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Aliens: Roswell UFO crash: What is the truth behind the 'flying saucer' incident? - 0 views

    There is a spaceship that looks like a flying saucer in Roswell. Thousands of motorists drive past it every day, and hundreds of people go inside.
Doc Darko

No recession for Elected Representatives - 0 views

    If you feel abandoned by the government, the truth might be that your own representatives are just selling you out. As majority of Americans get poorer, fat-cat politicians only get richer. While 250 members - nearly 50 percent - of Congress are millionaires, one-in-ten residents of Washington DC live below half of the poverty line.

Pope urges 'respect for human rights' in Sri Lanka - 0 views

    COLOMBO, Jan 13, 2015 (AFP) - Pope Francis urged "respect for human rights" in Sri Lanka and called for the "pursuit of truth" after a long civil war as he arrived Tuesday on the island for the first papal visit in two decades.
Andrey Paxton

You Rock Dave! - 2 views

started by Andrey Paxton on 14 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
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