policies that address these issues are motivated by the fact that innovations can allow for improved environmental quality at lower cost. However, the relationship between environmental policy and technological innovation remains an area in which empirical evidence is scant.  Increased attention should be paid to the design characteristics of public policies that are likely to affect the 'type' of innovation induced.    The work presented in this book is brought together in five substantive chapters: environmental policy design characteristics and their role in inducing innovation, the role of public policies (including multilateral agreements) in encouraging transfer of environmental technologies, followed by three 'sectoral' studies of innovation in alternative fuel vehicles, solid waste management and recycling, and green (sustainable) chemistry. While particular focus has been placed on the role of environmental policy in bringing about the innovation documented, it is recognised that other factors play a key role in inducing innovation which has positive environmental implications.   Table of contents Foreword Executive Summary Chapter 1. Environmental Policy Design Characteristics and Innovation Chapter 2. Environmental Policy, Multilateral Environmental Agreements and International Markets for Innovation Chapter 3. Innovation in Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technologies: The Role of Prices, Standards and R&D Chapter 4. Diverting Waste: The Role of Innovation Chapter 5. Innovation in Selected Areas of Green Chemistry Chapter 6. Policy Conclusions Annex A. Methodological Issues in the Development of Indicators of Innovation and Transfer in Environmental Technologies Annex B. Patent Search Strategies Annex C. Glossary of Releva
Ihering Alcoforado

SpringerLink - The Journal of Technology Transfer, Volume 28, Number 1 - 0 views

    University technology transfer activities are increasingly important as a source of regional economic development and revenue for the university. We use regression analysis, a two-stage model and the most recent data to examine the determinants of technology transfer. Our analysis strongly support four factors, not previously examined in the literature, enhancing university technology transfer: greater rewards for faculty involvement in technology transfer, location of the university in a region with a concentration of high technology firms, a clear university mission in support of technology transfer and the experience of the university's technology transfer office.
Ihering Alcoforado

Morgan & Claypool Publishers - Synthesis Lectures on Technology, Management, and Entrep... - 0 views

    Sustainable Innovation: A Guide to Harvesting the Untapped Riches of Opposition, Unlikely Combinations, and a Plan B Synthesis Lectures on Technology, Management, and Entrepreneurship May 2011, 88 pages, (doi:10.2200/S00359ED1V01Y201105TME003) Lisbeth Borbye North Carolina State University Abstract Many of us wish we could design inventions and make decisions that were optimal and sustainable, but we do not know how to begin the approach. This book offers a guide to dramatically improve the quality of innovation and solution-making through the respectful use of existing and abundant, but often-ignored, resources. Sustainable innovation is about creative combination of ideas, materials, methods, and people, courage to derive value from opposition and diversity, integrative intelligence, virtuous planning, minimal consumption of resources, and definition of alternative plans. Using the method successfully requires that we are truly interested in the common good of humankind, that we care about our environment, and that we take time to think carefully about consequences before we act, invent, or make decisions. It is a call for a much-needed collaboration between people of different backgrounds, skills, and opinions with the intent to preserve individual and local integrity and adapt a win-win mindset. Try it, and partake in its positive and long-lasting effects! Key Features - Description of sustainable innovation and the untapped innovation potential - Sustainable innovation requirements - Sustainable innovation attitudes - Step-by-step guide to sustainable innovation - Application to 21st century challenges - A global win-win scenario Table of Contents: Innovation Attitudes / Inspiration from the Natural and Behavioral Sciences / Untapped Sustainable Innovation Potential / Step-by-Step Guide to Sustainable Innovation / Notes on the Application to 21$^{st / Personal Step-by-Step Work Section / Looking to the Future PDF (343 KB) PDF Plus (344 KB)
Ihering Alcoforado

Budgeting, policy, politics: an ... - Google Livros - 0 views

    Aaron Wildavsky was one of the most innovative and prolific scholars in the field of budgeting in our time. His work spanned a period of more than forty years, and its perspectives encompassed not only budgeting in the United States, but also its comparative and historical dimensions. As a leading political scientist, his research also ranged into American political institutions, public policy analysis, leadership, and biblical studies. This book pays tribute to Aaron Wildavsky by explicating his life and work, with emphasis on his contributions to the field of public budgeting and finance. Larry Jones and Jerry McCaffery place Wildavsky's work within the context of previous work on budgeting. They show how some of the highlights of his immense output responded to and shaped questions in the field. Naomi Caiden reviews the way in which Wildavsky used budgeting as a window into other areas of politics. Richard Rose discusses how an American scholar became an internationally known one. Joseph White goes back to the beginning of Aaron's career and shows that budgeting in agencies and in Congress is still incremental for very powerful reasons. Allen Schick reviews the history of the federal budget process, brilliantly summarizing how much has changed. The festschrift poignantly assesses the significance and influence of Aaron Wildavsky's work. It also includes some excerpts from Wildavsky's own writings in this area, and experiences of those who collaborated with him. In acknowledging Wildavsky's contributions to public budgeting and political science, this book also makes an original contribution to the field. It will be a necessary addition to the libraries of political scientists, economists, policymakers, not to mention all those who admired Aaron Wildavsky and his work
Ihering Alcoforado

Deliberative freedom: deliberative ... - Google Livros - 0 views

    The first sustained look at the relationship between deliberative democratic theory and the topic of freedom
Ihering Alcoforado

Morality and political violence - Google Livros - 0 views

    Political violence in the form of wars, insurgencies, terrorism, and violent rebellion constitutes a major human challenge today as it has so often in the past. It is not only a challenge to life and limb, but also to morality itself. In this book, C. A. J. Coady brings a philosophical and ethical perspective to the subject. He places the problems of war and political violence in the frame of reflective ethics. In clear and accessible language, Coady reexamines a range of urgent problems pertinent to political violence against the background of a contemporary approach to just war thinking.
Ihering Alcoforado

Messy morality: the challenge of ... - Google Livros - 0 views

    Tony Coady explores the challenges that morality poses to politics. He confronts the complex intellectual tradition known as realism, which seems to deny any relevance of morality to politics, especially international politics. He argues that, although realism has many serious faults, it has lessons to teach us: in particular, it cautions us against the dangers of moralism in thinking about politics and particularly foreign affairs. Morality must not be confused with moralism: Coady characterizes various forms of moralism and sketches their distorting influence on a realistic political morality. He seeks to restore the concept of ideals to an important place in philosophical discussion, and to give it a particular pertinence in the discussion of politics. He deals with the fashionable idea of "dirty hands," according to which good politics will necessarily involve some degree of moral taint or corruption. Finally, he examines the controversial issue of the role of lying and deception in politics. Along the way Coady offers illuminating discussion of historical and current political controversies. This lucid book will provoke and stimulate anyone interested in the interface of morality and politics.
Ihering Alcoforado

Environmentalism and political ... - Google Livros - 0 views

    Aims to provide a detailed and comprehensive examination of the impact of environmentalism on contemporary political thought. The book sets out to disentangle the various strands of Green political thought and explain their relationship to the majo
Ihering Alcoforado

European Political Science - Abstract of article: Introduction: Approaches in the Histo... - 0 views

    The article introduces a discussion on approaches to the history of political thought based on a panel at the ECPR General Conference in Potsdam, 2009. After reconstructing the three classic approaches, the Cambridge School, the 'Begriffsgeschichte', and Foucault's Genealogy as well as more recent developments in the field, the authors outline a scheme for further methodological and comparative research. They also emphasise the importance of historical approaches for political theory and political science
Ihering Alcoforado

Perspectives on Politics - 0 views

    Perspectives on Politics is a journal of broad interest to scholars across many fields, in addition to professional political scientists, political analysts, policy makers, and the informed public. Essays synthesize and extend significant research and developments in all dimensions of political science scholarship. In many cases, the journal aims to connect research findings, conceptual innovations, or theoretical developments to real problems of politics.
Ihering Alcoforado

Money doctors: the experience of .international financial advsing, 185-2000e Livros - 0 views

    Can economics help make the world a safer financial place? Are there any trends in money doctoring? What can we learn from case studies? How is consensus about appropriate policies built? These are the main questions that this book seeks to answer. MoneyDoctorsbrings together internationally respected specialists from ecnomics, history and political science such as Harold James, Louis Pauly and Kenneth Moure. First providing a short history of money doctors, the book then goes on to cover such themes as: * the IMF and policy advice * the Russian experience * contemporary money doctors The book shows that there is still a long way to go before international financial advice develops into something that is truly helpful in the long term. Marc Flandreau has pulled together a stimulating, comprehensive and authoritative book that will be of great interest to students and academics involved in international finance and banking. Perhaps more importantly, the lessonslearn
Ihering Alcoforado

The tension of citizenship: private ... - Google Livros - 0 views

    he tension of citizenship: private man and public duty H. Mark Roelofs
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